At a Meeting of the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the town of Otsego held at the Court
House on the first Tuesday of March 1837
S Doubleday )
C Jarvis ) Just
G Sprague )
That the town choose Three assessors and four Constables for the year ensuing
That the Collector be allowed five p ct for Collecting
That 4 1/2 feet in height shall constitute a lawful fence
That each school Inspector receive 50 cents for each Teacher inspected - provided
that if several persons present themselves for Inspection agreeable to notice of the Inspectors
at one time - the Inspectors shall then and in that case be allowed 10 [shillings] pr day
That each school Inspector not exceeding two shall receive one dollar for each school
Inspected and examined - provided no more than two schools are examined in one day each school
receiving a half days examination
That the school Coms be allowed 10 [shillings] pr day
1837 - page 2
That no Cattle sheep Hogs or Horses shall be permitted to run at large at any time
during the year under the penalty of Twenty five cents for each and every offense
That Rams shall not be permitted to run at large from 1st of August until the 25
Novr under the penalty of five dolls.
As to the sense of the inhabitants of the town of Otsego in annual meeting assembled that
neither of the applications now before the Legislature of this state for a Division of the
Territory of the good old county of Otsego and not called for by a proper regard to the public
interests and that any measure of the kind would operate ------------- to the inhabitants
as a mass by increasing their burdens of taxation while it would diminish their right in the scale
of political influence in the state.
That our Representatives in assembly be requested to use their influence in obtaining a
law to tax all Incorporated Companies on the High Ways and to make them liable to be sued
before a single Justice.
That the Supervisor of this town be requested to urge on the next Board of Supervisors
the repayment of such monies as may be found due the towns on account of Collection fees.
1837 - page 3
Path Masters
1. Benjamin Burlingham 38. David Price
2. Calvin Williams 39. Peter Mc Rorie
3. Tracy Kellogg 41. D Roberts
4. L C Doubleday 42. Walter Tunnicliff
5. Francis Misson 44. Calvin Conrod
6. George Johnson 2d 45. Martin Pickens
7. H B Sprague 46 John Clark
8. Joseph Hinds 47. Martin Catis
9. Joseph Cheney 48. Jona Roberts
10. C Williams 49 Plat St John
11. Thomas/John * Higby 50. Thos Russell
12. Zatta Andrus 51. Esek Bradford
13. Samuel Spencer 53. Joseph Rose
14. Truman Peck 56. John Wiley Jr
15. William Higby 57. John Bush
16. Lorenzo Jarvis 58. Horace Taylor
17. Horace Beadle 59. Isaac Fisher
18. Claudius Dilly 60. Olney Andrus
19. Delos Pier 61. Josiah Babbit
20. Colonel Eldid 63. Nathaniel Chapman
21. Samuel Steer 64. Peter H Smith
22. Hiram Tenant 65. John B Bissell
23. Jacob Dunbar 66. Nathan Bates
24. Lewis Van Buskirk 67. John Wilson
25. Rufus Bourne
26. Abel Benjamin
27. William Turner
28. Russell Warren
29. Roswell Babbit
30. Isaac Russell
31. Andrew Metcalf
32. John Williams
33. Asahel B Davison
34. Daniel Mc Rorie
35. Orlando C Underwood
36. Alvin Barrus
37. Isaac Welden
* John appears on the line, written above it is Thomas
1837 - page 4
The following persons were duly elected officers for the year ensuing.
Elihu Phinney Supervisor
George Pomeroy Town Clerk
Janus J Paul )
Zebulon Gibbs ) Assessors
Leander Plumb )
Erastus Tayler 2d )
William P Johnson ) Coms of High Ways
Joseph Bennett )
Chester Jarvis )
E D Richardson ) School Coms
Wm Williams )
John Hannay )
Parley E Johnson ) School Insp
Hiram Babcock )
Benjamin Ruggles Collector
Benjamin Ruggles )
Ira Tannar )
Lewis Nash ) Constables
John Hurd )
Alson Preston )
Caleb Thayer ) over seers of the Poor
William Williams Justice from Jany 1838
Ellery Cory Town Sealer
From the minutes
Geo Pomeroy Seth Doubleday )
T Clk Chester Jarvis ) Justices
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