



By John K. Tyler of Company G 121 st NY Vols

Worcester NY

When men sought the life of our nation
And Rebels their work had begun
There formed on the banks of the Mohawk
That Regiment - "One twenty one."
There were men of all trades and professions,
There were "Big Joe" and Tim Dacy, too;
The people all cheered and they shouted
When the boys marched away in their blue.
Brave men to the front were now rushing
As streams going out from the fountain,
And in one short month we received
Our baptismal fire at South Mountain.
Although we were not schooled as soldiers,
We never had learned how to run;
And ours was a record of glory
When led by brave Col. Upton.
The story of valor is written,--
How they marched, how they fought and they bled;
How few there came back without blemish,
And the many they left with the dead.
From South Mountain to old Appomatox
Our battles were more than a score;
And they said when we passed in rewiew,-
"There's the pride of the fighting 6th Corps."
Right well we remember the ladies
Who gave us the banner in trust.
And asked that we ever would guard it,
And not see it trail in the dust.
And well we remember the welcome
They gave our boys here in this town,
As rejoicing we came home from victory,
When the last Rebel flag was torn down.
Here's health to the comrades from Otsego,
And those from old Herkimer, too,
That stand here to-night reunited,
Who fought for the red, white and blue.
Here's health to brave Upton who led them
No matter how strong were the foe,
Wherever the fight was the thickest
There he and the "Onesters" would go.
The memory of comrades we cherish,
Whose faces are absent to-night.
Who fought for our Cause and the Union
And fearlessly died for the right.
All honor to brothers and sisters,
Who stood by the brave and the true,
Our flag and our country forever -
Three cheers for the RED, WHITE and BLUE!

(from Grand Army of the Republic - Otsego County Posts compiled by D.A. Ellis 1892)