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Town of Morris 1872-1873 Contributed by Jean Chapman Snow |
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Explanations: Directory is arranged as follows: 1. Name of individual or firm. 2. Jpost office address in parenthesis. 3. Business or occupation A Star (*) placed before a name, indicates an advertiser in this work. Figures placed after the occupation of farmers, indicate the number of acres of land owned or leased by the parties. Names set in CAPITALS indicate subscribers to this work. The word Street is implied as regards directory for the villages.
Otsego County Business Directory 1872-3 Morris, pp 201-208 (Post Office Addresses in Parentheses) Adams, Geo., (Morris) teamster Adams, O. Mrs., (Morris) milliner and farmer 330, Main Aldrich, Dennis J., (Morris) farmer leases 56 Aldrich, Job, (Morris) hop raiser and farmer 56 Aldrich, Sylvester, (Morris) carpenter and farmer leases 65 ALLEN, BENJ. T., (Morris) assessor, prop. saw mill, general speculator and farmer 113 Angell, James R., (Morris) retired farmer, Main Angell, Jonathan, (Morris) farmer Aplin, Alanson, (Morris) hop raiser, dairyman and farmer 100 Applin [sic], Geo., (Morris) farmer leases 70 Arnold, Chas., (Morris) farmer 50 Arries, Alex., (Morris) leases 112 Avery, Asahel, (Morris) photographer, Main Avery, Nelson, (New Berlin Center, Chenango Co.) farmer AYER, CHAS. Rev., (Morris) pastor Baptist Church Babcock, Lucy Mrs., (Morris) resident Bagg Bros., (New Berlin Center) Chenango Co.) (William H. and Stanley) farmers lease 196 Bagg, Gamaliel, (Morris) farmer 76 Bagg, Henry, (New Berlin Center, Chenango Co.) hop raiser, dairyman and farmer 196 Bagg, Nathaniel B., (South New Berlin, Chenango Co.) manuf. hand sleighs Bagg, Stanley, (New Berlin Center, Chenango Co.) (Bagg Bros.) Inspector of elections Bagg, Wm. H., (New Berlin Center, Chenango Co.) (Bagg Bros) Bailey, Caleb, (South New Berlin, Chenango Co.) hop raiser and farmer 70 Bailey, Chas., (South New Berlin, Chenango Co.) carpenter Bailey, Jared, (South New Berlin, Chenango Co.) farmer 30 and leases 93 Bailey, Legrand, (Morris) saw mill and farmer Bailey, Leray, (Nw Berlin Center, Chenango Co.) farmer 120 Bailey, Squire, (South New Berlin, Chenango Co.) inspector of elections and farmer leases 80 Bailey, Stephen, (South New Berlin, Chenango Co.) dairyman and retired farmer 80 Baldwin, Lewis, (Morris) farmer 7 Baldwin, Milo, (Morris) dairyman and farmer 90 Baldwin, Wm., (Maple Grove) dairyman and farmer 158 Barker, Loring, (Maple Grove) postmaster, manuf. agricultural implements and farmer 9 Barr, H.H., (South New Berlin, Chenango Co.) farmer leases 40 Barr, Wm. M., (South New Berlin, Chenango Co.) farmer Barrett, Geo. M. (Morris) wooden manuf. and farmer 56 Barrett, James H., (Morris) manuf. wooden ware, Broad Barrett, Samuel E., (Morris) blacksmith Bassett, L.D., (Morris) dentist, Main Bauff, Edward, (Morris) farmer 100 Beadman, John, (South New Berlin, Chenango Co.) farmer 16 Becker, Eugene, (Morris) butcher and wooden ware manuf., Hargrave Beekman, David, (Morris) (Beekman & Ward) Beekman & Ward, (Morris) (David Beekman and John A. Ward) dry goods, groceries and ready-made clothing, Main Beers, Oliver, (Morris) farmer 100 Bell, George, (Morris) hop raiser and farmer 60 Belmelly, Chas., (Morris) farmer 2 ½ Bemiss, Thompson, (Morris) farmer 109 3/4 Benjamin, Andrew, (Morris) chairm maker and farmer 1 BENJAMIN, GEORGE, (Morris) prop. chair and cabinet ware manufactory, and farmer 9 BIDWELL, HORACE, (Morris) farmer Bill, J.C., (Morris) saw mill and manuf. of brackets, mouldings &c. Bishop, Ann Mrs., (Morris) occupies 6 acres Bishop, Chas. H., (Morris) dairyman, farmer 6 and leases 100 Bishop, Lewis C., (Morris) wooden ware manuf. and farmer 12 Bourne, Cyrus, (Morris) hop raiser and farmer leases 50 Bourne, Danford, (Morris) dairyman, farmer 150 and (with John Colvin) cheese factory Bourne, Hosea, (Morris) farmer 50 Bourne, Philo, (Morris) farmer 29 BOWNE BROS., (Morris) (Charles A. and John) dairymen and farmers 250 BOWNE, CHAS. A., (Morris) (Bowne Bros.) attorney and counselor at law Bowne, Isaac L., (Morris) carpenter BOWNE, JOHN, (Morris) (Bowne Bros.) Braley, Jesse P., (Maple Grove) carpenter and farmer 3 ½ Braley, Olney, (Butternuts) farmer leases 102 Breed, Henry O., (Butternuts) farmer leases 5 Breffle, Gordon, (Morris) carpenter and farmer Breffle, Spencer, (Morris) farmer Breffle, Wm. F., (Morris) farmer 112 Bresee, Daniel J., (Morris) (Bresee & Harris) Bresee & Harris, (Morris) (Daniel J. Bresee and Chancey S. Harris) undertakers and cabinet makers, Broad Bridges, Nathan, (Morris) lawyer and justice of the peace, Main Briggs, Nathan H., (Morris) carpenter, Hargrave Brooks, Lyman, (Morris) farmer 5, Main Brooks, Wm R., (Morris) farmer 67 Brown, Steven M., (Morris) carpenter BROWN, WM., (Butternuts) farmer leases 50 Brownel [sic], David, (Morris) retired farmer Brownell, Hiram, (Morris) farmer 25 Bugby, Lyman T., (Morris) farmer 106, Water Bundy, Hosea, (Morris) farmer 250 Bunn, A.C., (Morris) physician, surgeon and coroner, Main Bunn, W.E. & Co., (Morris) (Walter H. Bunn) hardware, stoves and tinware, Main Bunn, Walter H.., (Morris) (W. E. Bunn & Co.) Bunnell, Samuel H., (Morris) carpenter and farmer 2 3/4 Burdick, Nelson, (Morris) farmer 50 Burgess, Albert, (Morris) carpenter Burgess, Hiram, (Morris) farmer Burlingame, Tracy, (Morris) saw and cider mills and farmer 5 Busby, Richard, (Morris) farmer 66 Butler, Edwin, (Morris) wooden ware manuf. Butler, Francis, (Morris) wooden ware manuf. Buzzell, John D., (Morris) blacksmith and farmer 50, Broad Camp, Chas., (New Berlin Center, Chenango Co.) farmer 60 Camp, Harrison, (New Berlin Center, Chenango Co.) carpenter, farmer 80 and (with A. Skinner) cheese box factory, grist and saw mills Camp, Henry, (New Berlin Center, Chenango Co.) farmer Card, Stephen, (Morris) farmer Card, W. P., (Morris) carriage maker, Broad CARPENTER, S.P. (Morris) editor of Morris Chronicle, Main Casler, John, (South New Berlin, Chenango Co.) farmer Caswell, John B., )(Morris) chair maker and farmer 2 ½ Chaffee, Henry, (Morris) farmer Chaffee, J.D. (Morris) hop raiser, dairyman and farmer 114 Chapin, Almon, (Morris) carriage maker CHASE, HENRY, (Morris) mule spinner Chase, Jothan [sic], D., (Morris) dairyman and farmer 76 Chase, Newell H., (Morris) farmer 2 ½ Church, Ervin, (Morris) farmer 67 1/4 Churchill, Geo., (Morris) miller Churchill, James, (Morris) farmer leases 140 Churchill, Richard M., (Morris) farmer Churchill, Wm., (Morris) farmer leases 90 Clark, Burt, (South New Berlin, Chenango Co.) farmer Cogshall, Jacob, (Morris) farmer 72 Colburn, Elijah, (Morris) farmer leases 140 Cole, John, (Morris) farmer 70 Cole, Richard, (Butternuts) dairyman and farmer 200 Collar, Aaron B., (Morris) hop raiser and farmer 114 Collar, Duane, (Morris) hop raiser and farmer 50 Collins, Jabez, (Morris) farmer 40, West. Colvin, Christopher, (Morris) wooden ware manuf. and farmer 49 Colvin, Geo. I., (Morris) hop grower, dairyman and famrer 100 Colvin, Geo. M., (Morris) farmer Colvin, John, (Morris) (with D. Bourne) cheese factory, dairyman and farmer 145 Cook, Harvey G., (Morris) (Pope & Cook) Cook, Harvey W., (Morris) dairyman, hop raiser and farmer 148 COOK, J.E., (Morris) (A.G. Moore & Co.) Cook, Samuel T., (Morris) farmer 13 Cooley, Richard, (Morris) jewelry, fancy goods, musical instruments &c., Main Cooper, James C., (Morris) tailor, Main COYLE, JAMES, (Morris) mule spinner in cotton factory Cramer, S.A. Mrs., (Morris) milliner and dress maker, Main Crawford, Lewis, (Morris) farmer Creedon, Timothy, (South New Berlin, Chenango Co.) dairyman and farmer leases 180 Cristman, Catharine Mrs., (Morris) (with heirs) farmer 50 Cristman, Urias, (Morris) hop grower, farmer 100 and leases 50 Cruttenden, Albert, (Morris) farmer leases 146 ½ Cruttenden, Hopestill, (Morris) farmer leases 146 ½ Cullen, Thos. Rev., (Morris) rector Zion’s Church Culver, Thos., (Morris) hop raiser and farmer 100 Curtis, Chas. W., (Butternuts) mason and farmer 10 DANIELS, A.E., Rev., (Morris) M. E. Clergyman, Main Daniels, John N., (Morris) dairyman and farmer 84 Davenport, Lucius (Morris) saw mill and farmer 40 Davis, Geo. B., (South New Berlin Chenango Co.) farmer 5 Davis, Jonah, Mrs., (Morris) farmer 100, Church Davis, Luther J., (Morris) blacksmith, Grove Davis, Nelson B., (South New Berlin Chenango Co.)farmer 56 Davis, Samuel, (South New Berlin Chenango Co.) farmer 5 Davis, Wm. J., (Morris) dairyman and farmer 5 Deming, Daniel T., (South New Berlin Chenango Co.) farmer 28 Denning, Chas. L., (Morris) hop grower and farmer 80 Denning, Samuel, (Morris) hop grower and farmer 56 Dixson, [sic] Henry J., (South New Berlin Chenango Co.) constable and farmer 80 Dixson, Samuel R.., (Morris) commissioner of highways, dairyman and farmer 80 Dolman, R., (Morris) carpenter and machinist Draper, Samuel C., (Morris) dairyman and farmer 128 Duroe, Collingwood, (Morris) dairyman and farmer leases 140 Dye, David D., (Morris) paper maker and farmer 75 Edwards, Orville, (Morris) cooper Edwards, Wm., (Morris) farmer Ehle, David W., (Morris) butcher, Main Eldred, Andrew, (Morris) dairyman and farmer 110 Eldred, John, (Morris) hop raiser and farmer 200 Elliot, Geo., (Morris) hop raiser, dairyman and farmer 196 Falls, Chas., (Morris) farmer Falls, Richard, (Morris) dairyman and farmer 100 Falls, Scott, (Morris) farmer Fenton, M..W.D., (Morris) printer, Third Flagg, Deloss L., (Morris) carpenter, corner Church and High Flagg, James H. (Morris) (Flagg & Son) Flagg, Jonathan, (Morris) (Flagg & Son) Flagg, Orson, (Morris) farmer 1, Main Flagg & Son, (Morris) (James H. and Jonathan) hop raisers and farmers 70 Fleming, Benjamin, (Maple Grove) farmer 40 Fleming, Wm., (Morris) cattle dealer and farmer 50 Folts, Jacob, (Morris) retired farmer 70 Folts, Spelman, (Morris) hop raiser, dairyman and farmer 240 Folts, Thurlow, (Morris) dairyman and farmer 113 Foot, Albert, (Morris) mechanic and farmer Foot, Daniel, (Morris) farmer 62 Foot, Reuben, (Morris) hop raiser and farmer 1 Foot, Sedate, (Morris) farmer 84 FOOTE, LUCIUS, (Morris) farmer 26 Ford, Albert H., (South New Berlin, Chenango Co.) dairyman and farmer 200 Ford, E.J., (Morris) carriage maker Ford, Geo., (South New Berlin Chenango Co.) farmer Fox, C.W., (Morris) (Fox & Matteson) Fox, David, (Morris) cooper, dairyman and farmer 118 Fox & Matteson, (Morris) (C.W. Fox and Merritt Matteson) physicians, Main Franchot, Elizabeth Mrs., (Morris) resident, Church FRANCHOT, J.A. MISS, (Morris) resident,Church Furbush, John, (Morris) hop raiser and farmer 58 Gage, Chas., (South New Berlin Chenango Co.) shingle manuf. Gage, Wm., (South New Berlin Chenango Co.) blacksmith Gardner, Chas. B., (Morris) dairyman, farmer 73 ½ and leases 225 Gazlay, J.H., (Morris) cheese manuf. Genung, Benj., (Morris) farmer George, George, (Morris) farmer 60 Gifford, Christopher, (Morris) watch repairer Gifford, Jefferson, (Morris) farmer 8 Gifford, William, (Morris) wooden ware manuf., Lake Gilbert, Butler, (Morris) dairyman and farmer 200 Gilbert, Morris, (Morris) dairyman and farmer 173 Goodrich, George N., (Morris) farmer 60 Goodrich, Lucius, (Morris) farmer Goodrich, Menzo D., (Morris) butcher Goodwin, Aner [sic] L., (South New Berlin Chenango Co.) farmer 130 Goodwin, Charles, (South New Berlin Chenango Co.) farmer leases 130 GRAFTON, EDWIN, (Morris) carriage and ornamental painter, Broad Gray, Albert J., (Morris) principal Union School Green, Nelson, (Butternuts) farmer 40 Greene, Reuben, (Morris) farmer 3 Greene, Wm. P., (Morris) hop raiser and farmer 60 Greig, Orlando H., (Morris) shoemaker Griffin, Chas., (Morris) painter and farmer 2 Griffin, Wm., (Morris) machinist and farmer 5 Haight, David, (Morris) farmer 17 Haines, Geo., (Morris) carpenter and farmer 15 HALL, A.L., (Morris) wooden ware and cabinet manuf., and produce dealer, West Hall, Geo., (Morris) carpenter, Water Hall, Geo. W., (Morris) sas mill, carpenter, hop raiser and farmer 116 Hammond, Henry, (South New Berlin Chenango Co.) farmer 95 Hargrave, James R., (Morris) shoemaker Hargrave, William, (Morris) shoemaker, Broad Harrington, E.M., (Morris) tinsmith Harrington, W. H. Rev., (Morris) pastor Universalist Church Harris, Albert A., (Morris) tinsmith Harris, Chancey S., (Morris) (Bresee & Harris) Harris, Leonard, (Morris) farmer 45 Harris, Reuben, (Morris) farmer 103 Harris, Wm., (Morris) farmer 98 Harris, Zalmon, (Morris) dairyman and farmer 160 Harrison, Horace (Morris) retired farmer 146, Main Hathaway, Hiram, (Morris) hop raiser and farmer 25 Hathaway, Orlando, (Morris) farmer 130 Hawkins, Uriah, (Morris) carpenter HAWVER, R.J., (Morris) grist mill, Lake Hay, John D., (Morris) dairyman and farmer 225 Hay, John T., (Morris) teacher Hay, Walter S., (Morris) teacher and farmer leases 225 Henderson, Cyrel, (South New Berlin Chenango Co.) farmer 100 Hendrix, Adelbert, (Morris) farmer 15 Hewel, M. J. Mrs., (Morris) seamstress and laundress, Main Hickok, Horace J., (Morris) farmer 5 0 and leases 500 Hoffman, John C., (Morris) tanner and currier Hike, Jonas, (Morris) farmer HOLCOMB, EDGAR, (Morris) manuf. croquet and wooden ware Holden, Alpheus, (South New Berlin Chenango Co.) retired farmer Holdredge, J. E., (Morris) tailor, Main Holiday, Chas., (Morris) dairyman and farmer 133 Hopkins, Abram C., (Morris) farmer leases 61 Hopkins, C. J., (Butternuts) dairyman and farmer leases 200 Hopkins, Leonard, (Morris) farmer 61 Hopson, E.A., (South New Berlin Chenango Co.) carpenter Houghtailing, Abram B., (Morris) farmer 80 Houghtaling [sic], Geo., (South New Berlin Chenango Co.) carpenter and farmer 30 Houghtaling, Peter, (Morris) hop grower, dairyman and farmer 150 Howland, Albert, (Morris) farmer Howland, Wm., (Morris) wheelwright Hull, Clark B., (Maple Grove) farmer Hull, Josiah B., (Maple Grove) farmer 52 Hurlbutt, Abraham E., (Morris) dairyman and farmer 175 Hurlbutt, E. F., (Morris) farmer leases 175 Hurlbutt, Harvey, (Morris) farmer 109 Hurlbutt, Wm, H., (Morris) farmer 107 Jackson, Daniel, (Morris) farmer 100 Jaquish, Daniel H., (Morris) carriage maker and farmer 8 Jaycox, Margaret A., (Morris) sa mill and farmer 5 Jacox [sic], Thos., (Morris) saw mill and farmer 37 Jacox, Wm., (Morris) physician and farmer 415 Johnson, Frederick, (Morris) dairyman, hop raiser and farmer 109 Johnson, Israel R., (Morris) farmer Johnson, Moses T. (Morris) farmer Johnson, Perry, (Morris) farmer Johnson, Rha [sic], (Morris) retired farmer, Grove Keith, Horace, (Morris), farmer 45 KELLER, JOHN N., (Morris) farmer leases 260 KELLOGG, EZRA, (Morris) farmer 50 Kellogg, Joel, (Morris) farmer Kenyon, J.P., (Morris) druggist, Main Kidder, Edward P., (Morris) mason Kidder, Major H.P., (Morris) carpenter Kilkennie, Dennis, (Morris) dresser tender in cotton factory Kinney, C. G., (Morris) farmer, Main Kinney, Chas. P., (Morris) hop raiser and farmer 40 Kinney, Oliver P., (Morris) farmer, High Kirkland, Wm., (Morris) farmer 6 LAKE, CHARLES, (Morris) farmer Laurence D.I.. (Morris) drugs, groceries and fancy goods, Main Lee, R. H., (Morris) (Lee & Yates) Lee & Yates (Morris) (R. H. Lee and W. H. Yates) carriage makers and dealers in srings, axles, iron &c. Broad Leggett, Isaac, (Morris) farmer 104 LEONARD, RUSSELL, (Morris) prop. cotton factory in Pittsfield, dairyman, farmer 230 and (with W. F.) Prop. cheese factory, Broad LEONARD, W. F., (Morris) (with Russell) cheese factory Leonard, W. T., (Morris) prop. cotton factory, saw mill, grist mill, general store and farmer 600 Lewis, Israel P., (Suth New Berlin Center, Chenango Co.) farmer 23 Lewis, Nelson, (South New Berlin Center, Chenango Co.) carriage makers Lewis, Sarah Mrs., (Morris) farmer 1 Light Bros., (Maple Grove) (John and Chas.) Farmers lease 65 Light, Chas., (Maple Grove) (Light Bros.) Light, John, (Maple Grove) (Light Bros.) farmer 200 Light, Wm B., (Maple Grove) printer, hop grower and farmer 65 Little, James, (Morris) merchant tailor, Main Lucus, John, (South New Berlin Center, Chenango Co.) shingle manuf. and farmer 1 Lull, Abigail, (Morris) farmer 65 LULL, EDWARD, (Morris) farmer 25 and leases 100 Lull, Ezra, (Morris) farmer 150 Lull, Ezra, Jr., (Morris) farmer leases 150 Lull, Henry J., (Morris) woolen factory and farmer 15 Lull, Jacob K., (Morris) retired tanner, boot and shoe dealer and farmer 4 LULL, J.M., (Morris) dealr in dry goods and groceries, pres’t. Soldiers’ Monument Association, and Pres’t. Hillington Cemetery, Main Lull, Nathan, (Morris) carder, dairyman and farmer 140 Lull, Oliver T., (Morris) farmer 260 Luther, Moses H., (Morris) stone cutter, wagon and sleigh repairer, Grove Lynch, S.A. Mrs., (Morris) resident, Third MANN, CHANCELLER [sic], (Morris) prop. of Morris Hotel, Main Manning, John P., (Morris) carpenter, corner Broad and Lake Mansfield, Isasc, (Morris) supervisor and farmer 78 Matterson, Andrew Pl, (Morris) farmer 96 Matterson, Edward, (Morris) farmer 52 Matteson, Benj. H., (Morris) hop raiser, dairyman and farmer 150 Matteson, Henry S., (Morris) sealer of weights and measures and farmer leases 150 Matteson, Joshua D., (Morris) retired hat manuf. and farmer 5, Church Matteson, L.C., (Morris) sawmill, carpenter and farmer 31 ½ Matteson, Merritt, (Morris) (Fox & Matteson) Matteson, Otis B., (Morris) prop. Holmesville Tannery and dealer in produce, wooden ware &c Matteson, S.S., (Morris) general merchant Matthews, Henrietta and Marietta Misses, (Morris) farmers 6, Main Maxum, C. H., (Morris) harness maker, Third Maxum, Charles H., (Morris) carpenter, Water McCard, Jesse, (Morris) farmer McIntier [sic], Parley, (Morris) farmer, West MCINTYRE, HENRY, (Butternuts) farmer McNitt, Nelson, (Morris) dairyman and farmer 210 MERRIMAN, ISAAC, (New Berlin Center, Chenango Co) dairyman and farmer 110 Merriman, R.R., (New Berlin Center, Chenango Co.)dairyman and farmer 53 MICKEL, ARTEMUS, (Butternuts) farmer 18 Mickle [sic], Ira H., (Morris) hop raiser and farmer 80 Millard, Nathan (Morris) farmer 50 Millard, Thos., (Morris) farmer 50 Miller, Alvin, (Maple Grove) hop raiser and farmer 87 Miller, Benj., (South New Berlin, Chenango Co.) farmer Miller, Josiah, (South New Berlin, Chenango Co.) dairyman and farmer 150 Minor, Clinton, (Morris) farmer leases 280 Mitchel, Joseph, (Morris) farmer Moffeit [sic], Wesley, (Morris) wooden ware manuf. and farmer 53 Moffet, Richmond, (Morris) saw mill and farmer 42 Monroe, Hiram, (Morris) mason and farmer Moody, Lucius, (Maple Grove) blacksmith Moore, A.C., (Morris) retired farmer, Broad MOORE, A. G. & CO., (Morris) (J.E. Cook) bankers, Main Moore, Chester, (Morris) farmer 133 Moore, Nathaniel, (Morris) (Moore & Thurston) farmer 173 Moore, Orrin H., (Morris) dairyman and farmer 100 Moore & Thurston, (Morris) Nathaniel Moore and Alfred Thurston) general merchants, Main *MORRIS CHRONICLE, (Morris) Main, S.P. Carpenter, editor MORRIS HOTEL, (Morris) Main, Chanceller Manu., prop. Morris, J.R., (Morris) dairyman and farmer 150 *MORRIS LIVERY STABLE, (Morris) J. W. Still, prop. Mott, Joseph, (Morris) expressman, Water Mudge, Ransom, (Morris) farmer Murdock, S. W., (Morris) dry goods, hats, caps, boots and shoes, Main Myrick, Orlando, (Morris) retired carpenter Newton, Horatio P., (Morris) farmer 50 Nooning, Alanson, (Morris) farmer 2 Osborn, Asel, (Morris) dresser tender in cotton factory and farmer 1 3/4 OTSEGO HOUSE, (Morris) E.L. Payner, prop., Main Ott, Michael, (Morris) hop raiser and farmer 60 Palmater, Amos, (Morris) carpenter and wooden ware manuf. Palmater, Wm., (Morris) manuf. wooden ware, Water Palmer, A.P., (Morris) (Palmer Bros.) Palmer Bros., (Morris) (W. H. and A.P.) (with heirs) farmer 225 Palmer, W. H., (Morris) (Palmer Bros.) Parcell, A.L., (Morris) hand sleigh manuf., Water Parcel, Isaac R., (Morris) farmer 10 Parcell, P.J. Mrs. (Morris) farmer 5 1/4 Patrick, John J., (Morris) farmer 180 PAYNE, E.L., (Morris) prop. of Otsego House and farmer 14, Main Payne, Helen Miss, (Morris) milliner and dressmaker, Main Pearsall, Mary Mrs., (Morris) hop raiser and farmer 126 Pearsall, Nelson B., (Morris) hop raiser, dairyman and farmer 140 Perine, Peter S., (Morris) carpenter Perkins, Willis, (Morris) hop raiser and farmer 100 PERRY, H.M., (Morris) farmer 4 Perry, James, (Morris) dairymand and farmer 522 PERSONS, PETER, (Morris) carpenter and joiner Phelps, James, (South New Berlin, Chenango Co.) farmer 62 Philips [sic], Reuben W., (South New Berlin Chenango Co.) farmer 99 Place, Gilbert, (Morris) blacksmith Platt, Chas. G., (Maple Grove) farmer 1 Pope & Cook, (Morris) (James Pope and Harvey G. Cook) boots and shes, Main Pope. Hamilton, (Morris)flour and feed, Main Pope, James, (Morris) (Pope & Cook) Porter, Jacob G., (Butternuts) hop raiser and farmer 120 PORTER, V.D., (New Berlin Center, Chenango Co.) farmer 10 POTTER, GILBERT, (Morris) general speculator, Harbrave Potter, O.R., (Morris) general speculator Potter, Royal, (Morris) farmer, High Potter, W.M., (Morris) prop. of Louisville House, Main Quinby, Thomas, (Morris) carpenter Radley, Aaron, (Morris hop raiser and farmer 50 Ramsdell, Nehemiah, (Morris) wooden ware manuf. Rawlins, Alpheus, (Butternuts) farmer leases 180 Reave, Ellis, (Morris) farmer 107 Ridley, T.A., (Morris) cabinet maker and wooden ware manuf., West Ripley, Benj., P., (Morris) printer, High Rockwell, Harvey W., (Morris) farmer leases 133 Rood, Martha Mrs., (Morris) retired farmer Root, Wm.G., (Morris) farmer ROSE, ADAM, (Morris) farmer Rotch, Francis (Morris) farmer occupies 150 Rowe, Thomas (Morris) cooper and farmer Sage, Deborah Mrs., (South New Berlin Chenango Co.) (with heirs) farmer 1 Sample, Wm., (Morris) cotton spinner, Lake Sanderson, Leroy, (Morris) machinist Sanderson, Rufus, (Morris) farmer 7, Lake Scribner, John M., (Morris) farmer occupies 6 Scudder, Edwin L., (Morris) shoemaker Seely, John F., (Morris) carpenter and farmer 15 Sergeant, H., (Morris) postmaster, Main Sergeants [sic], Ira M., (South New Berlin Chenango Co.) dairyman and farmer leases 200 Sergeart [sic], Isabel Mrs., (South New Berlin Chenango Co.) farmer 50 Shaw, John, (Morris) dairyman and farmer occupies 150 SHAW, LEWIS N., (Morris) carder in cotton factory Shaw, Peter, (Morris) dairyman and farmer 133 ½ SHAW, WM. W., (Morris) farmer Sheff, Albert, (Morris) farmer leases 50 Sheff, Charles, (Morris) carpenter Sheff, George, (Morris) dairyman and farmer 62 ½ Sheff, George H., (Morris) blacksmith Sheff, Russel M., (Morris) farmer 52 Shelland, James C. Rev., (Morris) pastor M.E. Church, Broad Sherborne, F.W., (South New Berlin Chenango Co.) dairyman and farmer 103 Sherman, S. Miss, (Morris) dress maker, corner Third and West SHOLES, ANDREW J., (South New Berlin Chenango Co.) farmer 55 and leases 156 Skinner, A., (New Berlin Center, Chenango Co.) (with Harrison Camp) cheese box factory, grist and saw mills Smith, Benj., (Morris) carpenter and farmer 12 Smith, Chas. J., (Morris) farmer 51 SMITH, DAVID D., (Morris) farmer 100 Smith, F.A., (Morris) overseer of weaving in cotton factory SMITH, IRA, (Morris) teacher SMITH, JACOB, (New Berlin Center, Chenango Co.) farmer Smith, Jacob, (Morris) retired tanner SMITH, SILAS, (Butternuts) farmer 17 Smith, Silas S., (Morris) farmer leases 126 Smith, Wm., (Morris) farmer 100, Broad SNOW, NEWTON, (Morris) supt. Cotton factory Southern, James, (Morris) hop raiser and farmer 50 SPAFFORD, ANSON, (Morris) (Wenmoth & Spafford) farmer 3 ½ Spear, H.S., (Morris) farmer occupies 175 Starr, Bera, (Morris) (Starr Bros.) Starr Bros., (Morris) (Geo. And Bera) hop raisers and farmers 130 Starr, David, (Maple Grove) farmer 50 Starr, Geo. (Morris) (Starr Bros.) Starr, Gould, (Morris) farmer Starr, Henry, (Maple Grove) hop raiser and farmer 47 Starr, Samuel S., (Maple Grove) retired farmer Stenson, Francis F., (South New Berlin Chenango Co.) carpenter, hop grower and farmer 56 Stevens, John H., (Morris) farmer 6 ½ Stewart, T.E., (Morris) overseer of spinning in cotton factory Stewart, Wm., (Morris) farmer 5 Stewart, Wm. J., (Morris) machinist and farmer 27 Stewart, Wm. J. Jr., (Morris) machinist and farmer *STILL, JOHN W., (Morris) physician and surgeon, and prop. Morris Livery Stable, Broad St. Mary, M., (Morris) chair maker Stone, E.M. Mrs., (Morris) tailoress Stone, Wm. J., (Morris) painter and farmer Stranahan, James W., (Morris) retired farmer Sutherland, A.R., (Morris) teacher and farmer 30 Sutherland, Reuben, (Morris) farmer Sweet, Elijah P., (Morris, mechanic and farmer SWIFT, H.M., (Maple Grove) general speculator Tanner, Doolittle, (Morris) farmer Taylor, Wm., (Morris) farmer leases 230 Terry, Leroy, (Morris) farmer 27 Thomas, Alex., (Morris) farmer, Third Thomas, James, (Morris) farmer 20 Thomas, James S., (Morris) famrer 40 Thomas, John, (Morris, hop raiser and farmer 12 Thresher, Edwin, (Morris) farmer Thresher, Nathan, (Morris) dairyman, hop raiser and farmer 170 Thurston, Alfred, (Morris) (Moore & Thurston) Thurston, A.E., (Morris) painter and paper hanger, Third Thurston, D. Wesley, (Morris) mason, Third Thurston, Elijah, (Morris) carpenter, Third Thurston, Elijah, (Morris) farmer 35 Thurston, Elisha, (Morris) mason, Third Tilley, C., (Morris) cooper and famrer 50 Tillson, Albert, (Morris) farmer Tillson, Asa, (Morris) saw mill, hop raiser, dairyman and farmer 200 Tillson, A. H., (Maple Grove) dairyman and farmer 280 Tillson, Cephas S., (Maple Grove ) dairyman and farmer 162 Tillson, Chas. B., (Maple Grove) farmer 52 Tillson, Sidney M., (Morris) farmer 82 ½ Tipple, John, (Morris) retired farmer Tobey, Albert, (Morris) carpenter Tobey, Edward, (Morris) farmer 53 Tobey, Elisha, (Morris) dairyman and farmer 120 Tobey, Joseph E., (Morris) farmer leases 120 Tobey, Stephen, (Morris) dairyman and farmer 65 Tobey, Zaccheus, (Morris) dairyman and farmer 150 Tobias, D.C., (Morris) farmer 16 Toles, Nelson, (Morris) dairyman and farmer 150 Tracy, Alonzo, (Morris) farmer Tracy, Elijah, (Morris) farmer Tucker, C.L., (Morris) lumber dealer, prop. saw mill in Laurens, and farmer 25 Tucker, Robert, (Morris) farmer 3 Tucker, Robert, (Morris) farmer 50 Turner, Albert, (Morris) painter Turner Bros., (Morris) (Thos. and Leroy) hop raisers, dairymen and farmers 109 Turner, Francis G., (Morris) farmer 60 and occupies 30 Turner, Jonathan, (Morris) dairyman and farmer 130 Turner, Leroy, (Morris) (Turner Bros.) Turner, Thos., (Morris) (Turner Bros.) Turner, Wm., (Butternuts) dairyman and farmer leases 130 Turner, Wm., (Morris) shoemaker TURNEY, C.H., (Morris) prop. billiard and dining rooms, Broad Tyler, Samuel, (South New Berlin Chenango Co.) retired farmer 40 Valentine, Henry, (Morris) farmer 60 Van Deusen, Henry H., (Morris) carpenter and farmer 11, Broad Van Deusen, John, (Maple Grove) carpenter Van Rensselaer, R.H., (Morris) farmer 200, Main Vrooman, Wm., (Morris) teamster Wade, Isaac, (Morris) farmer 35 Wakefield, Hezekiah, (South New Berlin Chenango Co.) farmer leases 150 Wanzer, D.C., (Morris) farmer 80 Wanzer, Wm., (Morris) farmer 50 Ward, John A., (Morris) (Beekman & Ward) Ward, W.F, (Butternuts) dairyman and farmer 110 Washbon, H.R., (Morris) lawyer and farmer 200, Main Washbon, John G., (Morris) dairyman and farmer 240 WATERS, BENJAMIN, (Morris) farmer Weatherley, Daniel, (Morris) farmer 50 Webster, Edwin, (Morris) dairyman and farmer 100 Weeden, Peleg, (Morris) (S.G. Weeden & Co.) farmer 15 Weeden, Samuel G., (Morris) (S.G.Weeden & Co) farmer 14 Weeden, S.G. & Co., (Morris) (Samuel G. and Peleg Weeden) harness manufs. and dealers, Main Wellman, Jesse, (Morris) retired farmer WENMOTH & SPAFFORD, (Morris) (Wm. H. Wenmoth and Anson Spafford) carriage and sleigh makers, props., planing mill, scroll sawing and turning, also dealers in and manufs. of brackets, mouldings and bendins of every kind, Grove WENMOTH, WM. H., (Morris) (Wenmoth & Spafford) Wheaton, John E., (South New Berlin Chenango Co.) teacher of school and practical penmanship WHEELER, EDSON, (South New Berlin Chenango Co.) justice of the peace, hop raiser, dairyman and farmer 130 Wheeler, N.H., (South New Berlin Chenango Co.) carpenter Whitcomb, Chas. L., (Morris) farmer leases 167 Whitcomb, David E., (Morris) dairyman and farmer 167 Whitcomb, Edwin G., (Morris) farmer Wickham, Daniel, (Morris) retired blacksmith and farmer Wickham, German, (Morris) farmer 86 Wightman, Adelbert, (South New Berlin Chenango Co.) painter Wightman, Athlina, (South New Berlin Chenango Co.) farmer Wightman, Sidney R., (Morris) teacher and farmer 77 Wilcox, Monroe, (Morris) retired farmer Wilcox, Stephen (Morris) retired farmer Wing, Elizabeth Mrs., (Morris) (with heirs) farmer 40, Main Wing, Stephen D., (Morris) farmer leases 40, Main Wing, Stephen H. (Morris) retired farmer 225 Wing, Walter A., (Morris) retired insurance agent WINTER, LORENZO, (Morris) farmer 28 Winton, Amasa A., (Morris) farmer 50 WINTON, D.C., (Morris) wooden ware manuf and justice of the peace, Hargrave Winton, John, (Morris) expressman Winton, Zar, (Morris) farmer 50 Withey, Josiah, (Morris) cabinet maker and farmer 1 1/2 Wood, Erastus T., (South New Berlin Chenango Co.) painter Wood, Noah, (Morris) carding mill,dairyman and farmer 115 Yates, E.W., (Morris) retired hotel keeper and farmer 3, West Yates, Geo. A., (Morris) farmer 250 Yates, W.H., (Morris) (Lee & Yates) Youmans, Levi, (Morris) farmer Young, Chas., (Morris) farmer 3 ½ YOUNG, MOSES, (Morris) farmer