Cherry Valley
Presbyterian Church
Transcribed by Lori Driver

Names of Baptized                                         Names of the Parents                                              Date                                                                                      
William Bracket                                            James & Elizabeth Bracket                                       August 1822
James Thompson                                        Elisha & Mary Thompson                                        August 1822
Cateron ( Catherine) Cole                            --------------------     Cole                                        August 1822
Elizabeth Raymond Winne                           ------------------  Winne                                           August 1822
Eliza Edasha Ball                                         Jesse & Lydia Ball                                                  August 1822
Anna Ball                                                     Jesse & Lydia Ball                                                August 1822
Frances Lathrop
Henry Lathrop
Sarah  Lathrop
Ralph Ripley Lathrop
Elizabeth Ripley Lathrop                           All children of Horace & Eunice Lathrop                        August 1822
Jane Funk                                                      Jacob & Jane Funk                                              August 1822
Levi Beardsley Miller                                    M. & M. Miller                                                       August 1822
Oscar Watts                                            Alexander & Abba Watts                                          August 1822
Alfred Watts                                            Alexander & Abba Watts                                           August 1822
Hannah Burbank Crafts                             Daughter of Alfred Crafts                                         June 17, 1827
Burkett Goodrich Dunlap                             R. & H. Dunlap                                                        June __, 1827
Calista Jane Walton                                John & Hannah Walton                                              October __, 1827
Julia Ann Cole                                       Herman & Catherine Cole                                           June 15, 1828
Nancy Tucker                                       Benjamin & Nancy Tucker                                           August 24, 1828
Eltsie Christina Houghtal                       Abm. M. & Margaret Houghtal                                      August 31, 1828
Hiram Eliphalet  Metcalf
Mary Lucia Metcalf
Geo. Albert Metcalf
William Henry Metcalf                         Children of Hubbard & Marcia Metcalf                            December 16, 1828
Statira Minerva Glazier                        Asa & Lena Glazier                                                        February 8, 1829
Eliza Whitaker    
James Augustus Whitaker
Andrew William Whitaker             Children of James & Prudence Whitaker                                March 8, 1929
Brayton Campbel
Deborah Campbel
Mathew Campbel                           Children of C. & S. Campbel                                              March 8 , 1829
Caroline Elizabeth Thomas              C. & S. Thomas                                                                  March 8, 1829

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