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Biography Contributed By Rene' Treffeisen |
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H. E. Bailey, one of the well-known men of Unadilla, of which place he is a leading
druggist, has been engaged in the drug business there for the past eleven years.
He carries a first-class stock of drugs, together with books, stationery, etc., and
everything kept by a druggist. his business career began in Unadilla in 1866, at
which time he formed a copartnership with William H. Emory, under the firm name of
Emory & Bailey. Mr. Emory had previously for some thirty years been engaged as a
successful dry goods merchang, the leading one of the place. The firm of Emory &
Bailey existed for five years, when Mr. Robinson purchased the interest of Mr. Emory,
after which the business was continued as a general store, under the firm name of
Bailey & Robinson, for eleven years. In the meantime a destructive fire broke out,
May 11 1879, and destroyed their store, which, however, they rebuilt, putting up a
fine two-story brick block, sixty feet deep, it being known as the Bailey & Robinson
Block. In 1882 the firm dissolved partnership, Mr. Robinson becoming a dry goods
and clothing merchant, and Mr. Bailey druggist and stationer, Mr. Bailey remaining
alone in the business until February 1, 1893, when he took as a partner his son
Frederick, both father and son being registered pharmacists. Mr. Bailey was born in Masonville, Delaware County, fifty-three years ago. September
26, 1862, he enlisted in Company B, 144th New York Infantry, Captain Deveraux, and
Colonel Robert S. Huston. This regiment, after completing its organization, started
for the seat of war, and was placed in defense of the capitol at Upton Hill, Cloud's
Mills, and Vienna, Va., until the spring of 1863, when it was sent to Norfold, Va.,
where it remained during Longstreet's siege of that place. From May 7th to May 31st
it was in General Gordon's command, and stationed at West Point, Va. It participated
in General Keyes' demonstration against Richmond, and joined the Army of the Potomac
at Berlin, Md., in July. August 6th the regiment was assigned to the Department of
the South, and immediately embarked on transports for Folly Island, S. C., reaching
there on the 12th, when it was sent to Morris Island, and there performed the arduous
duty required of it in the trenches, during a part of Gilmore's bombardment of
Charleston. During the winter of 1863-64, the Delaware County "boys," with other
troops, were engaged in demonstrations against Seabrook and John's Island. On
February 15, 1864, the regiment was sent to Florida, where it was chiefly engaged
in raiding until the following June, then returned to Hilton Head, where it had
its headquarters until June, 1865. The latter part of 1864 was devoted to
co-operative movements under General Dick Foster, with General Sherman, at Honeyhill,
Deveaux Neck, Coosawhatchie, and other places. In February, 1865, they were again
on James Island, and at the time General Sherman was marching triumphantly through
South Carolina, the 144th New York was at Bull's Bay, along the banks of the Santee
River and the Atlantic Coast, under command of the gallant General Porter, doing
excellent service for the Union. The 144th bore an honorable part in the following
engagements: Morris Island and siege of Charleston, S. C., in August and September,
1863; John's Island S. C. in July, 1864; Honeyhill, November 30, 1864; Deveaux
Neck, S. C., December 6-8, 1864; Coosawhatchie, December 9, 1864; James Island,
February 10, 1865, and was honorable discharged and mustered out of service July 13,
1865. The members of this regiment have ever since held a place in the hearts of
the loyal people of Delaware County. Mr. Bailey enlisted as a private soldier, but for meritorious conduct was promoted
from time to time, and when discharged he was First Lieutenant in command of his
company. He was wounded three times, once by a cannon ball. During the battle of
Honeyhill, while helping a crippled officer to a place of safety, a cannon ball
passed through the body of the officer and burned the cheek of Lieutenant Bailey,
doing him no serious injury, while the comrade was, of course, instantly killed.
Lieutenant Bailey remained in the hospital but two days, when he rejoined his
regiment, and was with it in all of its battles and skirmishes until it was discharged. Returning home after his discharge he decided to engage in the mercantile business,
and has been an active business man ever since. He has been devoted to the interests
of his town and village of Unadilla, and has, ever since his majority, been a Democrat.
He was married in this town to Miss Caroline A. Odell, who was born in Sidney, and
received her education at the Unadilla Academy. Since her marriage she has been
devoted to the interests of her husband and family, and has been a true helpmate in
every sense of the word. She is a daughter of Dr. Evander Odell, a prominent pioneer
settler of Unadilla, who was for many years on of the leading physicians of this and
other towns. he was also associated with the Academy at Unadilla, as he was with all
matters pertaining to the welfare and progress of his village. He died when about
seventy-six years old, in 1883, his widow surviving him for some years. She died in
1893, aged seventy-eight. Her maiden name was Mary A. Mulford. Mr. and Mrs. Bailey are prominent in society, and active members of the Episcopal
Church in Unadilla, Mr. Bailey having served as vestryman. They are the parents
of two children, a son and daughter, viz: Frederick, who is now associated with his
father in the drug business, and Josephine, an accomplised and educated young lady
of twenty years, residing with her parents.