North Dakota
Another USGenWeb / NDGenWeb Genealogy Project

The identity of these people is not certain. These photos were with my grandmother's things. Her father was Halvor Grogard who, lived in Traill County, east of Buxton. He had several sons and four daughters. These photos were taken in Wisconsin where Halvor lived at one time, so I am guessing they are from the Grogard side of the family.
Halvor Grogard lived in Traill County, east of Buxton. He had several sons and four daughters. Daughters Louisa married Peter Odegard, Guri married Johannes Odegard, Jorgine married John Lerom, and Helen married Iver Gruah. Halvor was married first to Aase Sandersdatter, then to Agot Levorsdatter.
Data On This Page Contributed By Sally Hoffman, Descendant