


The Town of Otsego: 

Home Front, 1861 - 1865

Compiled from The Freeman's Journal
and Otsego Town Records

by Marion H. Brophy
Otsego Town Historian

I recently transcribed the Otsego Town Records from 1825 through 1870. These included the minutes of a few special meetings which were called to determine the amount of bounty to be paid to Civil War recruits, and the method of raising this money. It seemed likely that there had been additional special meetings for which the minutes had been lost. I checked the pages of The Freeman's Journal for the years 1861 - 1865 and found this was true. My original intention was to limit this research to the question of the bounties. However, the pages of The Freeman's Journal revealed the efforts of the citizens of the town to contribute to the "gallant" soldiers who were far from home and in need of many essentials. There is also much good advice from the editor, who was never without an opinion on local issues..

I decided to combine the reports which appeared in The Freeman's Journal with the records of the town meetings. The Journal still used "ult" when reporting an event which took place the preceding month, and "inst" for the current month. To avoid repetition, I have not included the Town Records, when they do not contain anything in addition to the reports found in The Freeman's Journal. All entries are from The Freeman's Journal, unless otherwise noted.

It is interesting to compare the problems facing the residents one hundred and forty years ago with those we face today:
    1) What will the final decision be from Washington? No (F J, Feb.26, 1864) or, after plans have been changed to accommodate the No, it is Yes (F J, June 3, 1864)
    2) The question of soldiers' votes being counted in the national election of 1864 (FJ, Nov.11, 1864).
    3) Assistance for the families of the enemy (F J, Dec.9, 1864).
    4) The challenge of receiving cooperation from Albany (F J, March 24, 1865)

March 24, 1865 was the last report I found of the difficulties experienced in the Town of Otsego in the role of Home Front during the years of the Civil war. However, additional funds were appropriated in 1866 and 1867 for items relating to war tine expenses. The Town board of Auditors passed the following resolution in 1866: Resolved that the Supervisor be instructed to pay the sum of two hundred and sixty five dollars, being the sum apportioned to the Town of Otsego for aid in erecting a Hall of Military Records at Albany. On February 5, 1867 the Town Records include a resolution that the balance of the bonds now outstanding against the Town for war purposes be liquidated.and in 1868 the Board of Town auditors passed a resolution to raise the sum of two thousand six hundred and seventy dollars and eighteen cents to pay unpaid Bounty bonds of the Town of Otsego due Feb 1, 1869.


May 3, 1861
    A subscription is being circulated in this village to aid in the formation of a Military company, the services of which will be tendered to the Governor. It has been suggested that when the subscription reaches the desired sum, the subscribers to the fund should be called together for consultation and the appointment of a committee to act in concert with the officers of the company. If we have those among us who desire to enlist under the Stars and Stripes at this time, the citizens of Cooperstown will not be backward in subscribing aid toward the support of their families during their absence. This is being done in every city and village that sends forth a company. The State authorities furnish arms, uniforms and equipments to all whose services are accepted, and their pay commences from the day they commence drilling.

May 10, 1861
    A Military Soiree will be given at the Eagle Hotel this (Thursday) evening, by citizens of this place, complimentary to the Officers of the Fifth Division, S. S. Burnside, General. Music by Crumwell's full band.
    A number of our citizens meet three or four times a week at Burgess Hall, for military drill. They will be ready to respond to the call of the Government for troops, when needed.
It has been proposed to organize a "Home Guard" for Cooperstown, with the understanding that it shall not be required to leave the village unless invaded.

May 17, 1861
    The meeting at this village on Thursday and Friday of last week, of most of the Generals and Field Officers of the 5th Division, left a very favorable impression with our citizens as to the character and general bearing of the gentlemen holding these offices. The Division embraces portions of 11 counties, and includes four brigades and eight regiments. Considering the imperfections of the present militia system of this State, the 5th Division is in good condition, and will compare favorably with any in the interior of the State. The officers made a fine appearance in their full-dress parade on Friday morning.
    The Soiree, on Thursday evening, was well attended, and was a very pleasant affair in all respects. The following has been handed in for publication: -
    A Card: -
At the meeting of the officers of the 5th Division N. Y. S. M., held at Cooperstown on the 10th inst., the following resolution was unanimously adopted. In behalf of Major General S. S. Burnside and Staff, and Brigade and Field Officers of the Division, as a testimonial of regard for the kindness, hospitality and attention given them by the Ladies and Citizens of the Village of Cooperstown, we offer the following resolution: -
    That we tender our regards to the Ladies and Citizens of this village for the kind attention, and for the tasty, polite and bountiful manner in which we were treated at their "Soiree" last evening.

May 31, 1861
    The Ladies of this village have undertaken to furnish 1,000 "Havelocks" for the U. S. soldiers near Washington - and they will do it.
    Note; A Havelock is a light cloth covering for a military cap, falling over the back of the neck for protection against the sun.

June 21, 1861
    The Ladies of this town, through whose kind and patriotic exertions a handsome number of "Havelocks" were forwarded to our gallant volunteers, will peruse with pleasure the following letters, addressed to the Lady who had the matter specially in charge:

    - Office of Union Defence Committee New York, June 11, 1861
     Madam: - I am desired by Mr. Draper to acknowledge your kind donation, (on the part of the benevolent women of Cooperstown,) of a box containing 666 Havelocks.
    This most acceptable gift to the soldiers in this warm season, will be gratefully acknowledged by the regiment of Anderson Zouaves, to whom they have been presented.
    On behalf of Mr. Draper and of the Committee, I beg to assure you that the generous offering from yourself and associates is most thankfully appreciated.
                            I am, respectfully and sincerely, yours, P. M. Wetmore, Secretary.

To Mrs. Lyman Foote, Cooperstown, N.Y.

New York, June 17, 1861
    Madam: -
As the recipients of a supply of Havelocks sent by the "Women of the village of Cooperstown," through the kind favor of the Union Defence Committee, we embrace this, the earliest moment of expressing our profound gratitude to those ladies for the opportune favor thus derived through their patriotic efforts in a common cause, and desire to assure them that while we will be greatly benefited by having our heads kept cool for action, our hearts have already been warmed by this evidence of interest in the comfort and happiness of the volunteers, on the part of the women of Cooperstown.
                                                Respectfully yours, J. Lafayette Rider, Colonel

To Mrs. Lyman Foote, Cooperstown, N.Y.

July 25, 1861
    Our brave volunteers in Virginia are suffering for many things which those in the rural districts can easily supply. The sick and wounded make earnest appeals. Shall they appeal in vain? The Ladies of Cooperstown who feel disposed to respond to the call of the brave volunteers of their own state, will meet at Burgess Hall, promptly at 2 o'clock on Saturday afternoon next. A general attendance is earnestly solicited.

August 2, 1861
    The ladies of this village intend holding an Ice Cream Sale, at Burgess Hall, on Wednesday evening next, for the benefit of our sick and wounded soldiers. It is hoped that every patriotic man and woman in the village will be present - and as many from the surrounding country as possible.

August 9, 1861
    A subscription was circulated in this village last week, in aid of the sick and wounded soldiers, and about $250 subscribed. The Ladies realized enough at the Sale, on Wednesday evening, to make the sum about $300.
    The Brass Band of this village, and the Barker Family, furnished some excellent music at the sale.

August 16, 1861
     The ladies of this village interested in raising money and making up articles for the sick and wounded soldiers, confine their efforts to the Volunteers from their own State - of whom there are over forty thousand in the field. They co-operate with the Army and the Women's "Central Relief Association," having their head-quarters in New York City, at the head of which is Dr. Mott.
    Notwithstanding the liberal provision made by Government for the sick and wounded, the volunteer aid received through this Association and from other sources, has been very grateful to the recipients. There are now about 950 reported in the hospitals in and near Washington. The female nurses, employed for the first time in the Army, have rendered very efficient service - aided and sustained as they have been by the Relief Association alluded to above.

Otsego is not to be altogether unrepresented on the battle field. Within the past few weeks quite a number of army recruits have been obtained in this county. On Wednesday morning about 40 men left this village to form a company in the Van Guard Rifle Regiment. They were mostly from Milford, Laurens and Fly Creek. They are to go immediately into camp on Staten Island. Recruits will be received for this company, during the next two weeks at the Otsego Hotel.

August 30, 1861
    Capt. H. W. Lyon, of New York, is recruiting a company in this county for the Ira Harris Cavalry; recruiting offices, Tryon House, Cherry Valley and Otsego Hotel, Cooperstown. The pay in this arm of the service is $15 a month for privates.. Horses and all equipment furnished by the Government.

September 6, 1861
    Messrs. Morris Foote, Marmaduke Cooper and Wash. B. Fairman. left this village on Tuesday last, to join the People's (Or Ellsworth) Regiment at Albany. Cooperstown is now well represented in that regiment.

September 27, 1861
    Geo. Heath, of this village, left on Tuesday for Albany, to join the Ellsworth regiment. All the Cooperstown boys are in Company C.

October 4, 1861
    The desire that this county should be represented on the battle-field for the Union, by a regiment of her hardy and intelligent yeomanry, has been often expressed; but yet, with about 300 men enlisted, we cannot, that we are aware, point to a single company as entirely our own. Our men are scattered about in various regiments and companies, in squads of from five to thirty men. Thus Otsego receives little or no credit for what she has done to uphold the Government in this contest.
It is now thought that, with perhaps some aid from our neighbors of Chenango and Delaware, a Regiment may be speedily formed, and a camp of instruction organized at this place. Hon. R. Franchot, Member of Congress for this District, having conferred with the State authorities and received assurances of all necessary aid and encouragement from them, has issued the following appeal in hand-bill form.

A Camp of Instruction at Cooperstown. Whenever eight Companies of thirty-two men each, shall be raised from the counties of Delaware, Otsego and Chenango, an order will be issued from the Adjutant General's office for a Camp of Instruction at Cooperstown. The Volunteers will be furnished with subsistence, arms, clothing and camp equipment, as soon as mustered into service.
I am encouraged to believe that within ten days time, the required number of men to organize a regiment can be mustered at Cooperstown, and in common with all loyal citizens, I trust that a combined effort may be made to effect this object.
    Have not the citizens of these three Counties, pride of locality sufficient to place themselves on a par with other Counties of the State? Let the hearty response of every loyal man to this invitation, prove this confidence is not misplaced! I pledge myself that all the provisions above enumerated, will be carried out by the proper authorities.
R. Franchot
    Mr. Franchot informs us that several gentlemen have already assured him that they can and will raise companies for the "Otsego Regiment," to command which competent officers can be obtained without any difficulty.
    The citizens of Cooperstown, we are confident, will extend a helping hand in this laudable effort. The Fair Grounds could be converted into a convenient Camp; tents, &c., will be furnished by the State.
    At a meeting of those interested in this movement, held on Wednesday evening, the following gentlemen were appointed a Central Executive Committee: F. M. Rotch and L. J. Walworth, Otsego; Samuel F. Miller, Delaware; and Adrian Foote, Chenango.
    It was resolved that the members of the Executive Committee in each county be authorized to appoint a sub-committee in each town of their respective counties, to further the patriotic object in view.

October 11, 1861
    Col. Shaul's Regiment, the 39th, have voted to go to war under him, and efforts are being made to fill up the regiment to the requisite number. The encampment will be at Cherry Valley. In order to aid in this movement, no further steps will be taken to open an encampment at this place. The 39th will be known as the "Otsego Regiment," and we hope its ranks may soon be filled.

Dec. 20, 1861
    Mr. Editor: -
    A box has been forwarded to Washington this week, mostly the work of thirteen young ladies of this village, containing the following list of articles.
    12 comfortables (a quilted bed covering) 9 pairs of sheets, 9 pillow cases, 24 towels, 24 pairs of drawers, 24 pairs of stockings, 36 pairs of slippers, 1 pair of mittens, books, magazines, 85 tracts, (the donation of a little girl) farina, arrow-root, sago, &c.


January 17, 1862
    We are requested by the Committee having in charge the receiving and forwarding of articles for the benefit of our Soldiers in the hospitals, to state that a second box will be sent during the ensuing week.
Those persons who have taken yarn for the purpose of knitting, will please send in the completed work as soon as possible, as the season is now far advanced when such articles are most needed.
Further contributions are solicited from the liberally and charitably inclined. Materials for drawers and comfortables, if sent in immediately, will be made up and forwarded. Let not our energies slacken, the demand will be urgent and never ceasing while the war lasts.

February 14, 1862
    Doubleday's Band, of this village, having been hired by the N. Y. 66th Regiment, left this place for Alexandria - where the Regiment is stationed - on Monday last. The Band comprised the following members: L. M. Doubleday, leader; Wm. H. Doubleday, S. H. Bingham, Thos. H. Bingham, Sam. B. Lewis, Chas. J. Tuttle, of Cooperstown, Warren Beardsley and James Beardsley, of Cherry Valley and Senaca Duel of Mohawk.
    The 66th will have good music, and the Band, we hope, will have a good time and a safe return at the close of the war.

March 7, 1862
    The Woman's Central Relief Association of New York, acknowledge the receipt of a barrel from this place, containing as follows: - 15 pairs canton flannel drawers, 29 pairs woolen stockings, 9 pairs of mittens, 1 pair of sheets, 1 pair of pillows, 1 blanket and a lot of books and pamphlets.

April 11, 1862
A circular has been sent the ladies of this village, from the Central Society of New York, making an appeal on behalf of our sick and wounded soldiers. They intend, as heretofore, to respond to this appeal, and will crave the assistance of our citizens generally.
    Most of our readers are probably aware of the fact that the number of sick and wounded - especially the latter - has largely increased during the past few months; and a few days since, when a vessel arrived at New York from Newbern battle-field , no adequate preparation had been made for their reception. The whole burden of providing for such exigencies should not be thrown upon the cities; let the country cheerfully do its share.

July 11, 1862
    Volunteers are Needed to reinforce our brave army in the field. How shall they be obtained fast enough, and in sufficient numbers? The Government offers liberal pay; but the inducement is not sufficient in this crisis. Men are needed now, and they must be had, or the rebellion becomes a success.
    Otsego County should furnish 400 of the 50,000 men New York is called upon to raise. To do this promptly, she should donate $50 to each volunteer, as an additional inducement to enlist, or to assist in taking care of his family. Why should not the country, as well as the cities, aid in this manner? Let the Supervisors of Otsego County meet immediately, and vote to raise $20,000 by loan to aid in this movement. The amount might be paid in four years, and none of us feel the poorer. Shall it be done?

July 25, 1862
    The Committee appointed for the town of Otsego had a preliminary meeting on Tuesday evening - E. M. Harris, Chairman, and J. Worthington, Secretary. It was not then deemed best to designate any of the officers for the company proposed to be raised in this town, but the following resolution was adopted, and those wishing to volunteer, can enroll their names at either of the places designated: -
    Resolved, That Marcus Field, John Worthington and J. B. Hooker, of this town are designated to receive the names of persons who may wish to enlist in the Regiment to be raised in this Senate District: and those desire to join the Company to be raised in town, are requested to leave their names with either of the above named gentlemen.

The Committee desire to call attention to the following inducement to volunteers, so far as pay is concerned: -
                                        Bounty To Volunteers.
    The compensation now offered to volunteers is of the most liberal character. the private receives his regular pay of $13 per month, $100 bounty from the General Government, and those from this State will now receive a special bounty of $50 under the arrangement just decided upon by Gov. Morgan. Beside this, $2 is given for every volunteer. This goes to the volunteer if he enlists of his own accord. This makes the aggregate pay of a private, as follows, per year: -
                        Regular monthly pay         $157 [12 x $13, should be $156 ?]
                        Government bounty            100 .
                        Special State bounty             50
                        Enlistment pay 2                $309

In addition to clothes and rations, each man receives $25.97 monthly wages. In all human probability, the Rebellion will be crushed out, and the war concluded within a year. There are few men, comparatively, that can secure a better income in any other way.

A Grand War Meeting is called at this place, on Wednesday next. Let the meeting be largely attended by the patriotic and loyal men of Old Otsego. Hundreds of her gallant sons are in the field. They need reinforcements. Shall they have them?

August 1, 1862
The war meeting held at the Court House in this village, on Wednesday afternoon, was as largely attended as could be expected this busy time of year. Hon. W. W. Campbell was called upon to preside at the meeting, and W. H. Bunn and S. S. Adick appointed Secretaries.
Judge Campbell briefly addressed the meeting on taking the chair. He was followed by Judge Graves of Herkimer, and H. Sturgess, Esq., in eloquent and stirring speeches.

In several towns in Otsego county active measures are being taken to raise immediately the number of men required under the late call for volunteers. Meetings are being held in all parts of the county. Wm. Wendall of this village, has been authorized by the Governor to enroll a company of Volunteers. Young men of Otsego county, rally!

August 8, 1862
    At a meeting of the taxable inhabitants of the town of Otsego, held pursuant to call, at the Court House in the village of Cooperstown, on the 6th day of August 1862, Wm. H. Averell, Esq., was elected chairman and M. B. Angell, Secretary. E. M. Harris, Esq., Chairman Town Military Committee, offered the following resolution, -
    Resolved, That the Supervisor of the town of Otsego be authorized to borrow on the credit of the town, a sum sufficient to pay each volunteer,. resident of the town of Otsego, already enlisted or who shall enlist, under General Order No. 52, pursuant to the call of the President of the United States for 300,000 volunteers, twenty-five dollars, in addition to that paid by the General Government and the State; one-half to be paid when accepted and mustered in at the Regimental depot, the residue to be paid when they are accepted and mustered into the service of the United States - to the number of at least 50 men, and that the same be levied and assessed upon said town.
    On motion of E. P. Byram, J. P. Sill, J. R. Worthington and J. H. Story were appointed a committee to co-operate with the Supervisor in negotiating a loan, for the purpose of paying the bounty of $25 to each volunteer resident of the town of Otsego, pursuant to call of order No.52 and the resolution adopted above.
    This mode of raising a town bounty is the only equitable one - and it seems to meet the hearty acquiescence of all tax-payers. The aggregate bounty, to resident volunteers of this town, now amounts to $175.

August 22, 1862
    A new Company is to be raised for the war in this town, under Capt. A. A. Bingham as commandant. A tent has been raised on the corner of Main and West {Pioneer} streets, which will be used as head-quarters for recruiting. Capt. Bingham is a good drill officer, who has had much experience in military matters. Volunteers are invited to enroll their names.
    War Meetings were held in this village on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings of this week. They were largely attended.
    A War Meeting was held at Fly Creek on the 4th inst., which was largely attended. Fly Creek has furnished a goodly number of volunteers for the army.

The ladies of this village who got up the ice cream sale on Saturday evening last, for the benefit of the soldiers of this State, realized about $120. Well done! Who will say there is not both enterprise and liberality in Cooperstown - especially in anything managed by the ladies.

August 29, 1862
    The Town Bounty of Otsego has been increased to $100. Two companies are being recruited here - one by A. A. Bingham, the other by D. B. Boden. While in the service of the U.S. the Cooperstown Band lost one member by death, and another was left in the hospital. The other members returned to this place last week - all in good health.

September 19, 1862
    Otsego County has furnished more than her compliment of men under the first call. The following returns show the number required to fill out the quota under both calls, the number reported by the town committees, and the deficiency. Should a draft be ordered, it will be upon the several towns for the number of men still deficient. There may be two separate drafts; one for men "for the war" and one for nine months' men.
    The numbers for the town of Otsego were: Full quota - 133; Number reported - 89; Deficiency - 44.

You who have money to spare, give. You who can better spare cotton cloth, flannel, lint, bandages, dried fruits, jellies put up in bottles, &c., give. Give freely and liberally. Your gifts will go to make comfortable the noble fellows who fought and bled for the Union, and who are now in hospitals, away from home and friends. Never mind what you think about the war or the Administration, help the sick and wounded. Those who can and do not, do not deserve the blessings of civil liberty. Send in your gifts to Miss Loper's store, and they will be put to good use. Give! Give Now. The need is great.

October 24, 1862
There are, it is estimated, about 525 persons in the town of Otsego liable to draft; about 35 will be called for, to make up our quota of 9 months' men - one in 15.

October 31, 1862
    Messrs. Harris and Lathrop find their office no Sinecure! They are hard at work eight to ten hours a day, and manage to dispose of from 80 to 100 cases during that time. The rush has been so great, that the Commissioners have been obliged to establish a registry system; each applicant for exemption being required to register his name, and he is called in proper order. This (Thursday) morning there are 1400 names so registered. - full as many as they can dispose of by the 8th. The draft will probably have to be postponed a few days, or many applicants in this and other counties cannot be heard.
    Doctor Lathrop informs us that a large majority of the cases thus far examined by him, are clearly exempt from the instructions received from head-quarters; still a great many have failed in their application. Dr. L. has had the aid and advice of a number of our country physicians during the progress of the examinations.    
    There are a large class of cases which come only before the Commissioner - such as aliens, exempt by age, in military service, &c. The justice and fairness of exempting those who may belong to the "National Guard," or uniformed militia, from the present draft, those not embraced in such exemptions fail to see. The Commissioner yesterday rejected over 40 of the cases which came directly before him. Those passed upon by the Surgeon, he does not hear - except to put those under oath who may prove physical disability. They must swear to all they have stated.

For most of the towns in this County there will probably be drafted into the army men on whose labor women and children are depending for their support. The soldier can not send home more than $5 to $10 a month of his pay; he needs some of it for his own comfort. He may not receive his pay promptly. His family must not be allowed to suffer during his absence.
    We call upon the benevolent and patriotic men in the several towns in the County to look to this matter and to organize some system which shall not have the families of absent soldiers dependant on chance or charity. They must have our watchcare and aid, wherever needed. The soldier who is poor, and who is drafted into the service, must leave his home free from care on this subject.
    A Committee should be appointed in every town where a draft takes place, to look .after this matter, and to put in operation a judicious system to aid the soldier's families: and those of volunteer soldiers, now in the service, should not be overlooked in this plan..
    A meeting was held in this village on Tuesday last, at which a plan was initiated to raise a fund - partly by tax on the town, and partly by volunteer subscription - which should be employed in securing a sufficient number of nine months' Volunteers to enable the town of Otsego to escape this first draft, ordered to take place on the 10th . The amount will likely be raised, and probably the men, if money is any inducement. The amount offered, $200, is equal to a bounty of $800 for three years' men. They received, in this town, but $250.

November 7, 1862
The town of Otsego is paying a bounty of $100 to nine months' volunteers. If the volunteer is a subscriber to the "town volunteer" fund, he also receives #100 from that source. Drafted men, if subscribers to the fund to the amount of $10, will receive $100 - one-half the amount received by the volunteer.
    At the town meeting held last Saturday, which voted this bounty, the merchants, bankers and traders of the village of Cooperstown were represented by just one man! Is this to be interpreted into an indifference as to the object, an unwillingness to assume responsibility, a disregard as to the amount of tax voted on the town, or a willingness to acquiesce in any thing and everything which a few may propose?
    Heretofore, when it has been proposed to vote a few hundred dollars for a new school house, a new bridge, or an increased appropriation for streets or fire apparatus, such marked inattention to the subject has not been witnessed in the village.

November 14, 1862
    During the past week the Commissioner and Surgeons have examined and disposed of over 1000 cases. There are about that number now on the list, waiting action. The draft in this county will probably not take place before the 24th.
    Nearly all the men required to fill out the quota of the town of Otsego have been recruited as volunteers. The rest will probably be forthcoming.


January 9, 1863
    Another box of mittens was forwarded by the Ladies of this place to the Soldiers of the 152d Regiment on Tuesday last. The Soldiers have a good friend in Miss L. Pickens of this village, who has taken principal charge of this matter.
    Col. Upton says that the present pressing wants of the soldiers of the 121st Regt. is blankets, coverlids, sheets and pillow cases and tick. To supply this want as speedily as possible, let those who have friends in the 121st Regt., bring such of these articles as they can spare to Cockett & Marvin, labeled with the name of the person intended for. Some may feel willing to contribute of these necessary articles, leaving Col. Upton to distribute to those needing them. A small sum, perhaps twenty-five cents more or less, should be left with each package for defraying expences of boxing and transportation; if it should prove more than necessary the balance will be paid over to the soldiers. Those things are needed immediately by the soldiers of the 121st Regt. If the Regt. remains where it is, or goes into winter quarters, these comforts will be enjoyed by them until the warm weather renders them unnecessary. In case of the advance of the army they might have to be thrown away, or lost; but Col. Upton says that the friends of soldiers ought to be willing to take the risk.. I wish an abundance of these things to be sent in to Cockett & Marvin's during the coming week. They will see to boxing and forwarding them without delay.
                                                                                        J. B. Wood

We hope this call will be promptly and generally responded to. Let every one who can send a blanket, do so, whether they have a relative in the regiment or not.

August 14, 1863
    Chapter 184 of the Laws of the last session of the Legislature of this State provides for the payment of $150 as a bounty to each man in the service of any N. Y. regiment, who may re-enlist for the term of two years; $50 for each re-enlistment of one year; and $75 for each new recruit for three years. Gov. Seymour has been and is now paying said bounties.
    The 3d section of the act contains the following prohibitions:
    Neither any city, county, town or municipal corporation, or person, or recruiting officer of any other State, shall hereafter offer, raise or expend any money, or incur any liability, for the purpose of giving, or paying any bounties to promote the enlistment of volunteers, * * * [sic] nor shall this section be so construed as to prevent the payment of any sums to procure substitutes for persons drafted.

The draft soon to be made in this District, we are informed, calls for about 130 young men from the town of Otsego. Of this number there may be a few with families dependent on them for support, who are not able, unassisted, to procure substitutes, and whose families need their presence at home. Such, we think, should receive aid from the town. We throw out the suggestion for the consideration of all who feel any interest in the matter. The payment of one or two hundred dollars to aid each needy married man to procure a substitute - or the donation of that amount to the families of such as may elect to go - would be no heavy burden for this rich town. The Government pays a bounty of $100 to each drafted man.
    Another suggestion - let the young men in each school district subject to the draft meet for the purpose of organizing an "insurance association" to procure a substitute for any member drafted. Three hundred dollars for eight members would be about the sum needed. This is being done to a great extent to the East, in workshops, manufactories, militia and engine companies, &c. In some places substitutes are procured for $100 to $250.

August 28, 1863
    The Draft commenced at Norwich, for this District, on Monday last. Chenango is the first county on the list, the towns being taken alphabetically. Otsego will come last. Notice will be given, by special handbill, when the draft is to take place for each town.
    The attention of the Commissioner has been called to the fact that very general dissatisfaction exists in this county because of the arrangement under which the draft for Otsego is to be made at Norwich, instead of our own county seat, where it should take place. There is no good reason why the Board should not accommodate the people in this matter; and it is to be hoped that even at this late hour a different arrangement may be announced. It will be far more satisfactory to the people of Delaware and Otsego if the Board will yield to the well understood wishes of the people of those counties in regard to this matter.

Since the commencement of the war there have been altogether, a score or two of recruiting officers located here, some of whom remained for months, and were very successful in enlisting men for the army. It is believed that the town of Otsego has sent more than its share of men to the army.
    The Utica Herald on Tuesday last states that: An attempt is being made along the whole line of the Central Railroad, as well as in the metropolis, to have the volunteers who have recently enlisted, credited to the cities and not to the rural districts at all. Thus men have been gathered up in the country round about, and brought here to enlist. No local bounty has been paid to them; they have in no way claimed a residence here; yet an effort is now made to credit them to the quota of the city.
    Some of these recruits were from Otsego county, and if they are to be "credited" to any locality, they should, as the Herald suggests, be credited to the rural districts where they had a residence.

The whole matter in regard to the National Cemetery at Gettysburg for the interment of the gallant dead who fell in the terrible battle there, has been arranged. About fourteen acres of land, fronting on the Baltimore turnpike and extending to the Taneytown road, embracing the highest point on the Cemetery Hill, have been purchased by the state of Pennsylvania. Other states have been invited to cooperate in the removal of the soldier dead to these grounds. The arrangements for plotting the grounds, preparatory to the removal of the dead, are making as rapidly as possible.

September 4, 1863
    An extra from the Chenango Union office, dated the 28th ult., states -
    Provost Marshal Gordon, having this morning received a dispatch from headquarters ordering him to proceed with the Draft daily, it will hereafter, beginning on Monday next, be continued every day, averaging five towns a day, until all the towns in the District are gone through with.
    Otsego [county] is called upon for about 935 able- bodied young men. Of this number we estimate that 200 will go, 135 will either procure substitutes or "skedaddle," and 600 will pay the $600 commutation fee. This will call for $180,000!

September 11, 1863
    We give the lists for the towns of Otsego county, in which the draft has been made, as far as received in this office up to the time of going to press. Ample notice will be given drafted men when they are to appear for examination, or to render excuse. [Town of Otsego is the last township listed, 136 names]

October 16, 1863
    In the Journal of August 14, in an article on the draft, we made the following suggestions: [see August 14 above]
    We also quoted the Act of the last legislature authorizing the payment of money to aid in procuring substitutes. What was here suggested has been done in many towns and cities in those states where the draft has been enforced. In this town the matter received no attention, and the result was what was anticipated: a few young men who have been drafted, leaving families dependent on their labor for support, must either be aided by the private subscriptions of a few liberal persons, or they must respond to the call of the Government. Several subscription papers of that character have been in circulation on this corporation - some for relief of those whose cases are hard indeed; and we are glad to know that these are being aided, But if it is right and proper that aid should be extended to this class of citizens, it should be done as in many other places, by a tax on the whole town. The most liberal of our citizens - whose hands are always open to aid a worthy object - complain of the frequency with which they are called upon with subscription papers for a great variety of objects, private and public. It comes upon the few, in almost every case, and the tax is felt to be burdensome.
    In view of the fact that another draft may soon be ordered, we again call attention to this subject, and we do so for the special benefit of the class of men we have mentioned. And let us here say to them, they must themselves take more interest in the matter, and initiate the movement for a Town Meeting to consider the subject of raising money under the Act of '63, to aid in providing substitutes for such as have families depending solely on their labor for support.

October 23, 1863
    Over Three Hundred Thousand Dollars have been received by the Collector in this District as a result of the recent draft - and about 150 men will be sent to the field, most of them as volunteer substitutes.
    Will the Administration offer this large sum in this District to those who may volunteer under this last call? Will it pay at least $300 for each new recruit? It should do so - for it was the understanding that for $300 the Government undertook to get a substitute for each man paying it.

November 20, 1863
    [The Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors November 13, 1863]
    Mr. Hooker offered the following,    
    Resolved, That there be assessed upon the town o Otsego the sum of $819.26 to pay the bonds issued by said town to raise money under and by virtue of the act of the Legislature passed Feb. 21st, 1863, in relation to bounties to volunteers.

December 11, 1863
    Lists have been printed and circulated, giving the names of persons subject to draft under the late call. Those recently drafted are also designated, and those who paid the commutation fee, as well as those who procured substitutes, are exempted from the next draft. This of course increases the chances of the fortunate ones who escaped at the recent turning of the wheel. As we understand it, the 1st Class will be exhausted before recourse is had to the 2d Class to fill the quota.
    The machinery formerly used to induce volunteering, had been laid aside, especially in the country; and hence it takes longer to get in motion. Whether or not we shall have a draft in January, will, we presume, depend in a great measure on the progress made in volunteering, and the exigencies of the service. If the young men of our country show a disposition to fill up the ranks of the Union army by volunteering, it is possible that a brief extension of time may be given.
    We take the liberty of suggesting, that in each town a meeting of those who are in the 1st Class be held at an early day, for the purpose of considering this important subject, and taking such action as may be deemed advisable. Where companies or squads are recruited, they may elect to join what regiment they please. Let us send a few companies to the gallant 121st and 152d.

The following Order is of interest to the Towns and all concerned.
    A record should be kept of all who are recruited in the county. A number recently joined a cavalry regiment.
                    State of New York, Northern Division, Albany, Nov.28, 1863
                                                Circular No. 39.

Provost Marshalls are informed that quotas to towns or sub districts are to be assigned by State authorities under the quotas assigned by the Provost Marshall General to Congressional Districts. All towns which raise their quotas will be exempted from draft, and all men raised in towns will be credited to them if reported and mustered for forming part of the quotas of particular towns. If not so reported, they will be credited to the District at large.
                            FREDERICK TOWNSEND, Maj. U. S. A. and A. A. P. M. Gen'l.

December 18, 1863
    Some of the towns in this county, we learn, are offering a local bounty for volunteers. In most of the towns no action has as yet been taken in regard to the matter. There are points undecided about which the people desire information. For instance, the War Department claims that there is a deficiency of about 47,600 standing against New York on the draft just made. Should the claim be made good, how is that deficiency to be levied? The 19th District stands about No.1 in the State as to men furnished or money paid. Is that fact to be considered, and due credit given, or is the deficiency to be apportioned to the several Districts without regard to what they did on the first draft? Again - it is said that towns will be credited for all the volunteers they may raise, and that any town furnishing its full quota under the last call will be exempted from any call for deficiency on the draft. Supposing the quota of any town to be 50 men under the last call, and 30 deficiency; if the 50 volunteers are forthcoming, that is the end of it; but if only 40 can be obtained, how many more will be drafted? 10 or 40? These are important questions and Mr. Fry should speedily determine them.

A year ago most of the towns in this county voted large bounties; others paid little or nothing. Some of the towns raised their full quotas called for; others were far in arrears. The then threatened draft was not put in force; when the first draft did occur, no allowance was made to towns or counties for what they had done. This should not again occur.
    In this town - as we presume is the case elsewhere- considerable diversity of opinion prevails on the subject of bounties. It is not believed that a draft will be made under two or three months, and the disposition appears to be to delay action - if any is to be taken - until Congress acts on the proposition before it for amending the conscription act; and until the Legislature, soon to assemble, shall open the way to some legal action by repealing the act of last year prohibiting the paying of local bounties. Some of our citizens are in favor of offering a town bounty; others are strongly opposed to it. This feeling takes no party shape..

Persons claiming exemptions from the draft and applying to have their names stricken from the rolls, - because of, alienage, non-residence, want of proper age, or manifest permanent physical disability - will be heard until the 20th inst. The object of the Board is, we presume, to strip the rolls of all the dead wood on them before another draft takes place.

Winter is upon us; and in every town in the county are the families of men who are in the army. Some of them doubtless need a few loads of wood, or a few dollars in ready money. Do not let them be forgotten or neglected. Above all others of our poor, they should not be allowed to suffer. A list of the families of absent Soldiers should be made out and filed with the Supervisor of each town, and the needy assisted.

December 25, 1863
    The Town Meeting called for the 23d inst., assembled at the Court House and organized by the appointment of Rev. Martin Marvin, Chairman and Samuel A. Bowen, Secretary.
    The object of the meeting was stated to be the raising of a bounty to pay Volunteers. The reading of an Act of the last legislature, forbidding the paying of local bounties, was called for.
    L. I. Burditt, Esq., took the ground that the town should not act directly against the law - which was adopted for the wise purpose of preventing a competition between different localities - but that we should await the further action of the legislature. E. Countryman, Esq., said there was no doubt that the legislature would repeal the Act of last year, and legalize the action of this meeting.
    Mr. G. L. Bowne moved that the town pay a bounty of $500. Mr. Countryman moved $600. The amendment was adopted.
    The following resolutions, on behalf of Mr. C., were adopted:
    Resolved, That the sum of Six Hundred Dollars shall be paid to any and every person who shall hereafter volunteer as a soldier in the army of the United States, from the town of Otsego, to be allowed on the quota of said town under the recent call for volunteers by the President of the United States, the same to be paid whenever said volunteer shall be accepted and mustered into the national service.
    Resolved, That bounty money be raised by assessment and taxation on the taxable property of said town of Otsego, in the same manner that town taxes are levied and collected by law.
    The following were appointed a committee to superintend the raising and paying out the money; H. H. Hooker, Dr. Lathrop,. E. Countryman, Fayette Hinds, John B. Hooker.
The meeting then adjourned.
                                                Martin Marvin, Chairman Samuel A. Bowen, Secretary.


January 1, 1864
    Correction - Our report of the town meeting held on the 23d ult., in this village, was rendered incorrect by us, in making Mr. Countryman the mover of the resolution to fix the bounty at $600. The first motion was made by Mr. Bowen, as stated; the amendment offered by some other gentleman, not known; and after the amount was thus fixed, Mr. C. came in with a resolution, drawn at request of others, in which the sum voted was inserted. This correction is due Mr. Countryman, especially as the bounty voted was beyond his own views.

The Quota for Otsego County, under the late call for troops, is given by towns, as follows, together with the enrollment of the 1st Class. As it appears to be a settled thing at Washington that the 2d Class will be consolidated with the 1st, it will add about 75 per cent to the number liable to be drafted; the call will then be for 8 or 9 out of each hundred.
                            Town of Otsego, 1st Class - 474 Quota - 67
    All men recruited since the 17th of October, will be allowed in reduction of the above quota. Towns should keep a careful record of the men who have enlisted since that date, with the proper evidence.

The legislative act of last year expressly provided that towns or cities might appropriate funds for the purpose of procuring substitutes for drafted men. It seems to be a settled fact that the Government will continue to provide substitutes for $300. Senator Fessenden recently announced that more men had applied for the bounty than had paid the commutation - hence an additional appropriation was rendered necessary.
    In view of these facts we renew the suggestion made in this paper previous to the first draft, that drafted married men of little or no means, who are supporting their families by their labor, shall receive the necessary aid to enable them to commute or to procure a substitute. Some may be able to pay fifty, a hundred dollars or more, themselves; others may have nothing of their own. It is probable that a number of men, greater or less, will be drafted from every town in the county, should the draft take place within a month or two - and of that number there will very likely be a few of the class we have indicated. We believe there is a very general feeling in favor of let the rich and well-to-do take care of themselves; the worthy poor man of family should have aid and assistance. If he voluntarily leaves his family to go to war, they should never be allowed to suffer, in any contingency.

January 8, 1864
    An adjourned town meeting was held at the Court House in this village on Monday last. Scarcely one hundred of the tax payers of the town were present; very few, especially, of the business men of Cooperstown were there. H. Sturges, Esq., was appointed Chairman. and S. A. Bowen, Esq., Secretary.    
    The committee appointed at a former meeting made a report, to the effect that they had obtained sufficient signatures to notes making them good for any reasonable amount; that none of the capitalists or banking institutions of this town would advance the money on them; that a number of men had already enlisted, expecting to receive a town bounty of $600; that they had information to the effect that several veterans now in the Army had been enlisted to the credit of the town of Otsego; many new men were ready to enlist; the committee had done the best they could to carry out the wishes of the former meeting, and they now asked to be discharged. One of the committee further stated that some of the volunteers were ready to take the bonds of the town.
    Mr. Hendryx moved that the proper town officers be instructed to issue town bonds, to the amount of $600 to each man willing to enlist and take the town bounty in that form.
    This motion appeared to meet with very general favor - especially among the tax payers present - and it was, after some discussion as to details, passed; the bonds are to be for $200 each, and to have one, two and three years to run - so that the tax for this specific purpose will be about $14,000 each year.
    Mr. Shaw moved that the Committee be instructed to favor the Veteran volunteers mentioned in their report, in preference to all others, so far as possible. Carried .
    The quota of the town of Otsego is nearly or quite made out; there may be one or two lacking. Eleven veterans from the 43d Regiment re-enlisted and desired to be credited to this town.
    We were last evening shown a letter from C. Brown, Esq., dated at the camp of the 3d N. Y. Cavalry, Newbern, in which he stated that 15 men of that regiment had re-enlisted and desired to be credited to this town, or to some other town in Otsego. He said "I could fill up your entire quota from this regiment."

February 26, 1864
    It was supposed by the Supervisors and others of the Committee having the matter in charge, that the quota of this town, under the call of last fall, was about full. Thirty seven new men and 27 veterans had been enlisted. The town bounty had not been paid to the latter, as no definite answer could be obtained from the War Department in regard to their being allowed on our quota. Now it is announced that the re-enlisted veterans will not be credited. This is contrary to the general expectation, It is a ruling that certainly should not apply to men who have served out their time of two or three years.

According to the circular issued from the office of the Assistant Prov. M. General, this district was behind but 228 men on all calls, on the 1st inst. Since that data, quite a number have been sworn in, and we presume the quota is about full. If so, the town of Otsego, with but 37 men credited under recent calls, must have a surplus to her credit - inasmuch as several towns in the District are far in arrears; indeed, some of then have furnished scarcely any men.
    Since the above was in type, Mr. Ernst has furnished us with the Chenango Telegraph, giving the state of affairs in this District up to the 31st of January - since which date, some of the towns have filled their quotas.
                        The town of Otsego was thus reported - Recruited, 92 - Deficiency, 8

Otsego Town Records, March 4, 1864
    At a meeting of the board of relief of the town of Otsego held March 4th 1864 Resolved The sum of three hundred dollars be raised for the relief of indigent families of volunteers in service of the United States from the town of Otsego.

And that a Town Bond or Bonds be issued for the above amount. John E. Brown Town clerk

May 13, 1864 -
    Advertisement Government Claim Agency, $100 Bounty
The Government Bounty of $100 can now be procured by the proper claimants, by applying in person, or by letter, to the subscribers, who have a direct license from the U.S. Government for prosecuting claims for Pensions, Bounty, Half Pay, &c.,
    They possess unusual facilities for obtaining Bounties for all entitled to the same.
    For obtaining pay for officers and discharged soldiers.
    For obtaining Army Pensions for all entitled to the same, under the provisions of the last Pension Act.
    Terms, $6 Communications, containing return stamp, promptly answered.
    No fee charged for counsel. Office on the second floor of the Bowne building on Main Street, Coopetstown, N.Y.
                                                                    Hiram Kinne
                                                                        R. A. Clark

June 3, 1864
    At the last town meeting held in this village for the purpose of voting bounties to volunteers, it was resolved special pains should be taken to have any volunteers then in the field, who might enlist to the credit of this town, paid such bounty - it being then understood that all such volunteers would be allowed on our quota. The Department at Washington decided not to allow them, after about 40 veterans had enlisted to the credit of the town of Otsego; our Committee then filled up the quota independent of these veterans; then the Department reversed its decision, and agreed to allow the veteran volunteers to such towns or counties as had voted them bounties. After the meeting in question there was a call for 200,000 more men. The 40 veterans would make our quota under that call. A special town meeting has been called, to take place at the Court House at 1 o'clock on the 10th inst., to vote a bounty of $300 each to these men - who enlisted expecting to receive $500.

Otsego Town Records, June 10, 1864
At a special town meeting held at the Court House in the village of Cooperstown in and for the town of Otsego in pursuance of a call previously made and posted according to law Horace M Hooker was duly Elected chairman of Said meeting.
    On Motion of E Countryman, George W Ernst, E M Harris, Hezekiah Sturgess, James Hendryx J K Leaning were duly elected a war committee for the town of Otsego The following resolutions were duly passed and adopted by said meeting
    Resolved that the town of Otsego pay to each of the veterans who re-enlisted for the town of Otsego and who have been credited to the town under a previous call of the President, a bounty of three hundred dollars and that the town issue bonds The following resolution was duly passed and adopted by said meeting Resolved that the town pay the bounty or bond due to Robert Burk, to his family and that the same be used for the future benefit of his family and for their Education and support hereafter and not to pay his old debts The meeting then adjourned
                                                    John E. Brown Town Clerk

June 10, 1864
    The Central Relief Association have acknowledged a box sent from this village on the 19th ult., containing the following articles;
    Thirty three shirts, 9 pair drawers. 8 sheets, 2 pillows, 2 pair pillow cases, 2 quilts, 1 double gown, 7 pair socks, 9 needle books, 2 bottles currant wine, currant jelly, packages of dried apples, raspberries, currants and old linen, magazines and papers.
                                                    M. M. Foot, Sec'y.

June 17, 1864
    At the special meeting held in this village last week, it was resolved to pay the veteran volunteers a bounty of $300 each; and Messrs. G. W. Ernst, E. M. Harris, H. Sturges, J. I. Hendryx, and J. K. Leaning were appointed a committee to carry into effect the resolution of the meeting, acting in connection with the proper town officers.

During the past week a box was forwarded to the Central Relief Association from Fly Creek containing the following items; -
    Three hundred pounds dried fruit, 8 do [ditto] beef, 10 cans jelly, honey, horse radish, &c., 5 bottles wine, 8 gallons pickles, 4 pair drawers, 64 shirts, 10 collars, 50 towels, 44 handkerchiefs, 52 lbs. old cotton and linen, 13 pair pillow cases, 7 sheets, 19 cushions, 6 pillows, 2 summer coats, 1 dressing gown, 1 pair slippers, magazines and 1 testament. M. M. Foot, Sec'y.

July 8, 1864
    The Ladies of Cooperstown will give a Fair for the benefit of our sick and wounded soldiers, in Judge Nelson's new brick block, corner Chestnut and Main streets - on Thursday, July 21st. the opening will begin at 12. Those who desire Ice Cream for dinner can be provided for. The Fair will continue from 12 to 11 P.M. It is earnestly desired that there be a large attendance.

The Fair for the Soldiers to be held on the 21st of this month, should not be forgotten. We are requested to hint to some of our liberal hearted farmers that a few pounds of live geese feathers would be thankfully received, to be made up in cushions for wounded men. They may be left with Miss Pickens.

July 15, 1864
The Ladies of the Episcopal Church of Cooperstown will offer for sale this (Thursday) evening, at Bowne Hall, an assortment of useful and fancy articles, also Ice Cream, a variety of Cake, &c. The public will avail themselves of this opportunity to spend an evening pleasantly.

Supplies of Hospital shirts, pads, bandages and old linen and cotton are very much needed by the Sanitary Commission. Aid Societies will do good service by forwarding these articles, with the least possible delay to the Central Relief Association.
                                            M. M. Foot, Associate Manager

Mr. Editor: Why are not the town bonds issued or the town bounties paid, that were promised the volunteer soldiers by the town of Otsego? The committee are patriotic men, and would not let any private business interfere with that sacred duty. What is the matter?
                                                 J. Stick

July 29, 1864
The Fair for the Soldiers held in this village last week, was a decided success. The ladies interested in it took hold energetically and accomplished a great deal of work in a short time. Several articles of value, contributed by different persons, were disposed of by lot, and helped materially to swell the receipts. The contributions for the ice cream and refreshment room were on a liberal scale, and that department of the fair netted a very handsome sum. The rooms in Judge Nelson's new building, where the fair was held, were handsomely trimmed with flags, evergreens and flowers, reflecting the good taste of the young ladies who did the work. The attendance was so large on Thursday evening, that many persons were unable to gain admittance. The aggregate receipts amounted to about $695 Disbursements for general expenses, material made up, &c., $138 - net proceeds $557. A draft for $527 was sent the President of the Christian Commission, and $30 sent the Sanitary Commission for the purchase of material to be made up for the soldiers.
    In this connection we publish the following extract from an officer's letter, dated Near Petersburg, July 13:
    "The weather continues intensely hot. We have had no rain now for more than 50 days, and the dust, as our trains move, is actually suffocating. Our poor soldiers in the trenches suffer beyond description; but they all stand up under it bravely, and the entire army is in good spirits and confident of ultimate success. They all complain, however, of not being paid. There is now more than four months' pay due them; but the officers are worse off than the men. The soldiers are all well fed and clothed, but the poor officers have to find themselves. The Sanitary Commission is an institution a credit to every one who has helped them. They have their stores in the wagons here at the front, and wagons passing from City Point to all parts of the army. They keep the soldiers supplied with vegetables, the hospitals with delicacies, &c. The Christian Commission is also another good Samaritan affair."
    Lieut. F. W. Foot, of the 121st Regt., reported killed, is alive and a prisoner in Libby Prison Hospital, Richmond. He was wounded in an engagement on the 10th of May, captured, and was obliged to have a leg amputated above the knee.
    Note: I have included these items as an example of the reports which appeared in the paper every week, along with the obituaries of local soldiers.

A town meeting has been called, to assemble at the Court House on the 1st day of August, at one o'clock P.M., to take into consideration the subject of voting a town bounty to Volunteers under the late call for half a million of men. It is a meeting which should be attended by all interested.
    A preliminary "mass meeting" was held on Monday last, at which the payment of bounties was recommended.
    The Surplus of those towns in Otsego county which have furnished an excess of men over all calls previous to that of the 18th inst., is officially announced as follows:
                                Town of Otsego - 14 men surplus

If in justice this town is allowed 42 one year men on the last call, for the 14 three year men credited as excess, we shall have but a few to furnish. How else Mr. Fry is to "equalize" the matter, we are not informed.

Otsego Town Records, August
    At a Special Town meeting held at the Court House in Cooperstown on the 1st day of August 1864 in & for the town of Otsego, pursuant to Call

The following Resolutions were duly passed and adopted by said meeting Resolved that a bounty of $350 be paid to one year men & 400 dollars 400 to two years men & six hundred dollars 600 to three years men who may enlist to the Credit of the town of Otsego under the recent Call of the President of the United States

Resolved that J. B. Hooker, Thomas McIntosh, A. T. Vanhorn, Fayette Hinds & G. P. Keese be a War Committee to secure recruits for said town The meeting then adjourned
                                                                    J. E. Brown Town Clerk

Note: I am including both reports of this meeting to illustrate the additional detail supplied by the Freeman's Journal.

August 5, 1864
    A town meeting was held in the yard of the Court House, on Monday last, to take into consideration the subject of voting a town bounty to volunteers. The meeting was organized at 2 o'clock, and on motion a vote was taken on the subject of paying a bounty. Sixty odd votes were cast "for" and thirty odd "against" offering such bounty. During the progress of the meeting others came in, until the number present may have reached two hundred. - representing not a very large proportion of the taxable property of the town. A thunder storm came looming up, and in a hurried manner, with no opportunity for proper deliberation or consultation, a resolution was adopted in favor of paying a bounty of $350 for one year men, $500 [sic] for two years' men and $600 for three years' men - and then the whole matter put in charge of a committee consisting of T. McIntosh, G. P. Keese, J. B. Hooker, J. K. Leaning and A. T. Van Horne, to arrange as they might deem proper.

This committee held a meeting the next day, and offered to pay the above bounties to Mr. J. B. Hooker, and a Mr. Seeley of Albany for a sufficient number of men to fill the quota of this town under the last call.

If 85 men are put in at $600 each, the cost to the town will be $51,000; the debt on the town is already about $55,000. Those of our taxpayers who have favored the kind of "legislation" witnessed on Monday last, must by this time be satisfied with its workings. Verily we are a "democratic" people, having "all things in common!"

Otsego Town Records, At a Meeting of Town auditors of the Town of Otsego held at Otsego August 23d 1864 Resolved That the Board wait until the action of a special Town meeting called to be held on the 29th day of August to determine whether a Bounty should be paid drafted men & men who furnished substitutes and adjourned until such meeting. John E. Brown Town Clerk

August 26, 1864
    The gentlemen who undertook to fill the quota of this town have written to Mr. Hooker that the men cannot be obtained for the bounty offered. We believe they obtained two or three recruits in New York. They meet hundreds of agents, all on the same business, wherever they go.
    The bonds offered by the town of Otsego in payment of bounties, are as good as a mortgage and they will be paid - therefore we have no hesitation in recommending them as an investment to those who have money lying idle. A state of things may arise in the future which will make it desirable in some cases to renew the bonds for a few years; but to that capitalists will not be likely to object.

Otsego Town Records
    At an informal town Meeting held at the Court House in Cooperstown on the 29 day of August 1864 Martin Marvin was elected Chairman
    The committee appointed at the previous town meeting reported that the gentlemen to whom the contract was given to procure recruits for the town had secured two men and a few substitutes - but how many they had not yet been able to ascertain
    The following resolutions were adopted and passed by said meeting
     Resolved that the town of Otsego pay town Bounty to each and every person who should enlist or who furnish a Substitute when mustered into the Service of the United States and credited to said town under the present Call of the President of the United States in July 1864 for 500,000 men a sum not exceeding $1025 But no person procuring a substitute or volunteer to receive a greater sum than the volunteer or substitute has received not exceeding the sum aforesaid.
     Resolved that town Bonds be issued to said volunteers or substitutes payable this fall and that the town Officers receive and collect the monies at a day not later than this fall. The following named persons were appointed a War Committee for the town of Otsego : F U Johnson, J A Lynes, Andrew Shaw The meeting then adjourned John E Brown Town Clk

The Freeman's Journal, September 2, 1864
    At a town meeting, very largely attended, held at the Court House on Monday last, it was recommended that a bounty of $1025 be paid volunteers credited to this town. A meeting, properly called, is to be held on Wednesday next to legalize this action. A number of men have already been enlisted. The bonds of the town, we presume, will be freely taken by many of the recruits as a safe investment

P.S. We learn that our quota is nearly full; About 30 of the number are three years' men. Mr. Prosser secured 20 such in Buffalo at $900 each.

Many of those who went to the Court House on Monday last and voted in favor of this town paying a large bounty, have money to loan; and they should now come forward and take the town bonds they voted to place on the market. The banks, we are informed, have granted all the assistance they can, and the committee are in want of immediate funds. The Farmers of the town are called upon to do their full share. .

We again suggest to any young men who intend to volunteer from this county, that they organize companies and go together to the field. Volunteers have this privilege; substitutes and drafted men do not.

Otsego Town Records September 7, 1864
The resolutions of the town meeting held August 29, 1864 offering a bounty of $1025 to volunteers to fill the quota of the town were duly adopted by said meeting and a resolution duly passed ratifying and confirming the action of the previous town meeting of August 29th The meeting then adjourned
                                                                            John E. Brown Town Clerk

October 21, 1864
    An acknowledgment has been received from the Central Relief of the following articles sent from this place on the 27th ult.
    Four gallons blackberry cordial, 7 linen shirts, 2 cotton do, 2 pair cotton drawers, 31 handkerchiefs, 6 towels, 1 table cloth, 1 roll old linen, 6 pair hose, 29 lbs. dried currants, 15 1/2 do. blackberries, 5 1/2 do. apples, 5 pair pillow cases, 1 double gown, 1 bundle old cotton, 1 silk handkerchief, 1 pair gloves, 17 flannel shirts, 15 do. drawers in return for flannel sent.

Otsego Town Records, October 27, 1864
    At a Meeting of the Town board of Otsego held at W. C. Keyes Hotel Oct 27 1864
    That the sum of Sixty Thousand dollars be levied upon the taxable property of the town of Otsego for the purpose of paying the notes given for Bounty money to soldiers and that a tax for that amount be made out and the Book be left with J. P. Sill at the Bank of Cooperstown that such persons as choose to may pay their tax.
                                                                            John E. Brown Town Clerk

October 28, 1864
    In anticipation for an early call for more men from this State, especially should Lincoln be re-elected, it would be well for the Board of Supervisors at its approaching session to make provision for raising at least half a Million of Dollars, by taxation and a moderate use of bonds, to be used for paying bounties to volunteers. Unless something of this kind is done, towns will again be found bidding against each other, and bounties will be run to a very high figure for one year men.
    The hardships of the draft have been greatly increased by the recent decision announced last week, in the following paragraph: -
    "Many of the men recently drafted here,. have run off or hid themselves. In view of this fact, enquiries were recently addressed to the Provost Marshall, who replied, that drafted men who fail to report and do not actually enter the service, are not credited on the quota. A supplementary draft will be made for any deficiencies that may exist after the present draft is completed
    The practical effect is this: A town has 100 men who are liable to the draft, and 25 is the quota; of this number 15 or 20 "run off" when drafted; they are situated so that they can leave; others are not; and they must run two or three chances of being drafted - to fill the places of deserters on the army! This decision will have the effect intended by Mr. Fry - but is it fair and just?

November 4, 1864
    This town borrowed $55,000 for bounty purposes, in the city of New York, on the notes of several of our citizens; which notes become due the first of December, and must go to protest unless paid. To avoid this alternative, it became necessary to call on the tax-payers of the town to pay a portion of the Bounty Tax previous to that time. We understand that a large proportion of this tax is being paid into Mr. Sill, appointed by the Supervisor to receive it.

Maryland has quite recently filled her quota, at $600 a man. So much for not getting scared. This town paid a number of Marylanders $1,025 each to do the fighting for "our folks"; and the stay-at-home tax-payers of Maryland hire others to fight for them at a little more than one-half of that sum.

Otsego Town Records, November 10, 1864
At a meeting of the Town Board of Town Auditors of the town of Otsego held at the Inn of W. C. Keyes, the Place where the last town Meeting was held Dated Nov 10th 1864
    That the sum of one per cent be allowed H. M. Hooker, Supervisor for receiving and Disbursing Bounty Money. John E. Brown Town Clerk

November 11, 1864
    An incident or two occurred at the polls in this village, on Tuesday last, which doubtless had their counterpart elsewhere. Jacob and John Blonk are legal voters of this town and election district - their names being duly registered. They enlisted in the army during the present year, and are now in the service. They sent on the specified proxies, with their votes, directed to J. F. Scott, Esq., who does business in this town, but lives just over the line in Middlefield. There was no question as to their being voters, or as to their signatures; the only point - raised by several Republicans present - was that the votes were not sent to an elector of this town, and hence, under a strict construction of the law, should not be received. It was insisted, on the other side, that these were good and true votes, that there was no fraud intended or charged, and that a liberal and just construction of the law would allow of their being received. Mr. Bowen, Chairman of the Board of Inspectors, so held; but his Republican associate was decidedly opposed to it, and the other Democratic member said that a strict and literal construction of the law would compel him to decide the same way - though he knew the Blonks to be legal voters of this district. This was a hard case, as all must admit. We shall not complain of the action of the Board; yet we do not believe these votes should be lost to the brave men who sought to cast them for the candidates of their choice.
    The law is one which, with the experience of this election before them, men of both parties will be willing to see materially amended.

November 25, 1864
    It will be remembered that the tax book for this town was left with Mr. Sill as Receiver of such portion of the Bounty tax as was needed to pay certain bonds falling due the 1st of next month. The payment of the tax at this time was entirely voluntary. The result is stated as follows: "The sum of $41,106 was paid in by 655 people and corporations; the tax of 176 persons and corporations remains unpaid, amounting to $17,848 - of which sum $14,934 is due from persons and corporations in this village." This is a good show for the town of Otsego.
    The sum paid, as mentioned above, is of course to be credited on the tax levied on this town by the Board of Supervisors. There remains to be paid this year about 3 per cent more for bounty purposes - and about $50,000 will remain due, most of which will be paid next year.

December 9, 1864
    There was a "big scare" when the last call was made for Volunteers, and a day appointed for the draft. In most of the towns in this county the business of filling the several quotas was badly conducted, and as a general thing one year men were put into the service at a greater price than should have been paid for three years' men. It was so in this town. All the circumstances are fresh in the recollection of our fellow townsmen, and we need only allude to them. Do our citizens wish to see an re-enactment of the same scenes? Are they willing to have from $50,000 to $75,000 added to the town debt? If not, they must, we think, act now, while there is time and opportunity to do things in a more deliberate way, and obtain volunteers at a moderate cost.
    It would be a very easy thing to denounce the "town mob" mode of legislation, and to say that such things should not be submitted to - but would that do any good? would it save the town from unnecessary burdens? We think not; for we are compelled to judge the future by the past. The gentlemen who last summer advocated moderate bounties, deliberate action, and the putting in of two or three years' volunteers, were not listened to. It would be the same thing over again, under similar circumstances. The legislature gave the people the power and they should exercise it; and it is all idle to talk about a supposed or real inequality or injustice in the working of the "new system" in the face of an impending draft. Besides the propriety and justice of granting bounties to volunteers, to a greater or less extent, has been almost unanimously acknowledged. Because bounty taxes have become burdensome, and in some cases really oppressive, great complaint is made; and that is not to be wondered at. Wise legislation does not spring from hasty and excited action. For one, we should prefer to be governed by legislative bodies, known to our constitution and laws; but in regard to this affair of paying bounties and voting taxes, the whole matter has been placed in the hands of the sovereign people, and we must take the thing as it is.
    The strong probabilities are, another call for volunteers will soon be made, and the question before our people is, What are you going to do about it? There is only one way in which they can be obtained; that is well understood. Some one "out of the draft," says: "Those who are drafted should either go or get a substitute." Another, liable to be drafted, replies: "The aggregate of property should bear the brunt of the war; why should you, but a year older or younger than I, escape taxation and I be compelled to hire a man to fight our battles? I have no more interest in this matter than you - and feel as great a repugnance to being torn from my family." Another says: "If you want me to go to a war in which all are alike interested, you must pay me well for it; if you do not, I shall leave you to stand the draft." There are a great many such, who, some may say, "can as well go as not." True, but they can also go in another direction "as well as not" - and not a few do go. And then your town is drafted "to fill deficiencies."
    We are not arguing the question of right and wrong in this matter. Under the circumstances, there is no use of it. It would avail nothing. If there is a draft ordered, there will be a town meeting held, large bounties will be voted, and the people will have to pay. We have only one object in writing on this topic, and that is to have such action taken as will render our burdens as light as possible, and at the same time render a draft unnecessary. We desire to have it avoided, if possible. . The government is still paying bounties to volunteers. So is the city of New York, whose quota under the last call was filled months ago. The city pays $100 for one year men, and $25 to the recruiting agent. We might obtain say 50 men for - not to exceed - $200 each. That would be but $10,000. If we wait for another draft to be ordered, it may cost five or six times that sum.
    What say our Bank officers and large tax-payers? Will they get together and consider this matter, and propose some efficient and early action; or shall we drift along till the call is made, and then be at the mercy of a concourse of excited men and greedy substitute agents?

An Appeal has been made in behalf of the Southern Union Refugees, thousands of whom are in great distress and the most abject poverty. Women and children are severe sufferers. Articles of cast-off clothing as well as money, will be received and forwarded by Miss Susan F. Cooper. What you feel inclined to do in that direction, do as soon as convenient.

December 23, 1864
    A Special Town Meeting has been called for Otsego, at the Court House, on Wednesday next at 1 P.M., to take into consideration the matter of raising volunteers for the army by payment of a town bounty.
    In anticipation of another call for men, we several weeks ago urged upon our fellow-town-men the importance of early action in this matter, and suggested the hiring of at least 50 men to be credited to this town. They were then being obtained in New York at from $125 to $200 each for one year men, and from $250 to $300 for two years' men. They cannot now be had for those figures.
    Those gentlemen who have finally initiated a movement for raising men and means, and who should come before the meeting they have called with some practical suggestions and plan of operations will doubtless be guided somewhat by the past experience of this town. While they recognize the desirability of avoiding a draft in Otsego, they should also regard the interests of the tax-payers. No larger sum than is actually necessary to procure the men should be raised; the monied interests and capitalists of the town should be fairly represented on the committee; and some discretion should be allowed them as to the terms for which men should be put in, and the bounties to be paid. We believe several thousand dollars might be saved by advertising in New York, Albany and Buffalo for proposals from responsible parties, for the requisite number of men. Prompt, but not hasty action is needed. There should be a full attendance at the meeting

Otsego Town Records. December 28, 1864
    At a Special Town Meeting held at the Court House pursuant to Call already made
The following resolution was offered by E. C. Denio and being seconded by Geo. Holman was put to vote & carried & adopted by said Meeting
    Resolved That the Town of Otsego pay a bounty to volunteers who shall enlist to fill the quota of the town under the late call of the President of the United States not to Exceed the sum of Four hundred dollars for one year men Six hundred dollars for two year men and Eight hundred dollars for three year men The following resolution was offered by E. M. Card and being seconded was put to vote and carried by said meeting
    Resolved that any Person furnishing a substitute shall receive from the Town the amount he pays such substitute not exceeding the sum of Four hundred dollars for one year Six hundred for two years man and Eight hundred for three year men The following resolution was offered by H. M. Hooker - seconded and adopted by said meeting.
    Resolved That J. S. Sprague, Horace Lathrop, F. B. Smith, J. Leaning J. S. Bl [illegible - ink blot] Frank Roof be a committee to examine enrolled men and to see that such men as they thought proper should be sent to Norwich and the Town pay the necessary expenses of such men as should be sent upon the certificate of the foregoing committee.
    The following resolution was offered by E. M. Card and duly seconded and adopted by said meeting
    Resolved that the supervisor be authorized to levy and collect the monies necessary to provide for the payment of the bounties to carry into effect the fore going resolutions by a tax or by issuing bonds upon the credit of the town for the payment of said Bounties
    The following named persons were Elected by the meeting a War Committee to Procure volunteers to fill the quota of the town To witt
    A. A. Brown, B. F. Kipp, J. K. Leaning, G. P. Keese, E. M. Card The Meeting then adjourned
                                                                        John E. Brown Town Clerk

December 30, 1864
    A special town meeting was held at the Court House on Wednesday last, pursuant to call to take action on the proposition to vote a town bounty.
     It was resolved to pay a bounty not to exceed $400, $600 and $800 for one, two and three years' men; and Messrs. A. A. Brown, G. P. Keese, J. K. Leaning, B. F. Kip and E. M. Card were appointed a committee to take the matter in charge.
     It was resolved that the Supervisor immediately levy and cause to be collected the money necessary to pay these bounties - (which of course he has no authority to do without action on the part of the Board of Supervisors) No power was given to issue bonds.
    Doctors Sprague, Leaning, Lathrop, Blodgett, Smith and Roof were appointed a committee to aid in the correcting of the town enrollment.
    The Enrollment for this town has just been completed by Mr. E. C. Denio, the enrolling officer for Otsego. We believe his work has been done fairly and conscientiously. There are a number of the 600 persons enrolled who are clearly entitled to exemptions, but Mr. Denio has no discretion in their cases. They must go before the Board at Norwich - and the sooner the better.


    January 6, 1865
    The gentlemen acting as a War Committee for this town, now realize the force of certain facts which we urged upon our fellow townsmen a month or two ago, when 50 three years' men could have been attained for less than $20,000. However, we hope they will take the matter coolly and act deliberately. Should we fortunately obtain speedy and decisive successes in the field, the threatened draft may be avoided. Doubtless, however, it is the interest of towns to obtain all the volunteers which can be had for fair bounties.

The physicians of this town, appointed as an examining committee, recommended about 60 men to apply to the Board at Norwich for exemption from the draft on account of permanent physical disability; and most of them went over there on Tuesday.

January 13, 1865
    We are happy to announce the escape of Lieut. Morris Foot, of this place, from a rebel prison in Georgia, and his return home. He was on Gen. Wessells' staff , at Portsmoutn, at the time of his capture.
    Our quota has not yet been filled - and young men who wish to enlist to the credit of Otsego, can do so and receive a handsome bounty, cash in hand.

January 20, 1865
    A quote from the Albany Argus stating that veterans who enlist in Albany county in Hancock's Corps, for three years will receive a bounty of $1,200, as follows:
                                    Regular Government bounty $300
                                    Extra to men in this Corps 300
                                    Albany county bounty 600 1,200
    Volunteers in this [Otsego] county can obtain the same large bounty by applying to our town committee. We should like to see out quota filled with such men. Fifty of them would be worth a hundred raw recruits; and they would be of more real benefit to the service than a battalion of such men as some of the city bounty brokers furnish. What veteran wants the $1,200 bounty?

We learn that the committee appointed at the town meeting held in this village on the 29th ult., for the purpose of filling the quota of this town under the last call of the President for 300,000 men, have labored under many disadvantages, the most serious of which is the difficulty in raising the necessary funds to pay the volunteers when procured. Had they been able to have procured the money, the quota could have been filled at a much less sum per capita than they were authorized to pay, and it can still be done, in the opinion of the committee, if the money can be procured. We are enabled to state that the committee have made arrangements for 14 three year men, at from $600 to $660 each; and 7 substitutes have also been procured for three years to apply on the quota - 21 in all. The bonds of the town are to be issued payable in 2 or 3 years, bearing 7 per cent interest, and some bonds will be issued payable on the 1st of April next. All persons desiring a safe investment for their money, and all interested in having the quota under this call filled at an early day, at the lowest possible figures, as well as those liable to the draft, are earnestly requested to aid the committee in raising the necessary funds for this purpose, for they must have the money to accomplish it, and if promptly aided in that respect by the people, many thousand dollars will be saved to the tax-payers of the town. Shall they have the money?

Otsego Town Records
    At the Annual Meeting of the Board of Town Auditors held at the Inn of W. C. Keyes, the place where the last annual Town meeting was held.
    That the Supervisor raise the sum of Eight hundred dollars to constitute a fund for the aid and relief of Soldiers families and to defray Expenses already occurred on their account as soon as he can conveniently do so.
    That H. M. Hooker, Supervisor be allowed the Sum of eight hundred dollars for his commissions, services, and liabilities in receiving & paying soldiers bounty money. $92,600. John E. Brown, Town Clerk

January 27, 1865
    We are informed that the War Committee of this town have enlisted 58 three years' men - 41 as volunteers, and 17 substitutes have been offered. The Committee have agreed to pay as follows: 17 men $650 each, 10 $660, 10 $640, & 4 $600. It is stated that the resolution adopted at the last town meeting was to the effect "that $800 be paid to those furnishing substitutes," and that the Committee have no control over the matter. But we presume that it will not be claimed that it was contemplated to pay more for substitutes - for the benefit of individuals - than to volunteers, all to the credit of the town. The most that any city or town has done, has been to allow those putting in substitutes as much as has been paid for volunteers; while the general rule has been to pay less. The evident intention here was, to pay $800 for substitutes, provided the town paid that, the maximum, for volunteers.
    The Committee, we are also informed, has determined for the present, to suspend recruiting. We think this course, under all the circumstances, will be approved by the tax-payers of the town. Our debt should not be unnecessarily increased. If we are not to have a draft, we have already done enough, in a patriotic view of the case; and should one be ordered, it may be for only a portion of the men called for. That this is the last call for men to carry on this war, is a general conviction; hence, if more men should be needed to fill our quota, one year volunteers will as well answer the purpose. as those for three years; and they can be had at a less cost to the town.
    The War Committee will be expected by the tax-payers to make a full report of their doings, and a statement of all their expenditures and obligations incurred. We call for a report, at the request of those interested in these important town matters.
    P.S. Three men have been received, at $400 each. The substitutes are 18 in number - 62 men in all.

February 3, 1865
    We are indebted to Mr. Ernst for the following information in regard to the draft, quotas, &c.:
     For the information of the several towns in Otsego County, I herewith send you a detailed list of the quotas due from the several towns under the call of December 19, 1864, for 300,000 men, after deducting credits, with the excess standing to those towns which furnished a greater number of three years' men, under the call of July 18, 1864. It is believed that the 19th district will be the first in the State to fill her quota under the late call. Many towns have already furnished an excess on the present quota, which excess will be carried to their credit in case of a further draft.
    The town of Otsego has filled her quota and has an excess of about 130 years' service. Only 54 one year men were called for and she has furnished over 60 three years' men.
    The tax-payers will certainly feel thankful, in view of the heavy obligations resting upon them, that their Committee did not act upon the fears of some, or the advice of others, and put in from one to two hundred men, at six to $800 each. Whenever the Committee are ready to publish a full report of their doings with a statement showing the expenses incurred in raising men under the recent call, our columns will be open to them. It is due the tax-payers that they should be fully informed on such matters.

March 24, 1865
    By the persistent efforts of E. M. Card, Esq., the difficulties and hindrances which stood in the way of this town receiving the proper credit for men placed in the U.S. service have been mainly overcome, and full justice will probably be done us. We shall stand, as heretofore claimed, with a surplus of over 20 three years' men.
    Mr. Card went to Albany last week, to confer with Deputy Pro. Marshall General, Col. Townsend - an official not so easy of access or accommodating as might be. Mr. C. was told by those in charge of the office to take his papers, &c., to the Provost Marshall of his own District; but he had not journeyed to Albany to obtain such valuable advice. He knew Mr. Gordon was willing to do us justice, when he had the proper authority. Failing to obtain any very satisfactory information in Albany, Mr. Card paid a visit to Col. Baker, at New York who showed him the book - seized at the discovery of the enlistment frauds in this State - containing a list of naval recruits. There he found recorded the names of nine men enlisted to our credit in New York. He returned to Albany, succeeded in obtaining an interview with Col. Townsend, and found that the number, but not the names, of the men enlisted in Buffalo had been reported by the mustering officer - who should also have, reported the names to Capt. Gordon, at Norwich. He was also informed by Col. T. that on the discovery of the enlistment frauds, new orders had been issued in regard to the manner or reporting recruits by the mustering officers, and on that account, some of our credits had not been made; that he could not go back of his orders to make them, &c.
    Mr. Card then asked for an extension of time for the men drafted in this town and Hartwick, to report at Norwich; also for an order directing Capt. Gordon to give the proper credits. This was denied. Mr. C. then presented the case to Senator Andrews, who telegraphed Gen. Fry, at Washington. That officer promptly directed an extension of ten days' time in which the drafted men of Otsego and Hartwick should be required to report at Norwich; also ordering credits to be given for all men received into the service. Col. Townsend then promised Mr. Card that on receipt of the proper certificate from Col. Baker, the 9 men above alluded to should be credited to Otsego; also any men mustered in to the credit of Hartwick and received on shipboard. It is therefore expected that as far as this town is concerned, all but perhaps two or three of the men paid for will be duly credited at Norwich.
    Mr. Card deserves much credit for the persevering manner in which he sought to have justice done this town and Hartwick.. If the government officials would do their business in a straightforward manner, all this unnecessary trouble might be avoided. But the whole drafting business has been miserably managed from the outset.

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