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Hamilton D. Carr Biography Contributed by Rene' Treffeisen |
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Hamilton D. Carr was born in Laurens, Otsego Co., NY, October 16, 1849. His father,
Alfred Carr, was born September 13, 1813, and, as far as can be ascertained, in Rhode
Island. He was a son of George and Mary (Brightman) Carr, who came to New York early
in their married life, and settled on wild Government land. George Brightman, the
father of Mrs. Carr, and his brother Isaac, were among the first settlers of this
county and town. They came here about 1794, and the daughter of the former and his
son in law soon afterward joined them. George Carr and his wife were Quakers, and
came to his county provided with means, with which they bought a farm. Some years
later, after adding other land, they had a fine farm of 240 acres. They had a family
of four sons and five daughters, of whom three sons and three daughters grew to
mature age. Of these nine children three pairs were twins. One son and two
daughters died in infancy. George and Mary Carr died in middle life, Mr. Carr dying
first. Alfred Carr was married July 2, 1837, at Oneonta, to Margaret Burnside, daughter of James
and Mary (Price) Burnside, who were from Albany County, of which county she was a
native. The were of Scotch ancestry, and came to Otsego County at an early day.
Alfred Carr and wife began wedded life in Laurens, and were the parents of six
children, of whom our subject was the fifth child and first son. They buried one
infant daughter, and the other five are still living, viz: Amanda, wife of Edwin
Maples, on the old farm; Mary E., wife of Oscar maples, brother of Edwin; Frances E.,
wife of Lewis Pixley, a farmer near by; Hamilton D.; and William H., a farmer living
just east of Laurens. Alfred Carr and his wife died on the old farm. Hamilton D. Carr was reared on the farm, and had good educational facilities in his
youth, attending select school after learning what he could at the district school.
When he was twenty-two years old he entered upon the mercantile business for himself
at Laurens. He was married, July 2, 1873, to Miss Maples, of the family mentioned
above. She is a daughter of Amos and Elida (Mickle) Maples, of Hartwick, where Mrs.
Carr was born. Her father was a farmer, and died in the village of Hartwick, January
27, 1866, at the age of sixty-one. His widow is still living, and residing with her
daughter Ada, wife of William H. Carr. She is the mother of eight children, of whom
six are living. She is now seventy-three years old. Mr. Carr and his brother,
William H. built the Carr Block, one of the best business blocks in the town. It is
63x38 feet in size, two stories high, and has a cellar under all. In this block he
and his brother were in business together one year, when he sold out to William H.,
and accepted a position tendered to him of telephone manager for Otsego, Delaware and
Chenango Counties. The telephone business he found in bad shape, but soon brought
order out of chaos, and placed it on a systematic and paying basis. During the first
year of his service in this connection he constructed other lines, living in Oneonta.
He then returned to Laurens, and bought a part of the old home farm, and followed
farming three years. In the spring of 1887 he sold the farm, and went to the
territory (now State) of Washington, on a prospecting tour, but soon returned home,
and bought a farm in the town of New Lisbon, on which he lived three years. He then
removed to Laurens, and purchased the interest of his brother in the business block,
and began again as a merchant. After being engaged in business two years, he sold
his store in the fall of 1890 to Hand & Harrison, and is now renting them the block.
Mr. and Mrs. Carr have two children, viz: Bertha, a young lady at home, and June H.,
at home and attending school. Mr. Carr is about to establish a baking powder factory
in Laurens. He is a Republican in politics, and was elected a Justice of the Peace
in 1877, and re-elected in 1881.