At a meeting of the Electors of the town of Otsego held at the Court House on the first Tuesday of
March 1838 for the purpose of choosing officers for the town for the year ensuing.
A Doubleday )
C Jarvis ) Just
Wm Williams )
That the town choose four Constables and three Assessors for the year ensuing
That the Collector be allowed five pr cent for Collecting the Tax
That the height of fences shall be 4 1/2 feet
That each School Inspector receive 50 cents for each teacher inspected -
provided nevertheless, if several persons present themselves for inspection in consequence of a
public notice by the Inspectors at one time - the Inspectors shall then and in that case be
allowed 10 [shillings] pr day
That each School Inspector shall receive one dollar for each School he inspects and examines -
provided no more than two schools are examined in one day - each school receiving a half days examination.
That the School Coms be allowed 10 {shillings] pr day
1838 - page 2
That no Cattle Sheep Hogs or Horses shall be allowed to roam at large at any
time during the year under the penalty of Twenty five cents for each and every offence.
That Rams same as last year
That the Supervisor of this town be authorised to commence a suit or institute
proceedings against the County for such portion of the Collectors fees and for any other
monies that may have been illegally withheld from this town by said County provided he
shall be advised that a recovery of the whole or a part can be had.
Names of the persons elected
Elihu Phinney Supervisor
George Pomeroy Town Clerk
Zebulon Gibbs )
Leander Plumb ) Assessors
Isaac Fitch )
John Sutherland )
Alexander H. Clark ) Coms of High Ways
Jacob Gates )
Chester Jarvis )
William Williams ) Coms of Schools
Lester C. Doubleday )
1838 - page 3
John Hannay )
Parley E Johnson ) School Insp
Hiram S Babcock )
Benjamin Ruggles Collector
Ira Tanner )
Benjamin Ruggles )
John Hurd ) Constables
Elanson Newell )
Caleb Thayer )
Stephen Allen ) Over Seers of Poor
Hezekiah B Sprague Justice
for four years from 1st Jany 1839
Ellery Cory Sealer
Path Masters
1. John H. Benedict
2. D C Williams
3. Erastus Warren
4. Amos Ellis
5. Francis Misson, crossed out, Abm. Van Horne added
6. George Johnson
7. Buckingham Fitch
8/ James E Lathrop
9. Joseph Cheney crossed out, David Green added
10. Titus B Davison
11. Thos F Higby
12. Zattu Andrus
13. Andrew Philips crossed out, David Houck added
14. Thos Williams
15. David Marvin crossed out, Wm Higby added
16. Juna Humaston
17. John Newton crossed out, Homer Beadle added
1838 - page 4
18. Peleg Rose
19. Delos Pier
20. Timothy Kinne crossed out, Col Eldredge added 64. George Dolphin
21. Jacob Wiley 65. John B Bissell
22. Hiram Tennant crossed out, Saml Bosworth added 66. George A Teft
23. Lathrop Benjamin 67. Peter Clark, crossed out,
John Wilson added
24. Lewis Van Buskirk 68. Marcus Scribner
25. John Hinds 70. Truman Dewey Jr
26. James Winslow
27. Jesse Perkins
28. Francis H. Warren from the
29. Earl P Bramin minutes
30. Selden Wilson crossed out, Isaac Russell added G Pomeroy
31. Isaac Flint T CLK
32. Jona B Harvey Robert Harvey
33. Lester Tayler
34. James Lent
35. Orlo C Underwood crossed out, Jas Welden added
46. Benj Roberts Chester Jarvis )
37. Neh Hinds 2d ) Justices
38, Henry Newland Seth Doubleday )
39. Peter Mc Rorie
41. Renselaer Fitch
42. John Sutherland
44. Jacob Seeber
45. Elias Geer crossed out, Martin Pickens added
46. John Clark crossed out, Chas H Metcalf, Alex Lenon added
47. Natl Mott
48. George Herrick
49. Zadock Fitch crossed out, no name added
50. Elias Wentworth
51. Edward Lewis
53. John Hinds 2d
56 John Wiley Jr.
57. John Burk
58. Henry Gibbs
59. Isaac Tucker
60. Olney Z Andrus
61 Eleazer Joslyn crossed out, Josiah Babit added
63. William Hinds. Memorandum
Number of days assessed is 1990
Number of Persons is 480
At the special Town Meeting held at the Court House on the 28th April 1838 for the
purpose of electing one assessor - Present C Jarvis Jus
Isaac Lewis was duly elected one of the assessors of the town of Otsego
From the minutes
C Jarvis Justice
Geo Pomeroy
T Clk
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