At a meeting of the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the town of Otsego held at the Court house Cooperstown 3d March 1829. Present
Ariel Thayer )
Chester Jarvis ) Jus of
Chancy Stephens ) P
Resolved that the town appoint three assessors for the year ensuing
That the town appoint four constables for the year ensuing
That the Collectors fees be and is hereby fixed at Three pr cent for this year ensuing
That Rams shall not be suffered to run at large from the 1st day of September
to 25th day of November under the penalty of five dollars
That Sheep, Hogs and Horses shall not run at large under the penalty of 50 cents
That Cattle shall not run at large from the 1st of November to the first of April under the penalty of 25 cents.
That the School Inspectors receive eight shillings pr day when actually employed Inspecting Teachers and Schools.
Fence Viewers
Elijah Matteson
Henry Luce
Erastus Tayler
Ovid Drake
William Johnson
William Adams
Ira Tannar
1829 - page 2
Pound Masters
William Nichols
David Marvin
Hart Seymour
Proceeded to elect officers for the town for the year ensuing when the following persons were declared duly elected. Viz
George Morell Supers
George Pomeroy Town Clk
Daniel Marvin )
Jared Allen ) Assessors
James Stowel )
Elias Root )
David Marvin ) Coms of High Ways
Samuel Williams ).
Stephen Gregory ) Overs of the Poor
John Badger )
Homer Beadle Collector
Ira Tannar )
Isaac Fitch )
Jos A Cheney ) Constables
Homer Beadle )
Henry Scott )
Abm Van Horne ) School Coms
Orestes Badger )
Job Patten )
Levi C Turner ) Sch Inspectors
Ariel Spaford )
1829 - page 3
Path Masters
1. Joseph Griffin Jr 39. William Thayer
2. Ellery Cory 40. Zadoc Fitch
3. John Kellog 41. as part of 66
4. Isaac Williams 42
5. Oliver Sherman 43.
6. Andrew Scribner 44. John Hinds
7. Buck Fitch 45. Thos. Stephens
8. James Welden 46.
9. Jos. Cheney 47. Billings Coats
10. John Patten 48. Saml Jones
11. Lewis Nash 49.
12. Zatty Andrus 50. Thomas Russell
13. Samuel Langley 51. Edward Lewis
14. George W Roberts 52.
15. Joseph Woodhouse 53. Jacob G Storing
16. Leander Plumb 56. Jonathan Price
17. Leonard Webb 57. Christopher crossed out, Lawre added, Manzer
18. Peleg Rose 58. Thomas Tayler 2d
19. Abm Van Horne 59. Elisha Wentworth
20. Daniel P. Barney 60. Orimel Edson
21. Jacob Wilcox 61. Philip Moore
22. Jos. W Bissell 63. John Bailey
23. Jacob Dunbar 64. David Patten
24. Benj Allen 65. John G Crosby
25. Stephen Eddy 66. Ovid Drake
26. Abel Benjamin 67. Asahel Clarke
27. John Jemison
28. Horace Shipman
29. Warren Babbit
30. Abm Shutes
31. Andrew Metcalf
32. John Williams from the Minutes
33. Daniel Ward
34. Ebenezer Lisk G P
35. Caleb Stephens T CLK
36. Stafford Coats
37. Calvin Underwood
38. Orrin Pearce
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