Schuylers Lake Lodge
No. 162, F. & A.M.
1808 - 1958

Compiled by
Erdie F. Washburn
W.Orlo Price
W. L. Averill Perkins
W. Ashley W. Strong


    On the fifteenth day of July, in the year Eighteen Hundred and
Eight, a small but sturdy band of Masons, in the Towns of Richfield
and Exeter, met in the village of Monticello, (now called Richfield) to
discuss the feasibility of a Masonic Lodge.
    The plans proposed, meetinq with the approval of the Brethren
present, it was resolved to petition the Grand Lodge of the State of
New York for a charter, to be called Richfield Lndge F. & A. M. Grant-
inq of the petition was recommended by Western Star Lodge, No. 15,
located at Bridgewater, N. Y., also by several of the Officers and
Brothers of Trinity Lodge, No. 12, located in New York City.
    The Grand Lodge granted a dispensation on the eighth day of
September, 1808, to Elijah H. Metcalf, Deputy Grand Master, to insti-
tute the Lodge under the name of Richfield Lodqe, No. 182, Free and
Accepted Masons, and to install the Lodge Officers.
   The Lodge held its first meeting on September l 5th, 1808, and R.
W. Bro. Metcalf installed the following officers:
                     James Hyde, Master
Ezborn Prinqle, Senior Warden       James Markam, Junior Warden
John Dunsmore, Treasurer                Jacob Brewster, Secretary
Cyrus Robinson, Senior Deacon          Jabez Hyde, Junior Deacon
Roswell Star; Steward                    David Randall, Steward

                   John Miller, Tyler
    The Lodge was sinqularly fortunate in the selection of their first
Master, James Hyde, who was the Father of Judge Hyde, of Richfield,
who according to the records, was a man of generous impulses, liberal
views and varied attainments., having been twice elected to the Legis-
lature of the State.
    Worshipful Master Hyde presided over the deliberations of the in-
fant Lodqe with a grace and dignity that won the hearts of the Breth-
ren, giving the Lodge an impetus that soon enabled it to ±ake a fore-
most ramk amonq the Sister Lodges.
   For four years Brother Hyde wielded the Gavel with wisdom and
impartiality, when declining re-election the Chair was filled by Ezborn
Pringle, who had officiated as Senior Warden since the orqaniza±ion.
    The Lodge was now enjoying a marked degree of prosperity, its
membership constantlv increasing and being augmented by some of
the  most worthy  citizens  of  the  two  Towns  and  its  standinq  beinq
morally and financially all that the most devout Mason could desire.
   Differences occasionally arose between, the Brethren, when a com-
mittee would be appointed to investigate the causes of the disaqree-
ment, who almost invariably reported that the points at issue had heen
duly considered, and the differences amicably adjusted by the broth-
ers themselves.

   The Lodge prospered and continued to meet at regular intervals,
the records of which are in the Archives of the Lodge, until about the
year 1830, which is the date of the last recorded meetings, so far as
existing records furnish an account, beyond the fact, that for some time
thereafter occasional returns were made to Grand Lodge. In all prob-
ability the Lodge in common with so many in the State, was compelled
to cease work, owing to the terribly bitter persecution which assailed
the Masonic Fraternity during the Morqan episode.
    In 1849, those remaining faithful to the Order, assembled at Monti-
cello and re-organized the Lodge.
   At a meeting of Grand Lodge, held in June, 1850, a motion was
adopted directing that a new Warrant be issued to the Lodge and it
became Richfield Lodge, No. 162.
   During the time the Lodge was located at Monticello, nearly all
the most prominent citizens of the Towns of Richfield and Exeter, allied
their fortunes with an institution imperishable from the earth. The Lodge
continued to meet at Monticello until 1857, when the Grand Master
authorized its removal to Schuyler Lake, where it held its first meeting
on May 6th,1857, in Odd Fellows hall.
   In the year 1862, the Lodge made application to the Grand Lodge,
to have the name changed to Schuyler Lake Lodge, No. 162.

   The following is an excerpt from the report of the Committee on
Warrants an June 5th, 1862:- "Your Committee having heard the ap-
plication to change the name of Richfield Lodge, No. 162, at Schuyler
Lake in Otsego County, recommend that the name of the Said Lodge
be changed to Schuylers Lake Lodge, No. 162."
    The Warrant in possession of the Lodge was stolen in 1864, and a
dispensation was issued by M. W. Clinton F. Page, Grand Master
authorizing the Lodge to continue working until next meeting of Grand
   On June lOth,1864, the following resolution. was adopted by Grand
Lodge: "RESOLVED, That a Warrant be granted Schuylers Lake Lodge,
No. 162, without fee."
   The Warrant was issued June l0th 1864, and is the one under
which the Lodge is now working. It names Officers as follows:-
                     John Chappell, Master
Burton W. Lidell, Senior Warden   Constantine King, Jr., Warden
    On June 12, 1866, the Lodge purchased the building which it now
occupies, for the sum of $900.00.
   The Lodge held its meetings on the second floor and the first floor
was rented for business purposes.

   The Lodqe was represented at the laying of the corner-stone of the
Home at Utica May 2lst,1891, and again at the dedication of the same
October 5th., 1892.                                 ,
    On December 8th, 1908, a special Communication was called to
celebrate the Lodge Centennial. Officers present were:-

              George M. Flansburg, Master
William Rose, S. W., pro tem           Frank B. Williams, J. W.
Isaac J. Kent, Sr. Deacon           William O. Pratt, Jr. Deacon
               Robert L. Holbrook, Tyler
   Bro. William Johnson, who was Secretary at that time, records
the events of the eveninq as follows:-
   "After Lodge convened the Worshipful Master qave qrand hon-
ors to District Deputy, Edward Fethers, who was present unofficially,
also grand honors to R. W. Bro. Jasper D. Fitch, Past D. D. of the l9th
Masonic District, he being one of the visiting brothers from. Mohawk
   "There being no further business, the Lodge was closed in due
form, and the ladies called in, and proceeded to refreshment. Just be-
fore the tables were set a program having been arranged, Adelbert
Jones and Miss Irene Jones favored the Lodge with instrumental music,
after which Bro. W. A. Johnson read a history of the Lodge.
   "After reading of the History, Bro. Jasper D. Fitch, a Past District
Deputy, gave a very interesting history of Free and Accepted Masons,
Finall cominq down to our time. He gave a short talk an when he was
initiated into the mysteries of Masonry in this Lodge, and how he was
instructed by Brother William Rose.
    "Miss Mabel Rose gave a fine reading 'The experience of a little
boy who had to hook up his sister's dress.'
   “A solo by Mrs. S. B. Eason was encored and she sang another
   "Bro. Fred Coe of Mohawk, sang a solo; was encored and sang,
`How He Envied Jim.'
   "After the Banquet, Bro. William Rose, Toastmaster, called on E.
V. Stevens of Mohawk, who gave us a spicy talk.
    "District Deputy Feathers was called upon and gave us a very
fine talk.
   "Mrs. E. V. Stevens gave us a fine talk from her viewpoint. Orange
L. VanHorne, from Cooperstown, being called gave us a nice speech,
and Bro. Jasper Fitch qave us a witty and jovial speech.

"Bro. Rose, as Toastmaster, was a marked success, and made sev-
eral very happy hits. But all good things must have am end ,and the
company being well filled, both mentally and physically, repaired to
their several homes to sleep and dream of the celebration of our one
hundredth years of Schuylers Lake Lodge, F. & A. M., December 8th,
   The building was destroyed by fire Nov. 21st, 1927, and the Mac-
cabee Hall rented from Everett Hotalinq, where meetings were held un-     
til Nov. 7th, 1928. Several meetings for Degree work were held in the
Temple of our very good neighbor, Richfield Springs Lodge, No. 482.
  District Deputy visitation was held jointly with that Lodge in their
Temple, and the Officers chairs in use in our Lodge at this time, were
very generously given us by that good neighbor.
    It was necessary to borrow several hundred dollars to rebuild,
which has all been paid, and the Lodge is free from debt at this time.
   The carpet in the Lodge Rooms was purchased by a freewill sub-
scription of the Lodge Members.
   On April lOth 1954, at the homecoming R. W. Erdie F. Washburn,
Dist. Deputy of this District, Bro. Frank B. Williams, who had been a
Member for over 56 years, and holder of the Grand Lodge 50 years
Service Medal, presented the Lodge, two one thousand dollar Govern-
ment Bonds, in memory of his Uncle, the late W. Bro. Georqe D. Lathrop.
    These Bonds were sold in 1956 with the approval and consent of
Bro. Williams, and the money used to install an automatic oil heating
system, also toilet facilities.
   Schuylers Lake Lodge is honored by having among its Members:
R. W. Isaac J. Kent, Grand Sword Bearer 1915, R. W. Robert L. Hol-
brook, Grand Director of Ceremonies 1927, R. W. Ernest Keith Cush-
man, Grand Sword Bearer, 1945, who have all passed to the great be-
yond. Also R. W. Erdie F. Washburn, District Deputy Grand Master
1953, who is the present Secretary, having been elected in 1941, and
has served continuously since then. R. W. Bro. Washburn is also a 50
years Member, having been raised to the Sublime Degree of Master
Mason July 1st, 1908.
    Three other Members of the Lodge are holders of the 50 year ser-
vice Medal, W. Bro. Jesse Ellsworth  who is 86 years young, and a
Member for 65 years. W. Bro. Stewart B. Eason, who is 82 years a boy
and a Member for 52 years, and Bro. Lansing L. Morse, 76 years of
   All of these Brothers are active in the affairs of the Lodge, and at-
tend meetings regularly. One other Brother will have been a member
for 50 years Feb. 3rd next, he is Bro. Lynn H. Washburn.

    Also the following Bros. in public life:
James Maxwell, Supervisor
James S. Hyde, County Judge          Judson Durfey, Supervisor
Lowell S. Henry, Assemblyman        Burton W. Lidell, Supervisor
Chas. W. Tallett, Assemblyman        William Rose, Supervisor
L. D. Brown, Assemblyman             Rabert L. Holbrook, Supervisor
John J. Rider, Assemblyman           Ernest K. Cushman, Supervisor
S. P. Barker, Supervisor             Edward J. Monroe, Supervisor
               Stewart B. Eason, Supervisor
    All of whom have laid down the working tools of life except W. Brother Eason.
    Present Officers of the Lodge are:-
Harold Bartlett, Master        Harold Ferguson, Sr. Warden
Herbert Payne, Jr. Warden       Leo Pelko, Sr. Deacon
Howard King Jr. Deacon          Orlo G. Price, Treasurer
Erdie F. Washburn, Secretary    F. Allen Washburn, Chaplain
William Reynolds, S. M. C.      John Durkee, J. M. C.
                  Harry Fullington, Tyler
   Jesse Ellsworth, L. Averill Perkins and Orlo G. Price, Trustees
                  THE LODGE ROSTER
 1. Jesse Bllsworth, Schuyler Lake, N.Y.                    Master 1901-02
 2. Stewart B Eason, Schuyler Lake, N.Y.                    Master 1913-14
 3. Erdie F.  Washburn, Schuyler Lake, N.Y.                 Master 1918-19
 4. Lynn H. Washburn  Burlington Flats, N.Y.
 5. Rarl M  Babcock, Otego  N.Y.                            Master 1940-41
 6. Lee J. Chase, Mohawk, N.Y.                              Master 1921
 7. W. G. Andrus, Zephyrhills, Fla.
 8. Harry A. Morey, Ilion, N.Y.
 9. Chas. Halcott, Oneonta, N.Y.
10. Isaac J. Dyer, Deland, Fla.
11. Arnold  W  James, Burlington  Flats, N.Y.
12. Lynn C. Babcock  Richfield Springs, N.Y.                Master 1931-32
13. J. Ward Patrick, Orlando, Fla.
14. J  Paul  Jones, Cooperstown,  N.Y.                      Master  1957
15. Floyd A. Mead, Hartwick, N.Y.
16. Willard A  Curry  Hartwick  N.Y.                        Master 1951
17. Arthur Rldred,  Hartwick,  N.Y.
18. G  Glen Mercer, Long Beach, Calif.
19. Marshall S. Flansburg, Earlville, N.Y.
20. Roger R. Williams, Binghamton, N.Y.
21. Ralph D. Perkins, Richfield Springs, N.Y.               Master 1927-
22. Ashley W. Strong, Schuyler Lake, N.Y.                   Master 1930
23. Clifford W. Sutherland, Ithaca, N.Y.
24. C  Ray Davis, Burlington Flats  N.Y.                    Master  1935
25. W. Vere Babcock,  Hartwick, N.Y.
26. Bert Shaul, Schuyler Lake, N.Y.
27. Arel M. Johnson, Schuyler, Lake, N.Y.
28. Roswell Clarke, Norwood, Ohio                            Master 1938
29. Bouic L Trafton, Hartsdale, N.Y.
30. Waldo I. Clarke, Altadena, Calif.
31. L. Averill Perkins, Richfield Springs, N.Y.              Master 1937
32. Henry Horl, Richfield Springs, N.Y.
33. Leo Wightman, Schuyler Lake, N.Y.                        Master  1944
34. Earl D. Goodrich, Schuyler Lake, N.Y.
35. Orlo G. Price, West Exeter, N.Y.                         Master 1942-43
36. Gordon C. Cushman  Schuyler Lake, N.Y.                   Master 1945-47
37. George E  Taylor, Schuyler Lake, N.Y.
38. John A. Stewart, Carlisle, Pa.
39. Horace W. Parr, Jordanville, N.Y.
40. F. Allen Washburn, Schuyler Lake, N.Y.                   Master 1954
41. Frank Shaul, Burlington Flats, N.Y.
42. Edward W. Clark, Schuyler Lake, N.Y.                     Master 1948
43. George  Vrooman,  Schuyler Lake,  N.Y.
44. Robert Fitch, Burlington Flats, N.Y.
45. Donald Fitch, Rome, N.Y.
46. Robert  Ferguson,  Schuyler Lake,  N.Y.                  Master  1949
47. Raymond Vosburg, Oneonta, N.Y.
48. William J  Ainslie  Richfield Springs, N.Y.
49. Glenn J. Field, Salisbury, Conn.
50. Harrie K  Washburn  Sharon Springs, N.Y.                 Master  1950
51. William C. Bryant, West Point, N.Y.
52. Donald Gossoo, Napa, California                          Master 1952
53. Michael Phillips, Skaneateles, N.Y.
54. Roger Weaver, Schuyler Lake, N.Y.
55. Chester J. Winslow Jr., Hartwick, N.Y.
56. William J. Weaver, Schuyler Lake, N.Y.
57. Erastus M. Bouton,  Fly Creek, N.Y.                      Master 1953
58. Henry P. Walters, Schuyler Lake, N.Y.
59. Howard F. Griffing, Chicago, Illinois
60. Albert Shipman, West Exeter, N.Y.
61. Edgar Baulch, Schuyler Lake, N.Y.
62. Joshua H. Weaver, Schuyler Lake, N.Y.
63. Harry A. Fullington, Richfield Springs, N.Y.
64. Truman Davis,  Schuyler Lake  N.Y.        			 Master 1955-56
65. Arthur S. Garnsey  Schuyler Lake,  N.Y.
66. Howard M. Ormsbee, Schuyler Lake, N.Y.
67. James A. Garvin, Hartwick, N. Y.
68. Harold C  Bartlett, Schuyler Lake, N.Y.                  Master 1958
69. Willard W. Crump, New Orleans, La.
70. Herbert L. Payne, Richfield Springs, N.Y.
71. Theodore Kohinke, Preble, N.Y.
72. Stanley R. Fish, Hartwick, N.Y.
73. Leo Pelko, West Winfield, N.Y.
74. Harold Ferguson, Richfield Springs, N.Y.
75. Howard E. King, Richfield Springs, N.Y.
76. Benjamin H. Talbot, Leonardsville, N.Y.
77. Victor J. Velasco, Millerton, N. Y.
78. Willard W. Kelley, Schuyler Lake, N.Y.
79. Lansing I. Morse, Schuyler Lake, N.Y.
80. William J. Reynolds, Richfield Springs, N.Y.
81. John G. Durkee, Delhi, N. Y.
82. Donald A. Krum, Richfield Springs, N.Y.
83. Donald A. Jones, Wappingers  Falls, N.Y.

1808                 150th ANNIVERSARY                   1958
                     AUGUST 25th, 1958


R. W. PAUL WAGNER    -    -    -    -    -   Grand Chaplain
                 ADDRESS OF WELCOME
W. HAROLD C. BARTLETT          -    -    -   -    -    -  Master
                  INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS
R. W. ERDIE F. WASHBURN   -   -   -           -   -  Toastmaster
R. W. BURRILL W. HOUSE    -    -   -          Past District Deputy,
                                              Otsego Schoharie District
R. W. WILMER E. BRESEE   -    -   -   -       Past District Deputy,
                                              Otsego Schaharie District
    Present Member Library and Museum Committee
R. W. FREDERICK LOOMIS    -    -    -         Past District Deputy,
                                              Otsego Schoharie District
R. W. HOWARD POTTS      -   -   -    -    -   Grand Lecturer
R. W. LEO NUTTER     -   -    -               District Deputy Grcmd Master,
                                              Otsego Schoharie District
R. W. ALBERT SCHNEIDER   -    -   -  Deputy Grand Marshall

                       ADDRESS BY
                   R. W. CARL PETERSON
                  DEPUTY GRAND M'ASTER
                   W. HAROLD SAXTON

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