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Aadalen Lutheran
Aadalen Lutheran Church
I could not find any info on this church, but believe it is closed. The building is locked.
Directions: Just south of Fairdale on County 22. Building is on east side of road.

Adolphus Lutheran
Adolphus Lutheran Church
Also known as Gustavus Adolphus ALC. I could not find any info on this church and believe it is closed. The building is locked.
Directions: On County 24 about two miles north of ND 17 on east side of road.

Hitterdal Lutheran
Hitterdal Lutheran Church
This church was founded in 1887 and closed in 1985. Saved from destruction by a local farmer. Building is unlocked.
Directions: ND 32 to Cty 1. Go west. Turns into Cavalier County 32. Church is on south side of road.

Hoff Lutheran
Hoff Lutheran Church
Founded in 1893 and still holds services. Building is unlocked.
Directions: Signs on ND 17 & Cty 15. On 122nd Ave.

Hvideso Lutheran
Hvideso Lutheran Church
Church founded around 1884 and is closed. Building is unlocked.
Directions: Go north on ND 18, then west on County 9. Turn north at County 12 and west on 77th St.

North Trinity Lutheran
North Trinity Lutheran
Founded in 1893. On the National Register of Historic Places. No longer holds services. Building is unlocked.
Directions: West of Nash, just south of County 9 on 143rd Ave.

Odalen Lutheran
Odalen Lutheran Church
Founded in 1884. Church built in 1897 and the basement was hand dug in 1916. No longer holds services and is on the Natl. Register of Historic Places. Building is unlocked.
Directions: On 123rd Ave north of County 9. Church is on east side of road.

Park Center Church
Park Center Lutheran Church
Est. in 1880. Services are held here every other week from around May through October. Building is unlocked.
Directions: On Cty 9 east of Edinburg/west of Hoople.

Pleasant Valley Church
Pleasant Valley Lutheran
Founded in 1880. Parochial school was taught during the summer months & first English services were held in the 1930s. Closed in 1980. Listed as one of Preservation North Dakota's top three most endangered places in 2004. Building is locked.
Directions: About one mile south of ND 17 on ND 32. Church is on east side of road.

Quale Lutheran
Quale Lutheran Church
I don't have much info on this church. It was founded around 1884. The building is locked, and I believe they still hold services here.
Directions: There is a sign on ND 32 at 55th St. Follow this and go north on 123rd Ave.

St. Catherines
St. Catherine's of Lomice Catholic Church
Founded in 1916. The church was built between 1934-1937 from area fieldstones. They no longer hold services and the building is unlocked.
Directions: Cty 22 south of Cty 15. East on 61st St. Church is on south side of road.

St. Joseph's Chapel
St. Joseph's Chapel
Founded in 1907 as "a place for the faithful who pass by." Mass is held once a year in June for fair weather and good crops. Listed on the Natl. Register of Historic Places. Building is unlocked.
Directions: On Cty 2 just south of Cty 15 (East of I-29).

St. Peter
St. Peter Lutheran Church

Saints Peter & Paul Catholic Church
Saints Peter & Paul Catholic Church
Founded in 1886. Church was rebuilt, but not sure when. Site named Bechyne after a place of pilgrimage in Bohemia. Rotates services with Lankin & Pisek. Building is unlocked.
Directions: On County 19 west of ND 32/east of ND 35. Will be signs (that say Bechyne).

Sarepta Lutheran
Sarepta Lutheran Church
I don't have any info on this church. It was established in the 1880s. The building is locked.
Directions: ND 35 to east on 65th St. Church is on north side of road.

 South Trinity Lutheran
South Trinity Lutheran Church
Founded in 1879, this church still holds services. The windows and altar painting are the same as North Trinity. The building is unlocked.
Directions: 2 miles south of ND 17 on County 8.

Vang Lutheran
Vang Lutheran Church
Founded in 1900. This church closed in 1995. The building is unlocked.
Directions: County 22 south of ND 17, then east on County 22A.

Zion Lutheran
Zion Lutheran Church
Founded in 1879, services are still held here. Haven't checked to see if this is locked.
Directions: on County 11 just east of ND 18. Church is on the south side of the road. There is a sign on ND 18.





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