Walsh County References and Volunteers
To request a lookup from any of the references, click
on the address of the owner and ask them politely.
As you can see, volunteers are needed. If you have
reference materials which you feel would be of value to
those researching ND and, in particular, Walsh County
and would be willing to do lookups, send a message to Available with particulars. Requests for census
searches must be limited to one surname and one
township. A general search of the county will not be
made. However, all names found in a household resulting
from a surname search will be included.
Owner/Email |
1880-1940 census, military, plat map, land holders & obituaries The
Walsh Co 100 year Books all four Vols, The Grafton 100 year book and the Pisek
100 year book are included entirely in my DB. The 100 yr books for Marshall Co
and Roseau Co Poles and Czechs are also in my DB |
Marty Byzewski  |
The1910 US General Census, Walsh Co |
US Government |
Joe Zsedeny |
Walsh heritage : a story of Walsh County
and its pioneers |
Edited by Gunder V. Berg.
Publisher: Grafton N.D. : Walsh County
Historical Society, c1976-1981 |
Dennis McLane |
Genealogy Index, 1600 - 1900s |
Broderbund (GRL) |
Zsedeny |
The Smileys
of Annahilt and others. Includes the Samuel
Newell Family of ND |
Lorne C.
Elder |
Steve Zedney |
Norwegian Lookups. I have micro films
of Vaage, Sel, Heidal in Oppland (Christians)
1741-1872. I also have the films for Aalen,
Singaas, &Holtalen in SorTrondelag cnty
(Trondheim)1750's-1870's. I have records for
Vinje, Telemark & Boe Telemark.These records
contain birth, christening, confirmation,
marriage, death and moving in or out of the
parish. The following needs to be included when
they email me: To have a successful search for
ancestors you will need to include complete
information. Many times I can only find your
ancestors by linking them with their parents,
bros, sis, spouse, children and when known, all
dates of events like birth, and marriage. If any
farm names are known or localities this is also
helpful. Please refer to Curt. |
Norwegian |
Paulson |
Cemetery Inscriptions. Walsh County.
** Please put "Walsh Co. lookup" as the subject
of your request |
Red River Valley Genealogical Society |
Saxby |
The Edinburg Story, Edinburg's 75th
Anniversity June 26 and 27, 1957 1882-Diamond
Jubilee-1957 |
Gerald Bartram |
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Co. Home Page

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