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Biography Contributed by Rene' Treffeisen |
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Christopher Foland is a retired farmer of the village of Worcester,
where he removed in 1889. He was born in Sharon, Schoharie
County, April 27, 1817, and in that county received his
education. When he was fifteen years old he was brought by his
parents to Otsego County, they settling in Cherry Valley. He
lived there on a farm until 1862, then removed to the town of
Worcester, where he purchased 122 acres of land, upon which he
lived until he retired from active life. He afterward sold the
place. Mr. Foland is a son of Zachariah and Elizabeth (Hone) Foland, both
natives of Dutchess County, NY, but reared in part in Sharon.
There they were married, and some time afterward removed to
Otsego County. During the latter years of their lives they lived
in the town of Roseboom, the former dying when he was
eighty-eight years and six months old, and his wife when upward
of eighty. They were members of the Presbyterian Church. Henry
Foland, father of Zachariah Foland, was a native of the State of
New York, and was married in Schoharie County to Miss Maria
Platner. They were among the first settlers in the town of
Sharon, where they resided until death. They were members of the
Presbyterian Church. To them were born ten children, four of
whom are yet living. Christopher Foland was the second son and child. He was married in
Cherry Valley to Miss Catherine Preston, who was born in Roxbury,
Delaware County, September 15 1823, and was quite young when her
parents brought her to Cherry Valley. Her parents were Reuben
and Elizabeth (Wilder) Preston. After living in Cherry Valley
for some years they removed to Worcester, where they both died,
at the age each of seventy-eight years. Mr. Preston was a
blacksmith most of his life. He and his wife were well known as
good, honest people, and were Methodists in religion. They
reared eleven children, five of whom are yet living. Mrs. Foland
was the fourth of the family, and is the eldest one living. She
is the mother of eleven children, all living and in prosperous
circumstances. They are as follows: Mary is the wife of Albert
Gross, who served his county in the army four years during the
rebellion. Alfred is in the feed business in Worcester. He
enlisted in the 76th New York Volunteer Infantry, served four years, and
escaped with only a slight wound. He enlisted January 6 1862,
Colonel Green, of Cortland, being the commander of his regiment;
his Captain was A. L. Swan, of Cherry Valley. The regiment
fought at Gainesville, Va., August 28 1862, where it met with
some loss. The next battle was the second Bull Run, and he also
participated in the battles of South Mountain, Antietam,
Fredricksburg, Chancellorsville, and other battles and skirmishes,
including the campaign under Burnside and McDowell.. He served three
years, then veteranized, and was transferred to the 147th New York
Volunteer Infantry, was afterward transferred to another regiment,
and was honorable discharged in Washington, DC June 25 1865, having
taken part in the Grand Review in May previous. With the exception
of a slight wound by a spent ball at Hatcher’s Run, he escaped unhurt
during his entire service of three years and six months. He has been
promoted to Sergeant before his discharge. He was a charter member
of Johnson Post No. 25 G.A.R., and has served in this post as Officer
of the day, as Vice Commander and Commander, and has been
Quartermaster for some years. This it will be seen that his war
record is especially creditable, and one of which he may justly feel
proud. He married Jeskie stores. Meriman is living in Beaver,
Tillamook Col, Oregon, and is a farmer. He served three years in the
war of the Rebellion, was wounded and captured at the battle of
Vicksburg, but was fortunately exchanged without landing in a rebel
prison. Since the war he has been successfully engaged in farming.
He married Mary Hanor. Lucy is the wife of Jerry B. Smith, a farmer
in the town of Worcester; he served four years in the war of the
Rebellion. Fannie is a widow, and lives in Oneonta; Jennie is the
wife of Elmer Washburn, and is living at Gloversville, NY; Frank is a
farmer in the West; Katie is the wife of Prof H. L. Tipple, Principal
of the Union Schools at Worcester; James now lives in Gloversville,
and is a carpenter; Frederick is a farmer of Beaver, Oregon; Jettie
is the wife of Wilton A. Hanor, also a farmer of Beaver, Oregon. MR.
and Mrs. Foland are members of the Congregational Church. Mr. Foland
is a Republican in politics.