STENER - The Sheriff From Telemark
A Novel By Harold Wenaas

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Chapter One contains a lot of information
on the ancestors of Stener Wenaas and those
names are not listed below
Chapter Two contains information on the
outfleeting (or exodus) of Stener's family and
those names are not listed below.

Surname - Page Number(s)
Adams - 165
Ahrlin - 195
Ames - 169
Anderson - 67, 76, 163, 195
Arnold - 167
Balken - 195
Bates - 173
Beaver - 131
Beck - 59
Beidler - 169
Bestul - 191
Bird - 129
Braathen - 76
Brown - 78, 124
Carmondy - 151, 189
Carter - 177, 178
Cass - 23
Cheney - 23
Clark - 195
Como - 120, 121
Crum - 58
Curtis - 129
Dalrymple - 23
Edwards - 148
Elliot - 155
Erickson - 71, 119, 120, 163
Evans - 23, 38, 41, 100, 104, 147, 179, 180
Evenson - 41
Fancher - 78
Fisher - 195
Flaten - 195
Gaastad (Goustad) - 87, 107, 110, 165
Ganson - 22, 25, 195
Gilberts - 192
Grandin - 18, 23, 25, 167, 168
Grinager - 99, 185
Gronlid - 56
Gullicks - 99
Gummer - 33, 99, 167-171
Gunderson - 175
Haageson - 122, 156, 163, 188
Haisley - 195
Hannaford - 178
Hanson - 75, 77
Harrington - 157
Harstad - 42, 44, 191
Hauan (Hauen) - 191, 192
Haugen - 66
Heart (Hirt) - 165
Heasley - 65
Helgo - 87
Heskin - 55, 58-59, 65-66, 68-69, 75, 77, 80, 92, 95, 141, 145, 188, 195
Hill - 26, 91
Hong - 70-74, 87, 107, 110, 119, 120, 122, 147, 181, 188, 189
Honloss - 157
Huso - 195
Ingwaldson - 69
Johnson - 64, 107, 122, 192
Jones - 151
Jordet - 88
Kaasa - 16, 18, 46
Kaldor - 195
Kelly - 76, 77
Kern - 63-65, 68, 80, 151, 195, 196
Kilgore - 77
Kindred - 167
Kopseng - 88
Kraabel - 122
Larsen - 70
Larson - 195
Lea - 195
Lee - 75
Lewis - 173, 193
Lien - 145, 150, 169
Lindaas - 23, 41, 180, 183
Lomen - 56
Louks - 157
Lowe - 76-78
Lyons - 173
McCain - 156
McConnell - 61
McGuire - 193
McIntyre - 155
Moe - 192
Montgomery - 125
Moore - 95
Murphy - 76-78
Nation - 55
Nelson - 38, 39, 42-44, 46, 47, 57, 183
Nesvig - 195
Norman - 87, 137-139, 145
O'Conner - 95
Olson - 70, 124, 125, 181, 182, 195, 196
Osmon (Osman) - 87, 195, 196
Ott - 181
Paulson - 25, 65, 74, 75
Pederson - 163, 164
Pollock - 171
Potterud - 88
Rediske - 70
Robinson - 169, 187
Rodes - 157
Rogers - 102
Rosholt - 38
Ryan - 131
Rygg - 187
Seaver (Sever) - 50, 59, 68-70, 75, 77, 80, 92, 141-143, 151, 187, 188, 190, 195, 196
Shuttleworth - 93
Skarperud - 17, 20, 22
Simile - 101
Solberg - 87
Sorum - 181, 195, 196
Springen - 99, 185
Steen - 104, 137-139
Stoa - 71
Stomner - 84, 104
Strand - 163
Sunberg - 75
Swenson - 181
Taylor - 110, 173
Tenneson (Tennison) - 69, 72, 141
Trones - 139
Venas - 47
Wadel - 124, 125
Walker - 102
Wall - 148
Warren - 77, 157, 158
White - 170, 171, 188, 190
Williams - 96
Windom - 179
Wulff - 195