Source: Unknown
Edgar M. Kent
Funeral services for E.M. Kent, resident of the Holmes community, were held Tuesday afternoon in St. John Lutheran Church with Rev. R.S. Aanestad of Grand Forks officiating. Special music was presented by the Hatton Chordsman. Burial was made in the Norwegian Lutheran cemetery north of the city.
Active pallbearers were James Beine, Duaine Gensrich, Leonard Hofstad, Phillip Haakenson, Arnold Anderson, and Clarence Aasen. Honorary pallbearers were Lockard Thompson, Carl E. Johnson, G.J. Clauson, M.S. Haakenson, Carl Anderson, Dr. A.A. Kjelland, Dr. E.N. Hegge, Louis P. Thompson, O.A. Boman, Alfred Boulden, Otto Gensrich, W.W. Reis, Elroy Schroeder, Clarence and Elmer Hjelmstad, Ralph Schroeder, Harry Ness, Eugene Leddige, Albert and Hjalmer Smestad, H.M. Nash, Alb. O. Bjertness, Royce Dean, Elmer Osking, Sr., J. O. Anderson, Eugene Anderson and G. M. Olson.
The body lay in state at the Hanson-Anderson Funeral Home in Grand Forks Monday afternoon and evening and at the St. John Church from 1 p.m. to time of the service on Tuesday. Masonic rites were conducted in Grand Forks at 10 a.m. Tuesday by members of the Acacia Lodge of Grand Forks with members of the Garfield Lodge attending.
Mr. Kent passed away in McAllen, Texas on Wednesday, March 25, where he and Mrs. Kent had spent part of the winter months. He had been taken ill the week before and was hospitalized there. His death came as a shock to his many friends in this community. With him at the time of his death were his wife and son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Berrington.
Mr. Kent was born at Portland, N.Dak. on November 11, 1884 and had made his home in this community all his life. He was the son of late James Monroe Kent who homesteaded in the Hatton area in the 1870's. For many years he farmed in the Holmes territory and after his retirement continued to live in the farm home. On June 30, 1909 he was married to Clara O. Nelson of Hatton. She passed away in 1919 and on June 18, 1921 he was married to Carrie Dean of Hatton.
Mr. Kent was active in civic and church affairs. He had served as assessor and supervisor of the township board and on the district school board. He was vice president of the Farmers and Merchants National Bank of Hatton and also participated in the activities of the St. John Church. He was also a past master of the Garfield Lodge, AF&AM of Hatton.
He is survived by his wife, one son James of Hatton; three daughters, Mrs. Leslie Hofstrand of Brinsmade, N.Dak., Mrs. J.R. Berrington of Denver, Colo., and Mrs. Robert Grina of Grand Forks; one sister, Mrs. Pearl Pilot of Spokane, Wash.; and six grandsons and two granddaughters. One son David died in 1918 at the age of three years.
Contributed by Ardy Moe
Source: Unknown
Date: 1965
Mrs. H. F. Schroeder
Mrs. H. F. Schroeder, 86, a pioneer resident of the Holmes community near here died Monday at a Northwood rest home, where she had resided for the past four and one-half years.
Mrs. Schroeder is survived by two sons Grand Forks County Commissioner Ralph Schroeder and Milton Schroeder, Grand Forks; one daughter, Mrs. Louis Beine, Reynolds; one sister Mrs. Ed Anderson, Grand Forks; 12 grandchildren and 17 grandchildren.
Mrs. Schroeder was born Barbara Klamm February 12, 1879 in Germany. She came to this country and to the Holmes community as a child. In 1899 she married H.F. Schroeder at Holmes. Her husband, postmaster at Holmes from 1900 to 1943, and she operated the Holmes Store and post office until his death in 1943. Mrs. Schroeder resided in Grand Forks from 1943 until moving to the Northwood home in 1961.
One son, former Grand Forks Superintendent of School Elroy Schroeder and two daughters preceded her in death.
Funeral services will be held Thursday at the Holmes United Brethren Church, of which she was a charter member. Officiating will be Rev. Walter Schott and Rev. C.J. Schaffer. Music was by Mrs. Elmer Ollman as organist and duets by Rev. and Mrs. Schott and Mrs. E. Rebsch and Mrs. L. Krueger. Honorary pallbearers were Ed Boe, Rudolph Zintel, Ole Lee, Arnold Nienas, Arthur Fischer and Edwin Bahr. Active Pallbearers were Oscar Hjelmstad, Elroy Lange, Harry Hjelmstad, Otto Gensrich, Marvin Rydland and Fred Schroeder. Interment was the Church cemetery.
Notes: North Dakota Public Death Index: Barbara Schroeder born February 12, 1879 died March 1, 1965.
Year of marriage in obituary does not match other records.
I don't know if it's an error in the index for the Hatton Centennial book or in the book. The index for Grimsrud (page 338) gives wife's name as Barbara Klamm. Barbara Klamm was the wife of Herman Schroeder. The Schroeder's had the Holmes Store. Grimsrud at one time owned the store. I think Herman purchased the store from Grimsrud. Ardy Moe.
Contributed by Ardy Moe
Young Man Killed
John Klamm, residing two miles southeast of Holmes in Union township, was accidentally killed yesterday morning by the accidental discharge of a shotgun. Klamm and his father were driving a wagon on which was a hayrack. In crossing a ditch the shotgun they had with them was jolted and discharged. The charge struck the young man in the neck. He lived but 30 minutes after the accident. He leaves to mourn his mother and father, three sisters and two brothers.
Grand Forks Herald, December 11, 1903
Contributed by Ardy Moe
Glenn M. Knudsvig of the Department of Classical Studies died as a result of an accident in Marathon, Fla., on July 24. He was 54.
Knudsvig, a teacher of teachers, held himself to the highest professional and personal standards and inspired others to do the same. Glenn Knudsvig was passionate about the facilitation of learning. He was sought out by students, teachers, colleagues and executives because of his compassion, willingness to listen and non-judgmental nature. He was an advocate, mentor and coach for all who were in search of bettering themselves.
Glenn understood the struggles and challenges people face and was a tremendous resource for helping them overcome personal and professional hurdles. His efforts on the behalf of family members and others were tireless and undaunting. To say that he will be missed is an understatement; his significant influence on the lives of countless persons will endure.
Knudsvig joined the the Department of Classical Studies in 1963, and served both the department and the University in many capacities during his 35-year tenure. For many of these years he was associated with the Business School as workshop director for the Executive Education Program.
He received his bachelor's degree in classical studies from Concordia College in Moorhead, Minn., in 1962. He attended graduate school at the U-M where he completed M.A. degrees in classical studies and in behavioral science. He received his Ph.D. in 1974. During this time, in addition to his appointment in classical studies, he was head of language instruction at University High School and a member of the faculty of the School of Education in the teacher training division. Other academic appointments included director of the Reading and Learning Skills Center and interim director of the English Composition Board. In 1977, he received the Distinguished Achievement Award. He received the LS&A Excellence in Education Award in 1991 and 1994. He authored numerous college textbooks with Gerda Seligson, professor emerita of the Department of Classical Studies. His most recent book is Critical Thinking: Building the Basics.
Knudsvig directed the Elementary Latin Program from 1977 until his death. Under his guidance, the program, one of the largest Latin programs in the country, developed into a model for the teaching of Latin nationwide.
His professional affiliations included membership in the American Classical League,which he served as president in 1994-98; the American Philological Association; and the American Council of the Teaching of Foreign Languages.
He served on the advisory boards of many national and international associations concerned with education, including The College Board Examination and the National Institute of Technology in New Delhi, India. He was a founder and partner in the Performance Management Group.
Knudsvig was born Dec. 11, 1940, and raised in Buxton, N.D. He is survived by his wife, Shirley, an Ann Arbor potter, and their two children, Matthew and AnnaLisa, both of Ann Arbor. Other survivors include his brother, Ardell, and sister-in-law, Sandy Knudsvig, of Crookston, Minn., and several nephews and nieces and their families.
A memorial service will be held at 3 p.m. Aug. 30 at Zion Lutheran Church. A University memorial service will be held at 2 p.m. Oct. 10 in the Pendelton Room, Michigan Union.
Memorial contributions may be made in Knudsvig's name at the Lutheran Campus Ministry, 801 S. Forest Ave., Ann Arbor, MI 48104.
Contributed, Adapted, and Transcribed from the The University Record, August 19, 1998 - Department of Classical Studies, University of Michigan by Mike Peterson.
Source: Unknown
Mrs. B. Hegstad
Funeral services for Mrs. Bjarne Hegstad, 49, who died Thursday at a Mayville hospital were held at 2 p.m. Monday at the Stjordalen Lutheran Church, near here, with Rev. Win Mott officiating. Mrs. Hegstad died Thursday, October 29 at the Mayville Hospital. She had been ill for the past year and one-half.
Pallbearers were Tony Hallan, James Krogstad, Oscar Hjelmstad, Edwin Hjelmstad, Orville Forseth and Wallace Hjelmstad. Mrs. Gordon Saure was at the organ and Rudolph Running was soloist. Burial was made in the church cemetery.
Mrs. Hegstad (Mabel Krogstad) was born May 25, 1915 near Reynolds. She grew up there and was married to Bjarne Hegstad in 1935. The couple farmed in Morgan township east of Hatton.
She is survived by her husband; one son, Joseph of Washing, D.C.; three daughters, Ardis, at home; Mrs. Dale Enger and Mrs. Wayne Domier, both of Mayville; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ole Krogstad of Reynolds; three brothers, Joe, Oliver and Adolph, and one sister, Mrs. Melvin Hjelmstad, all of Reynolds, and four grandchildren.
The Arnett Funeral Home of Northwood is in charge of arrangements.
Contributed by Ardy Moe
Source: Unknown
Ole Krogstad
Funeral services for Ole Krogstad of Grand Forks were held Saturday afternoon, November 28, at the Stjordalen Lutheran Church, rural Reynolds, with Rev. J. Gaardsmoe of Grand Forks officiating. Mr. Krogstad passed away November 24 in a Grand Forks hospital.
Pallbearers were Tony Hallan, Oscar Hjelmstad, Elmer Hjelmstad, and Ole Lee. Mrs. Elmer Ollman was organist. Rev. Gaardsmoe sang a solo and Joseph Hegstad and Mrs. Wayn Domier a duet. Burial was made in the Stjordalen churchyard cemetery.
Mr. Korgstad was born Dec. 30, 188 in Meraker, Norway and came to the United State in 1889 with his parents, the Mr. and Mrs. John Krogstad. They settled in the Reynolds community.
He was married to Mathilda Dahl of Reynolds on November 27, 1912 at the John Johnson home in Reynolds. They farmed in Union Township and moved to Grand Forks to make their home in 1948.
He is survived by his wife; three sons, Joseph, Oliver and Adloph and one daughter, Mrs. Melvin Hjelmstad, all of Reynolds; his stepmother, Mrs. Thea Krogstad of Reynolds; two sisters Mrs. John Hjelmstad of Grand Forks and Mrs. Herman Ostrom of Pine City, Minn. He was preceded in death by one daughter, Mrs. Bjarne Hegstad, who died October 29 of this year; one sister and one brother.
Arnett Funeral Home of Northwood had charge of the arrangements.
Contributed by Ardy Moe