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"1892 Portrait & Biographical Album of Genesee, Lapeer & Tuscola Counties, Chapman Bros", in Michigan. BENJAMIN F. JUDSON, well-to-do farmer residing on section 35, Mundy Township, Genesee County, is a son of the late George Judson, who was born in
Butternuts, Otsego County, N. Y., November 7, 1810. His father, the grandfather
of our subject, by name Silas B. Judson, was a native of Connecticut and born of English parents. The parents of our subject were married in Genesee County, this State, and located
in Mundy Township, where they cultivated an excellent farm and resided until
their death, the father dying in 1874 and the mother March 29, of the same year.
The maiden name of Mrs. Judson was Emily Skinner and her birth occurred June 11,
1812, In Detroit. the parental family included seven children, six sons and one
daughter, of whom Benjamin F was the fourth in order of birth. Benjamin F. Judson was born in Mundy Township, Genesee County, April 2, 1845, and was reared to farm pursuits on the old homestead where he now makes his home. His parents were among the earliest settlers of Genesee County, the father having taken up land from the Government as early as 1834. He was a candidate for the Legislature but was defeated by the Republicans. He was Supervisor of his township for many years and all in all was
a progressive and public-spirited man.
Our subject was married in Mundy Township January 23, 1869, to Miss Mary E.,
daughter of Cyrus and Julia Ann (McGowan) Hewitt, the father born in New York
State, March 27, 1808, and the mother in Jerusalem, N. Y., October 8, 1812. They
were early settlers of Mundy Township, having come here as early as 1836. They
made this their abiding place until their death, the mother passing away
December 18, 1871, when in her fifty-ninth year, and the father dying December
11, 1890, ages eighty-three years. The family of Mr. and Mrs. Hewitt consisted
of four sons and two daughters, of whom Mrs. Judson was the fourth in order of
birth, having been born in Mundy township, March 14, 1847. After the marriage of our subject he located upon the old homestead where he has
since lived. He then became the parent of three children, Burton s., who was
married September 29, 1891, to Miss Lottie F. Charters; Hewitt C. and John R.
Mr. Judson has always followed farming pursuits, but has combined with that
occupation the running of a gristmill, and in both has been very successful. His
farm now numbers two hundred and five acres. In politics he is a stanch
Democrat, although he reserves the right to vote for the candidate whom he
considers will best fill the position. Our subject is a half-brother of William
Ray, whose biography will be found elsewhere in this volume. Contributed by Colleen Mysliwiec. She is not related to the family.