At a meeting of the freeholders and Inhabitants of the town of Otsego held at the Court House on
the first Tuesday , 5th of March 1839
Wm Williams )
C Jarvis ) Just
H B Sprague )
That the town choose four Constables and Three Assessors
That the height of fence shall be 4 1/2 feet
Resolved That Cattle, Sheep, Hogs nor Horses shall not be permitted to run at large at
any time under the penalty of Twenty five cents for each and every offense.
That Rams shall not be permitted to run at large from the 1st of Augt to 25th of
Novr. under the penalty of five dolls -
That the Collector be allowed five pr Ct for Collecting the tax
That the school Coms be allowed ten shillings pr day
That the Inspectors of schools be allowed the same as last year for inspecting schools -
that they be requested to make [end page 1]
1839 - page 2
said Inspections in the early part of the season - and to make report to the annual town meting of the condition and
progress of the several schools visited by them -
Elihu Phinney Supervisor
George Pomeroy Town clerk
John Sutherland )
Stephen Allen ) Assessors
Isaac Lewis )
Henry Gibbs )
John H Benedict ) Coms of H W
Chester Jarvis )
Delos Pier ) Coms of Schools
William Williams )
George Wilson )
John Hannay ) School Insp
Luther J Benedict )
Elanson Newell Collector
Ira Tannar )
Stephen Allen )
John Hurd ) Const
Saml W Bingham )
Caleb Thayer )
John B Northrup ) Over Seer of Poor
Thomas Smith Justice for 4 years
Harvey Perkins Do [ditto] to fill the vacancy of Doubleday resigned
Ellery Cory Sealed
1839 - page 3
Path Masters
1. John H Benedict 39. Wm Wilson
2. Arunal Metcalf 40. Rens Fitch
3. John W. Clark 42. John Sutherland
4. Amos Ellis 44. Gilbert Coonrod
5. Naman Perkins 45. Elias Geer
6. Leander Plumb 46, Ezra Allen
7. Buck Fitch 47. Isaac Fluno
8. Randal Chapman 48. James Crosby
9. Jos Cheney 50. Wm. Russell
10. John C Williams 51. Alex Tayler
11. Thos Higby 53. Joseph Rose
12. John Adams 56. John Wiley Jr.
13. Andrew Phillips 57. John Bush
14. Isaac Russell 58. Chester Tayler
15. John B Northrup 59. Wm. Kinnie
16. Israel Loomis Jr 60. O Z Andrus
17. John Newton 61. Eleazer Joslyn
18. Claudius Dilly 62. Wm Hinds
19. Walter Van Horne 64. Oliver Bingham
20. Col Eldrige 65. Isaac Bissell
21. Robt Weeks 66. Nasthan Bates
22. James Standish 67. Asahel Clark
23. Ashael Benjamin 68. M H Scribener
24. James Kelley 70. Truman Dewey Jr crossed out
25. Stephen Eddy
26. Abel Benjamin
27. Hiram Coonrod From the minutes
28. Julius Warren Geo Pomeroy
29. D J Bissell T Clk
30. Selden Wilson
31. Stephen Herrick Chester Ganio
32. O L Williams Justice
33. Richard Davison 2d
34. Isaac Stocker Number of days work 2072
35. O C Underwood No of persons assesd 505
36. Josiah Turner
37. Andrew Shaw
38. David Price
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