


Roll of Honor Otsego County

The World War 1917-1919

Compiled for the Home Defense Committee and the people of the county by Justice Abraham L. Kellogg, assisted by Mrs. Jessie C. Birdsall and Edwin R. Moore, Secretaries of the Exemption Boards of the county, and by the Committee of One Hundred.


Name Rank Home town or address
Adams, Chauncey M. Private Unadilla Forks
Barrett, Walter F. Private West Winfield
Carpenter, Melvin Private Unadilla Forks
Dromgoole, Charles Navy -
Evans, Edward M. Private Unadilla Forks
Evans, Robert E. Private Unadilla Forks
Firman, Horace B. Private .126, Wall Street, Utica
Frieberger, Lynn Private Sydney
Garrison, Roy Private Unadilla Forks
Green, Stuart, F. Navy Weat Winfield, R. D. 2
Hughes, George B. Private Unadilla Forks
Huntington, Alonzo Private -
Lucy, Walter F. Private Leonardsville
Lucy, George H. Navy Leonardsville
Lucy John E. Navy Leonardsville
Matthews, William Private -
Newman, Ralph C. Private Unadilla ,Forks
Newman, George D. Navy Unadilla Forks
O'Toole ,Francis M. Private -
Parry, Richard F. Private Vernon
Parry, David Private West Winfield
Pritchard, Thomas Private Unadilla Forks
Pugh, Hugh Private -
Watkins, Thomas I. Private Weat, Winfield
Watkins, Stanley Private West Winfield
Wilcox, Henry S. Private Unadilla Forks
Wood, George H. Private -
Evans, Eleanor M. Red Cross Nurse Camp Dix
Watkins, Myra E. Red Cross Nurse West Winfield

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