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Burlington Compiled by Rev. H.H. Fisher for the Centennial Service held at Burlington, December 7, 1893 |
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Printed at Edmeston NY
Local Power Press Print
Traditional evidence collected by Rev. C. Ayer, says the Elder Comstock of Cooper's Patent, came to Burlington Green in 1787, where he baptized a few, and gathered a small church, but dying soon after, the church became extinct. In Burlington, November 27th, 1793 at a meeting of the Baptist brethren at the house of Eben Leonard, after prayer proceeded, First to enquire what method we had best to take in
order to promote religion among us. It was concluded that it was best to form into a body and
watch over each other for good, until we could obtain letters of dismission from those
churches to which we respectively belong and then form into a church state. Second, appointed brother James Southwick to write the articles of Faith to be read at our
next meeting. Appointed next meeting at brother Leonard's Dec 7th 1793. Meeting dismissed by prayer James Southworth, Clerk - Burlington, Dec 7th, 1793 At a meeting held at the house of brother Eben Leonard, according to appointment, the following articles were read and approved:Articles of Faith
First.--We believe in one only true and infinite God and that there are three persons in the God-Head: The Father, The Son and the Holy Ghost. Second. --We believe that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament are the Word of God, and the only rule of faith and practice. Third. --We believe in the doctrine of election. Fourth. --We believe in the doctrine of Original Sin. Fifth. --We believe in man's impotency to recover himself from the fallen state he is in by
nature by his own free will and ability. Sixth. --We believe that sinners are justified in the sight of God only by the imputed righteousness of Christ. Seventh. --We believe that God's elect shall be called converted, regenerated, and
sanctified by the Holy Ghost. Eighth. --We believe that the saints shall persevere in grace and never fall finally away. Ninth. --We believe that Baptism and the Lord's Supper are ordinances of Jesus Christ and that true believers are the subjects of these ordinances, and we believe that the subjects of these ordinances, and we believe that the true mode of baptism is by immersion. Tenth. --We believe that every person before they are received into the church ought to give a reason of their hope- notwithstanding if any brother or sister is dissatisfied that church
shall not receive them until the church examine into the matter and cause of the objection. Eleventh. --We believe the brethren and sisters being in union ought to meet together to
partake of the Lord's Supper in remembrance of the broken body of Christ. Twelfth. --We believe it is the duty of Christians to observe the first day of the week as the Sabbath and to avoid all servile labor on the Lord's Day. Thirteenth. --We believe it is the duty of the brethren according to their ability to give of
their substance for the support of the gospel and relief of the poor of the church and for the
necessary use of the church. Fourteenth. --We believe in the resurrection of the dead and a general judgment. Fifteenth. --We believe the punishment of the wicked will be everlasting and the joys of the righteous will be eternal. Sixteenth. -- We believe that ministers have no right to the administration of the ordinances,
only such as are regulaly ordained by the church. Seventeenth. --We believe that brother ought not to go to law with brother but that secular controversies as well as all ecclesiastical matters be settled by the church. Eighteenth. --We believe it is the privilege of every member of the church to speak of the
glory of God. Thos who have no public gifts ought to speak by way of experience - but those
who have public gifts such as preaching or expounding ought to first be approbated by the
church before they are sent abroad in public. Nineteenth. --We believe that if one brother or sister trespass against another the offended brother or sister shall not tell it immediately to the church, but he or she shall first tell
the transgressor their fault as in Matt 18th, verses 15, 16 17 and if the transgressor refuse
to hear thee and the brethren and the church the transgressor shall be as a heathen and a
publican unto thee. But if the transgressor be public before the whole church the transgressor shall be rebuked before the whole church, for it is a public sin. But if a brother commit a sin abroad of any kind - the first brother or sister that shall
hear thereof shall go unto him or her and shall hear thereof shall go unto him or her and shall commence the labor as though it was a private thing, as before said, and if the transgressor acknowledge their fault the confession shall be as great as the transgression, all of which
ought to be done in charity in order to destroy sin and to reclaim the transgressor if
possible.We believe that no brother or sister ought to commune with any other church
except of one faith and order and that the church shall not commune with any other person or
church except of the same faith and order, so as not to give an offense to any of the brethren. I shall quote largely the language found in the record that we may be taken back to those early times. -----Covenant.
We whose names are hereunto subscribed do freely and absolutely agree to the above articles, and we do by these presents covenant to give ourselves up to God and to each other in the
fear of the Lord and to watch over each other for good as witness our hands. James Southworth Eben Leonard Jonathan Babcock Wm. Hill Henry Donehee Benjamin Wing This service closed by prayer. James Southworth, acting as Clerk. We thought best to give in the beginning of this church of the detail of its working that we may see the difficulties they had to meet in its early history. December 21st at a meeting held at the house of brother Aaron Miller, after prayer chose brother James Southworth as moderator, opened a door for any who are disposed to join with us. Brother W. Goff, Sylvanus Southworth, sister Susannah Southworth and Mariam Coe gave a reason
of their hope and were received into fellowship. Brother James Southworth, ClerkFebruary 4th, 1794.
Meeting held by appointment at the house of Brother Eben Leonards. After prayer proceeded to renew covenant. Called a vote whether it was the mind of the brethren to send to some churches of our order and inspect into our order and if found agreeable to gospel rule to fellowship us as a church. It was agreed too, and voted to send to the Baptist church in Cambridge, under the care of Elder Wm Waite, and to the church of Christ in Springfield under the care of Elder Wm. Furman, also appointed brother James Southworth to be our messenger. Dismissed by prayer.January 13, 1794
Meeting at brother Eben Leonard's. Door was opened for any who were disposed to join. Martha Wallis gave a reason of her hope and was received into fellowship, likewise Sarah Wing and Elizabeth Hill gave a reason of their hope and received to fellowship as to their
experience, and will be received in full fellowship as soon as they are baptized.It will be
observed that they are without a minister and laboring under unfavorable circumstances to
promote spiritual growth and yet were receiving members into fellowship. Their covenant
meetings were for mutual good, for prayer and watchfulness and also to faithful discipline in
living up to their articles of Faith and Covenant.March 28th 1794
At a council convened at the house of Brother James Southworth, according to adjournment,
for the purpose of inspecting into the order and standing of this church. Members from the
Springfield church, Elder Wm. Furman, Wm. Hill, John Bennett, Transient brethren,Paul Gardner,
Joseph Vaughn, Martin Luther and Josiah Matterson. Elder Wm. Furman, moderator Wm. Hill, Clerk. The counsel requested our Articles of Faith which we exhibited and read and was fellowshipped by the Counsel. The Counsel enquired into the standing of the church, and the church manifesting the same, the Council fellowshipped us as a church of Christ in gospel
order. Meeting dismissed by prayer.May 10th 1794
Appointed delegates to sit with the 2d church of Burlington to inquire into their proceedings and to give them fellowship as a church of Christ. James Southworth, Wm. Goff and W. Hill were appointed as delegates to attend, the 16th day of May next, at the house of
Paul Gardner. After due consideration concluded to send requests to sit in counsel to take into consideration the propriety of ordaining Brother James Southworth to the work of the gospel ministry. Letters of request were sent to the churches. The church at Yarmouth, Elder Nichols; New Gallaway, Elder Finch; at Springfield, Edler Furman. We see that about this time the various churches in Burlington were organized.May 16th, 1794
Received a letter from the 3d church requesting to send delegates on the 19th instant, at the house of Stephen Taylor to sit in counsel with others to examine into their order and
standing and if found agreeable to fellowship them as a church of Christ. James Southworth and Benjamin Wing were appointed delegates. About every Covenant meeting some came forward to unite with the church and seemed to be very active in all church work.June 7th, 1794
Davidly Buckly, Nathaniel Wallis and Agnes Wallis, were received as candidates for baptism. Also appointed delegates to sit in counsel with others in Richfield to fellowship them as a church of Christ. Wm. Hill and Nathaniel Walis were chosen as delegates.June 22d, 1794
The first communion season was observe. The candidates previously received were baptized by Elder Wm. Furman and communed with the church.September 5th 1794
After sermon by Elder Warden, Samuel Meacham was baptized and received into fellowship.January 3d, 1795
James Southworth, Wm. Hill, Wm. Goff and Eben Leonard were appointed to meet in conference with others at the house of Paul Gardner to consider the propriety of forming an association. Four person were received by letter into the church.Aug 15th, 1795
A request was received from the church in Cooperstown to appoint delegates to sit in counsel with others to examine into their order and standing and if thought best to fellowship them as a gospel church under the care of Brother John Bostwick, Benjamin Wing and Jonathan Babcock delegates. Delegates were also appointed to meet the church in Springfield, September 2d, to consider the forming or not forming an association. Benjamin Wing was chosen Clerk in the place of Wm. Hill. Jonathan Babcock and Benjamin Wing were chosen Deacons. At the same time and place a request from the brethren of the Town of Otsego (Cooperstown) to sit with them in the work of the Gospel Ministry. James Southworth, Ebenezer Leonerd and Benjamin Wing were also appointed to go as delegates to the association meeting to be held at the house of Paul Gardner, the seventh of Sept. next. We do not find a pastor settled over this church until 1801. Elder Jeremiah Irons was then engaged to serve the church. Although brother James Southworth had been very prominent as a leader among them with a desire on the part of the church that he should be ordained,
elder Jeremiah Irons was engaged in the winter of 1801. Agreeing to build him a convenient log
housein the Spring and to find him such provisions as the church think needful to make him comfortable. In settling elder Jeremiah Irons, they obtained 20 acres of lease land for him and agreed to clear off four acres yearly until the whole 20 acres are cleared if he should remain
with them so long, and that an equality be made upon the church to pay for it. The next year
the church met and voted to relinquish all former contracts of the land for his service in the
ministry to occupy and dispose of as he sees fit, and the church to pay him $50 for the ensuing
year for one half of the Sabbaths, one-fourth cash and the rest wheat, rye and corn. No record is left on the church book of the building of the first meeting house about 2 miles North east of this village. Meetings were held in private houses and in school houses, mostly
at the house of brother Wm. Chappel not far from where the meeting house was built. This much we learn that on July 21st, 1803, at a church meeting at the house of brother Wm. Chappel, it was voted to hold their public meetings in brother Wm. Chappel's barn until the meeting house will do to meet in, from which we conclude it was being built. Nov 17th 1803, the first mention of a meeting at the meeting house of the First Baptist church in Burlington. It is a noted fact that that same building is now standing and used for a barn. I have learned by those who are now living that they have attended meeting there and that the house was without steeple and painted yellow on the outside and went by the name of yellow meeting house. That it was never finished on the inside and that the seats were boards or slabs made in a rough manner and that there was no regular pulpit. During the ministry of Elder Irons of about three years, twenty four were received into the church. The church was now two years without a pastor, but in June 1805, extended a call to Elder Daniel Bolton in Woodstock to come and improve with us in the ministry and to pay Elder Palmer $1.00 per day for every day he improved in the ministry among us.June 25th, 1803
Church voted to give Elder Bolton a call to preach to them one year, compensation $80.00, one half in money and one half in produce. One thing is to be especially noted, that
this church were faithful in maintaining discipline and looking after those who did not fulfill
their covenant obligations. Receiving and dismissing members and labor of correction was
constant and those around and labored to support the church and its meetings under unfavorable circumstances. We find that candidates for baptism in the meantime were baptized by elder Stephen Taylor. An earnest effort was now made to obtain the services of Brother Daniel Bolton. Teams were provided to move him and family to the place. His support to be made out on the principle of equality, each member bringing in an estimate of their own property consenting to be taxed, left to the committee chooses by the church to assess. During a part of his ministry the church passed through severe trial in controversies upon the doctrine of Election resulting in the excommunication of quite a number of the leading members of the church, holding that Election followed regeneration and did not precede it. Elder Daniel Bolton served the church for about two years, closing Oct 18th 1810. In April 1810, Elder Wm. Burch commenced Labor among them. Under his labors there were many gathered in by baptism, fifteen in the month of May and nine in the month of June-- in the month of July three,--in the month of August seven. After one year's service they called him to serve another year, agreeing to give $70.00, one-fourth money, the rest provision.April 4th 1814
Elder Wm. Burch asked and receive a letter from the church to join some other church where Providence should cast his lot. This may be said to be four years of prosperity. Daniel Nickerson clerk continuously for 15 years. Remarkably faithful and accurate in the records of the church matters as reported from Covenant meetings From 1814 to 1819 we find a continued series of conflicts and trial within and without. No minister, a struggle to maintain worship and discipline.September 23, 1819
a regular Covenant meeting those present took it into serious consideration and voted to dissolve their church organization. On the 30th. inst a special meeting was called at the
house of Brother Leonard. Prayer by Elder Wm. Burch, Elder Stephen Taylor, Moderator, Daniel Nickerson, Clerk. Through the advise of these and others that by all means they keep up their church travel in the unity of the Spirit and the bond of peace. Then although without preaching kept up
regular covenant meetings. Then they recalled Elder Burch to preach to them once a month and
pay him for each time $1.50 coming from West Burlington to preach.July 10, 1823
Voted to call a counsel of ordination for Brother John Hill's. He continuing to serve, on the following January they voted to sustain him for the year to come. This was concluded and the church without a pastor. Occasional baptisms by Elder Wm. Burch, Elder Gregory, Stephen Hutchens, and Jacob Knapp. Among those baptized was Brother Nathaniel Bolton at this time. Much of incidental history is passed over till June 2, 1832 when Origin Church and sisters,
Sarah and Nancy Church united by letter. On the same day Harriet Nickerson and Aboline Lincoln were baptized by Elder Hutchess. By information given by Mr. Calvin Reed we learn that at the house now occupied by Brother L.D. Bolton a meeting was held in the season of 1832 when Elder Stephen Hutchens preached and baptized 9 in the creek near the house - Stephen Hales children, We. Hale, Eliza Hale, S.K. Hale, Ira Babcock, Harriet Babcock and Sally Babcock. He baptized also at the foot of Briar Hill, Harriet M. Reed, Asel Babcock and Rebecca Babcock.September 1832
Brother Jacob Grants came with a letter from Madison Baptist Church with a license to preach the Gospel. On the same day Roxy Bolton was baptized by Elder Gregory.March 1834
Arrangements were made with Elder Adams to preach for them one fourth of the time for $75. At this time we have the names of Deacon Bolton and Deacon Russell Babcock. Brother William Church was baptized by Elder R.T. Smith in Aug 1836. In the winter of 36 and 37 being without a minister, secured the labor of Elder Cutler and
R.T. Smith, each one-half of the time.August 1837
Brother Lorenzo Bolton told his experience and was baptized by Elder R.T. Smith. In October following, Lorinda Atwell was baptized by the same minister.July 6th, 1839
At a Covenant meeting held south of the Green in the school house, Deacon H.A. Smith presented his letter of recommend from the Baptist church in Cooperstown, requesting to unite with us. The church unanimously and cheerfully voted to receive him. Elisha Nickerson acting clerk, continuing from May 1830, until July 1842, 13 years, when death called him home.July 28th, 1839
At a meeting in the school house South of the Green a counsel was called for the purpose of setting apart Brother H. A. Smith to the work of Gospel ministry. The following churches responded, 2d Burlington, North Burlington, Edmeston, New Lisbon, Hartwick, Cooperstown, Exeter and Richfield.August 15th, 1839
The counsel convened at the Congregational meeting house, Burlington Green, for ordination service. Sermon by Brother L. Raymond, ordaining prayer by Brother G. Bridge, laying on hands by brothers Taylor and Burch. Brother D. Cutler gave the charge. Brother E. Spafford gave the hand of fellowship, Brother L. Wright addressed the church and Brother Casler offered the concluding prayer. Meetings had been held in the school house below and above the village for some time, drifting away from the old house on the hill. It seems strange that an important event as building this church in the village should not have been recorded, but I have learned from other sources, and men now living, that it was
ears and the church enjoyed great spiritual prosperity, the fruits of which continue until this day. A call was extended to Brother J.A. Pittman and an ordination Counsel convened and he was ordained April 27, 1842. This was a short pastorate of 7 months. About this time Brother Lorenzo Bolton was encouraged to improve his talent and publicly supply the desk for the time being. At the time of the death of Brother E. Nickerson, Brother We. Church was chosen clerk. Now for a time without a pastor until August 1845, when Brother John H. Palmer became pastor remaining about a year. Death and removal and other disintegrating causes reduced the church roll at this date to about 35. From 46 to 52 John Miller, pastor. Then S.A. Douglas was called to the pastorate and it was agreed to give him $200 and a house to live in. At this time Brother A.S. Bolton was chosen Deacon. Sister Emeline Park presented a letter from the church in Cassville and was received into fellowship. Counsel convened in the Baptist meeting house Jan 5th 1853, and proceeded to the ordination of Brother S.A. Douglas, sermon, Elder J. Smith. In December the same year he left the field. Baptized 7 and received 2 by letter.March 1854
Brother Samuel Seymour and wife united by letter. On May 6th, following, we are introduced to Elder R.S. Dean whose labors were much blessed to the church during a short pastorate. It was his privilege to baptize among others, N. Dorr Bolton, Richard E. Bolton and George H. Scriber Brother A. Newton was elected Deacon and Brother Henry Steelman was ordained by a counsel and the usual order of service January 11th, 1855. My own personal acquaintance commences in the fall of 1857. Invited by Deacon Newton when living and laboring at Burlington Flats, I commenced to come over to supply the church at 2 o'clock and continue to come during the Winter and the next Summer. A faithful little band were always in attendance. Deacon Albert Bolton at the head of the choir which was always at their post. The Bolton family were household words and the men who now stand in the front rank to bear the burdens and gain the blessing were then boys or young men who early learned to love the house of God. Some good was accomplished in building up the church.April 1st, 1859
Elder Geo. Evans commenced his labor with the church. A serious event for the church was experienced in the sudden death of Nathaniel Bolton, Dec 3, 1859. Some of the present active members were baptized by elder George Evans. He left this field in the spring of 1862. The church now about three years without a pastor
whenin the Spring of 65 Rev G.E. Flint came among them and commenced labor and was somewhat blesses. We find no more record until 1870, from which we judge that there were dark times. In 1871, Rev Henry Steelman returned and became pastor, for about a year and a half, and occupied as the first minister the brick parsonage. It is remarkable that no record of it was
made upon the church book. This brick parsonage was made over to the Baptist church by will, the gift of Mrs. Henry Sill, the whole corner lot now occupied by house, barn, church and sheds, in about the year 1870. During the year 1875 Rev J. Evans supplied this church in the afternoon from the church in the Flats and in the spring of 76 moved into this parsonage and became settled as pastor
but closed his labor in sept, 7 months. It was his privilege to baptize Brother Henry Pierce,
Br. Chas Fish and sister Hattie Bolton and to receive by letter to the church sister Sarah
Seymour and sister Sarah J. Cady. I now step upon ground where I find but very little recorded upon the church book, and as it is connected with my own pastorate, will depend upon my own and corresponding record. In the same fall Deacon We. Ainslie and Brother N. Dorr Bolton came to Hartwick (where I was living at the time) as a committee to engage me to come to Burlington to settle as pastor,
I was in poor health. They said if you are able to preach all right, if not we will take care
of you. I moved to Burlington Nov. 14 1876 feeling that I was made welcome by warm and earnest hearts. At first I gave them Bible talks by being carried to the church and sitting in a chair.
Thus continued through the winter and in the Spring had so far recovered that arrangements
were made for a permanent pastorate. Deacon Bolton saying he did not like to hire from year to
year. During several weeks of sickness at one time Brother Church came to my assistance and
thus public service was kept up. An effort was made for my support to raise $250, the use of
the parsonage and fire wood and a donation annually. A prayer-meeting was established that had
not existed heretofore. The Sunday school was in good condition under the superintendence of Deacon We. Ainslie. Soon Brother Danforth Bolton was reinstated as Superintendent which position he sustained until the day of his death. The Sunday school was a live institution and continued source of blessing to the church. An increase of interest was manifest in all meetings but every time we met at the church we felt the disgrace of condition of the meeting house. Things seemed to go about as they were till the winter of 79 and 80. When Brother N. Dorr Bolton was at the parsonage talking about the prosperity of the church, he said you write a subscription paper and I will see what can be done about repairing the church and then put down $100. I said if that is the way you feel about it, it will go,
thinking to repair it where it stood at a cost of $700. But the opinion prevailed that it
should be moved upon the parsonage lot where it now stands. An old store on the lot was sold
to make room, and the house was moved in the early Spring of 1880. The job was let to Mr. Homer
Underwood of Edmeston, to move, repair and finish. The first contract was without a basement but when it was placed upon the ground David Fisk urged the benefit of putting under a basement and that he would raise the extra money. The masons suspended business, the money was raised, men gathered in mass to excavate beneath and the wall was put up in its present form. Through the courtesy of the U.P. Church we held our meetings there on the Sabbath during the Summer in the afternoon. A deep religious interest was immediately manifest in our prayer meetings at the parsonage Sunday evening. Some coming, in the short Summer evenings, a distance of two miles, until the sitting room was sometimes crowded to over-flowing, and more earnest prayers were seldom uttered. There seemed to be a grand rally of both the temporal and spiritual interests of the church.
While the steeple was being put up David Fisk urged also the importance of a bell to cost about
$300, and said he would let us have $200 provided we would pay him interest while he lived and
that it should be church property when is was done. It was agreed to raise another $100 and
the bell was obtained. Through the efforts of N.D. Bolton and others a furnace was put in the
basement at a cost of about $100. I told the building committee that I would not say one word about salary for one year if they would go on with this work. This they nobly did, (however voluntary offerings were made of about one half my usual salary,) The additional cost made of moving and more through repair than at first anticipated run up the aggregate expense to about $1,600 including bell, all of
which was manfully met. The carpet was repaired and refitted and the interior prepared by the
Sisters for the day of Re-dedication which took place Oct 12th 1880. This was a glad day for
many rejoicing hearts. Deacon Bolton would say sometimes while at work, "I am doing this for
other when I am gone." In 1857 I found Deacon A.S. Bolton the leader of the choir. When I came again in 1876 he was yet the leader and continued so until nearly the time of his death. He raised up around him a family of singers that seem to catch his spirit. I never saw greater harmony in any
church choir. Following the repair of the church there was a great spiritual uplifting. The prayer meetings in the vestibule were of great spiritual power, of a melting and tender spirit. We
were glad to welcome Brother We. Church in these meetings ready to cooperate in all church work. On the 6th of March 81, Rev A. Reynolds came to assist the pastor in special meetings. These meetings were held both day and evening and were continued until the 20th. This was a season of rejoicing in the closing services of this meeting, when converts and returning backsliders
were together to the number of 35 to give testimony of the blessing they had received. Rev. A. Reynolds returned the 15th of May, preached to a large congregation and then baptized 18 willing converts in the solemn and joyful presence of God and a large gathering of people. Among the number baptized at that time were the following: Mr. George Ackerman and Wife Mrs. John Burritt Mrs. Bliss Mrs. Daniel Park Miss Anna Wheeler Miss M.J. Avery Miss Lucy Joslin James Bolton Fred Bolton Marion Winters Daniel Byam and Wife Mrs. Chas. Bolton George R. Gorham Willis Cady and others were received afterwards as the fruits of this meeting. The uncounted blessing must go down to the latest generation. Reference may be properly made here of this little church hidden in among the hills, that she has been a nursery from which to transplant to other fields, the three sons of our
venerable Brother Steelman, Brother Henry Steelman is doing grand work in Utah, Brother Albert
in Rochester and Brother Newton Steelman in Mexico. Also Brother Sidney A Fisher is doing efficient pastoral work in East Worcester, NY. Not only these but others of our number have been prepared to Christian work in other places like so many streams of blessing, and the church triumphant is being filled up from the church militant. Following this revival came a series of afflicting providences that were crushing in the extreme. Sister Adalaide Bolton was suddenly called away in the midst of her usefulness. The failing health of Deacon N. Dorr Bolton induced him to break away from all endearments of home and church and try the climate of Florida for the return of health but was not able to
return to us and left a cloud over the desolate home. Deacon A.S. Bolton was suddenly stricken
down by the dreaded disease pneumonia, inflicting an irreparable loss. Soon our young Brother, George R. Gorham died with the same disease and ere this wave had passed our beloved Brother D.D. Bolton was called away by the same fell destroyer. Brother C.M. Fish chosen Deacon January 3, 1885. Bro A.P. Bolton chosen Deacon December 10, 1885. Now we were an afflicted church struggling along for years beneath this mysterious stroke. Other Brethren were brought forward to fill the places of those taken and with prayers and tears to pursue the way. This pastorate closed March 3d, 1888, 11 « years. In July Rev W.E. Howell pastor at Burlington Flats commenced to preach to the church in the afternoon at 2 o'clock and continued about 2 years. Rev H.J. Roberts commenced to preach Dec 1st, 1889, continued about one year, baptized one and received several by letter.
Rev W.W. Onderdonk commenced his labors Dec 1st 1890, and closed his labor with them in April 1893. During this pastorate 3 were added by letter and 10 by baptism. It is a matter to be
highly commended that there was formed a young people's society of Christian Endeavor which has become a power for good as also the Sunday School under the efficient leadership of Deacon C.M. Fish. Both of these blessed agencies were unknown to the church of 100 years ago. The last official act of this church was to unite in a Counsel of Ordination at Burlington, Sept 1st
1893, to set apart Brother C.H. Murch to the work of the gospel ministry under whose labors
this church now have the privilege to unite and is the dividing line between two centuries to
carry out the great commission with the precious promise "Lo I am with you always, even unto
the end of theworld." During this period the church has had 22 pastors and the assistance of 10 or more neighboring pastors and helpers such as Taylor, Cutler, Casler, Church, Gregory, Chamberlain, Seymor, Furman, Hosmer, Bostwick, Raymond. Have received into the church membership over 400 members during this time. Struggled through poverty and difficulty, passed through seasons of prosperity and have learned that through it all the hand of the Lord has been with them, being owned and blessed of God that it is a church of Gods own planting and special care ever which we now invoke the special blessing "Of the Great Head of the Church." End