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Compiled by Hugh MacDougall |
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This information was compiled from the Federal and State Census records for Otsego County,
New York, from 1790 to 1925. There are inevitable errors, some resulting from poor quality
microfilm images of the census records, others from transcription errors of all sorts.
Users finding errors of any sort are invited to communicate with Hugh MacDougall, so that
they can be corrected.Return to Black Census Home Page
State Census for 1925
Contents: Towns of Burlington [no Blacks] | Butternuts [no Blacks] | Cherry Valley
[no Blacks] | Decatur [no Blacks] | Edmeston | Exeter | Hartwick [no Blacks] |
Laurens [no Blacks] | Maryland [no Blacks] | Middlefield [no Blacks] | Milford |
Morris [no Blacks] | New Lisbon [no Blacks] | Oneonta City | Oneonta Town | Otego
[no Blacks] | Otsego | Pittsfield | Plainfield | Richfield | Roseboom [no Blacks] |
Springfield [no Blacks] | Unadilla | Westford [no Blacks] | Worcester [no Blacks] |
RecapitulationKEY Election District Address (Number [if any], Street or Road) and [Name, and occupation of White Householder) P&L-Page and Line Numbers (xx-xx) NAME-Name (other members of household indented) R-Race (B=Black, M=Mulatto, W=White, In=Indian, Ch=Chinese) S-Sex (M=Male; F=Female) AGE-Age (in years) STATUS-Status (head, or relationship to head of family) OCCUP-Work Classification (X=unemployed; W=worker; OA=own account; E=employee)-Occupation (occupation or in school) NOTE:All persons are presumed listed to be citizens, born in the US, unless otherwise indicated.P&L NAME R S AGE STATUS OCCUPBurlington-NONE Butternuts-NONE Cherry Valley-NONE Decatur-NONE Edmeston 2nd Election District Maple Avenue [Horace Roberts] 1 44 HOLMES, Carrie B F 51 servant W-servant Exeter 2nd Election District Richfield Springs RD 4 25 HALL, Adam In M 40 lodger W-farm worker [alien (b. Canada (French), in US 7 years] 6 16 HOMER, Henry C. In M 41 head OA-farm laborer 17 Amelia S. In F 41 wife X-housework 18 Louisa M In F 20 dau. X-housework 19 Adeline J. In F 13 dau. X-in school 20 Henry Jr. In M 4 son 21 Jerry In M 1 son Hartwick-NONE Laurens-NONE Maryland-NONE Middlefield-NONE Milford 1st Election District East Main Street, Milford village 8 25 RIPLEY, Nelson B. M M 65 head X-retired minister 26 Emma W F 65 wife X-housework ------- Hill (?) Road [Nettie Cummings] 11 27 MONROE, Harriet B F 62 servant W-housework Morris-NONE New Lisbon-NONE Oneonta City 1st Election District (Ward 1) 12 Hunt Street 11 15 BREESE, Henry T. B M 48 head W-utility worker 16 Helen A. B F 46 wife X-housewife 17 Mary E. B F 12 dau in school 18 Thomas H. B M 11 son in school 19 Cora M. B F 10 dau in school 20 Roselie H. B F 3 dau home 21 Robert C. B M 24 bro W-utility worker 22 Carlton C. B M 21 bro W-porter 2 Knapp Avenue 11 28 BUCK, Joseph B M 64 head W-teamster 29 Alice M. B F 55 wife X-housework 30 Lionel J. B M 3 son home 31 YOUNG, Roy B M 39 head W-useful man, D & H RR 32 SPRING, Alonzo B M 43 head W-fireman, D & H RR 33 WILLIAMS, Len B M 35 head W-labor for city 34 ELMANDORF, John B M 34 head W-fire cleaner, D & H RR 35 Irene B F 32 wife X-housewife 36 Karlton B M 11 son in school 37 Annita B F 8 dau in school 38 Dorothy B F 7 dau in school 39 Fred B M 5 son home 40 Marshel B M 3 son home 226 Main Street 49 40 CHOW, John Ch M 25 head OA-laundry man [b. Cuba, cit. in 1907] 2nd Election District (Ward 2) 5 East Center Street 2 22 SMITH, Wendell W. B M 22 head W-supply man, D & H RR 23 Georgiannya W F 23 wife X-housework 24 Alberta F. B F 4 25 John W. B M 1 1st Election District (Ward 3) 30 Walnut Street [Bertius C. Lauren, merchant] 29 49 MONROE, Maggie B F 35 servant W-general housework 1st Election District (Ward 4) 1 Benton Avenue 1 48 HARRIS, David B M 42 head W-janitor 49 Edith B F 37 wife X-housework 50 Helen M. B F 13 dau in school 2 1 Ruth A. B F 11 dau in school 2 Earl A. B M 3 son 3 KING, William B M 37 lodger W-building laborer 6th Election District (Ward 6) 6 Grace Place 5 32 JACKSON, Charlie B M 34 head W-fire cleaner in RR engines 33 Cecil B F 29 wife X-housework 34 Charlie B M 13 son in school 35 Carrie B F 10 dau in school 36 Julia B F 8 dau in school 5 37 CANINE, Arthur B M 54 head W-sand drier, D & H RR 38 Carrie Williams W F 54 wife X-housework 39 HICKEY, Ada B F 26 step-dau W-servant (housework) 40 Arthur B M 10 gr-son in school 41 CANINE, Albert B M 35 bro/lodger W-chef 42 DORSEY, John B M 32 lodger W-laborer in garage 11 Grace Place [Joseph Fuller] 5 46 BALL, Clarence B M 40 lodger E-boot black Oneonta Town Election District 2 East Street Road 7 21 GORDON, Charles W.B M 28 head W-chauffeur 22 Dona H. B F 27 wife W-housework 23 Ethel L. B F 11 dau in school Election District 3 Otego RD 2 20 46 VINING, Ella B F 37 head W-laundry woman 47 Myrtle B F 13 dau in school 48 Lillian B F 12 dau in school 49 Naomi B F 7 dau in school 50 Oliver H. B M 2 Otego-NONE Otsego 2nd Election District 50 Chestnut St., Village of Cooperstown [Fanna L. Dewar, nurse] 12 7 JONES, Harriet E. B F 30 servant W-housework Pittsfield 1st Election District 12 3 SPAFFORD, Odell B M 39 head OA-farmer 4 Lizzie B F 38 wife X-housework 5 Lyle E. B M 8 son in school 6 Lola B F 4 dau 7 Jennie W F 69 mother X-housework Plainfield 1st Election District 12 6 NICOLS, Dewey B M 26 head W-farm laborer 7 Winfred B F 24 wife OA-housework [sic] 8 Levina B F 3 dau 9 Mary B F 2 dau 10 Dorothy (?) B F 2 dau 11 Daniel B M 20 [sic] son X Richfield 1st Election District Ann St., Richfield Springs 2 43 TEABOUT, Richard E. B M 51 head OA-cook 44 Bessie B F 44 wife X-housework Sylvan St., Richfield Springs 6 13 TEABOUT, William B M 56 head W-machinist 14 Stella B F 30 sister W-R. nurse Canadarego Street, Richfield Springs 7 32 TITUS, Jennie B F 33 head OA-laundress 33 Paul B M 19 husband W-labor, auto body work 34 ROBERTS, Harry B M 15 son W-day laboring 7 46 LAWRENCE, Esther B F 81 head OA-laundress 14 26 DIGGS, Sadie B F 43 head OA-laundress 21 4 LAWRENCE, Ester B F 71 head OA-laundress (Johnson St.) RR 3 [Edmund D. Derthick, farmer] 19 41 ROBBINS, Fred B M 40 hired man W-farmer Canadarego Park 20 10 PASSEY, John B M 40 W-farm labor 2nd Election District Prospect St., Richfield Springs 4 9 TEABOUT, Grace B F 46 head W-dressmaker 10 May B F 44 sister W-dressmaker 11 Anna B F 42 sister W-dressmaker 12 George B M 48 bro W-farm laborer Roseboom-NONE Springfield-NONE Unadilla 2nd Election District Upper Rodgers Hollow 10 45 BELLAMY, Geo. J. B M 59 head W-farm laborer 46 Edith B F 40 wife X-housekeeper 47 John C. B M 7 son 48 Mary E. B F 4 dau 49 Margaret E. B F 1 dau 3rd Election District Adams Street, Village of Unadilla 8 22 BROWN, Sarah B F 74 head OA-laundress Westford-NONE Worcester-NONE Recapitulation (African-Americans in Otsego County, 1925): Town Male Female Total Burlington 0 0 0 Butternuts 0 0 0 Cherry Valley 0 0 0 Decatur 0 0 0 Edmeston 0 1 1 Exeter 0 0 0 [plus 7 Indians] Hartwick 0 0 0 Laurens 0 0 0 Maryland 0 0 0 Middlefield 0 0 0 Milford 1 1 2 [plus 1 white family member] Morris 0 0 0 New Lisbon 1 1 2 Oneonta City 25 17 42 [plus 1 Chinese and 2 white family members] Oneonta Town 2 6 8 Otego 0 0 0 Otsego 0 1 1 Pittsfield 2 2 4 [plus 1 white family member] Plainfield 2 4 6 Richfield 7 9 16 Roseboom 0 0 0 Springfield 0 0 0 Unadilla 2 4 6 Westford 0 0 0 Worcester 0 0 0 TOTAL: 42 46 88