1828 Tax Assessment List
New Lisbon

Submitted By Lori Driver

1828  New Lisbon Tax Assessment List   New Lisbon, New York Otsego County
Name of Resident          No of Acres      Value of Land    Personal Value   Dollars & Cents of Tax Due
Allen,  Elijah              58                305                  -                1.11
Allen, Lemund (sp?)         265              1821                 750               9.80
Adams, Lucious               76               330                  -                1.12
Armstrong, John and Elisha  145/175           500                  -                1.70
Aldrich, Joel                10               200                  -                0.68
Abbey, Stephen               96               960                 161               3.81
Banjamin, Samuel             57               325                  -                1.11
Bates, Samuel               137               560                  -                1.90
Briggs, Allen               0.5               125                  -                0.13
Benjamin, John               50               300                  55               1.21
Blood, John                 102               712                  -                2.43
Baker, Samuel               154              1078                  -                3.66
Barton, Robert               50               250                  68               1.80
Bigsel ( sp?) , Stephen      57               696                   -               2.37
Benedict, Abraham            unreadable        28                   -               0.09
Barton, Stukely             110               490                   -               1.67
Barton, William              80               500                   -               1.70
Brown, Benjamin              83               830                   -               2.82
Briggs, Royal ( Rial)       109               872                   -               2.96
Benedict, Thomas            100               600                   -               2.40
Bennet, Benjamin            100               600                   50              2.21
Bennet, Banjamin Jr.         73               448                   25              1.61
Bennet, Polly                84               504                   -               1.71
Butts Marble and Fitch      275              1755                   -               5.97
Bowdish, William S.          50               300                   -               1.20
Ballard, Kufsel ( sp?)       -                 -                   500              1.70
Briggs, Esquire ( Squire)    50               300                   -               1.20
Bennet, Amasa               135               810                   -               2.75
Bennet, Albert               20               110                   -               0.37
Cone, Lyman                 117               700                  108              2.75
Cummings, Elias     unreadable /? 13         1544                  696              7.62
Church, Samuel F.       unreadable            200                   -               0.68
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