The town of Rugby is the geographical center of North
America. A tall stone obelisk marks the location.
North Dakota was the first state to complete its
Interstate highway system.
The parking meter was invented in North Dakota
North Dakota is the only state in the nation to never
have an earthquake.
Dakota Gasification Company in Beulah is the nation's
only synthetic natural gas producer.
North Dakota has 60 wildlife refuges, more than any
other state, and all are managed for waterfowl
North Dakota has more miles of road per capita than
any other state - approximately 166 miles of road for
every 1,000 people.
If North Dakota seceded from the Union, it would be
the world's third strongest nuclear power.
North Dakota has the highest number of millionaires
per capita than any other state, and not a yuppie to
be found anywhere.
Did you know that North Dakota leads the nation in the
production of just about everything. The state is
first in spring wheat, durum wheat, sunflowers,
barley, a dry edible beans, pinto beans, canola,
flaxseed, all dry edible peas, honey, lentils and
Did you know that the highest temperature ever
recorded in North Dakota was 121 degrees at Steele in
July of 1936? Or that the lowest was -60 degrees at
Parshall during the last ice age (kidding, but not
about the temperature) in February 1936?
The fastest-growing city in the state is West Fargo,
which has soared from 14,910 residents in 2000 to more
than 21,000 last year.
What is the Sturnella neglecta? It's the scientific
name of the state’s bird. Can you name it? It's the
western meadowlark, a songbird often found on fence
posts or sign chirping away.
Fore! Did you know that North Dakota has more Golf
Courses per capita than any other state?
Ranks #1 as the safest state to live in. (Morgan
Quitno 03/05)
Is one of only eight states with a growing economy.
Ranks 6th highest in state economic competitiveness.
(Beacon Hill Institute, 12/05)
Had the second highest per capita income growth from
2000-2014. (Bureau of Economic Analysis, 2005)
Has more coastline than California due to Lake
Sakakawea! (
Fargo-Moorhead ranked as one of America's top
Business Opportunity Metros” for 2005. (Expansion
Ranks #1 for rate of high school completion (01/06
Corporation for Enterprise Development)
Is one of only two states to increase manufacturing
jobs from 2000-2014. (U.S. Dept. of Labor)
Contributed by Cynthia Maier
