- Traill County -

Andres [Andrew] O. Ness House - Hatton
Carl Ben Eielson House - Hatton

Amos and Lillie Plummer House - Hillsboro
O. C. Sarles House - Hillsboro (removed in 2009)

Colonel William H. Robinson House - Mayville Stomner House - Mayville

Lucken Farm - Portland

First State Bank of Buxton - Buxton

Traill County Courthouse - Hillsboro

Delchar Theater - Mayville
First National Bank - Mayville
Goose River Bank - Mayville
Great Northern Railway Depot - Mayville
Grinager Mercantile Building - Mayville
Lura Building - Mayville
Mayville Public Library - Mayville

Ellingson Farm District - Hillsboro

Grandins' Mayville Farm District - Mayville
Mayville Historic District - Mayville
Union Block - Mayville

Blanchard Bridge - Blanchard (removed in 2009)

Caledonia Bridge - Caledonia

Goose River Bridge - Hillsboro (removed in 2009)
Porter Elliott Bridge - Hillsboro (removed in 2009)

Norway Bridge - Mayville

Portland Park Bridge - Portland (removed in 2009)
Viking Bridge - Portland

Traill County's Places on National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) - Wikipedia
Twenty-Two Places Submitted 1977 - 1997

The NRHP is managed by the National Park Service (NPR). The National Archives (NARA) holds the NRHP records (through 2012 as of July 2021) and subsequent records are on the NRHP website. This website will not link to NRHP or NPR or NARA as their links are changed quite often and when found very difficult to work with. So, we use the Wikipedia (above) which is keeping excellent track of the NRHP processes.