Otsego Town Minutes 
1846 - page 1
At the annual Town Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Otsego held at the 	House
of William Lewis in the Village of Cooperstown on Tuesday the third day 	of March 1846
							   H. B. Sprague       )
							   H. S. Babcock       ) Justices
							   H. Perking              )
							   William P. Johnson )
	On Motion it was Resolved that the Town choose three road Commissioners
	That the Town choose four Constables
	That the Town choose Three Assessors
	That Cattle, Sheep, hogs & Horses shall not be permitted to run at large at any
	time under the penalty of twenty five cents for each & every offence
	That Rams shall not be permitted to run at large from the first of August to the
	twenty fifth day of November under the penalty of five dollars.

	As the sense of the Town of Otsego,  that the application for the creation of A
	New County by Name of Unadilla,  which seeks to set off from the County of
	Otsego  the whole of the Town of  Otego and A part of the Town of Butternuts, is
	not based upon Merrit in connection with the public interest;  and, that when the
	territory embraced in those Towns is sought to be sett off in opposition to the
	declared will of the inhabitants thereof as expressed at special Town Meetings
	called in refference to the subject,- we feel it our duty to remonstrate against such
	proposed creation of  A New County and do hereby  remonstrate against the

				1846 - page 2

	That the foregoing resolution be transmitted to the Members of Assembly from
	this County by the Clerk of this Town - 
	The following persons were then Elected to the severall offices set opposite their
	respective Names for the ensuing year

	Elisha Doubleday			Supervisor

	George Jarvis				Clerk

	Edward Lewis  jun			Supt of Schools

	William Kinney   one year   )
	George Dalphin   two years  )		Com of High ways
        	John Williams  three years   )
	Herbert  Coburn      one year )
	Alexander Taylor     two years )	Assessors
	Zadoc Fitch            three years )  

	Delos D. Pier     four years 		Justice

	John B  Northrup )
	Caleb Thayer        )			Overseers of Poor

	Seth Doubleday  )
	Peter Beker	   )			Inspectors of Election in
	John Mc Namee )			    District No  1

	Chester Taylor  jun  )
	Robert G Russell     )			Inspectors of Elections in
	Russell Brownell     )			   District No  2

	John Hurd                 )
	Hezekiah Worner      )
	Alexander Waterman )		Constables
	Jasper Sherwood       )

				1846 - page 3

	William Lewis			Collector

	Silas A Nash			Town Sealer

It was also  Resolved  that the Town choose - two overseers of the Poor -
	After the result of the canvas  the board of Canvassers proceded to draw by lot the
terms of service of Road Commissioners and Assessors - in accordance with an act
passed May tenth 1845   the Highway Commissioners were then divided into three
Classes.  William Kinnie drew in the first class  George T Dalphin drew in the second,
and John C Williams drew in  the third which was duly declared to be their several terms
of Office.  they next proceded to draw the terms of Assessors,  Herbert M Coburn in the
first class  Alexander Taylor in the second and Zadoc Fitch in the third, which was also
duly declared to be their several terms of Office.       

					1846 - page 4
				            Path Masters	

 1   Harry Clarke			38  Henry Newland
 2   Lucien D  Metcalf		39  James Mc Tavish
 3   Geo  W  Johnson		40  Joel Squires
 4   James Allen			41  Ashel Clarke
 5   A.  T.  Van Horne		42  John Southerland
 6   Benajah Comstoc		43  Homer Beadle
 7   H. B. Sprague			44  James Hinds
 8   George Hinds			45  Orlo Underwood
 9   Leman Cummings		46  Horace C  Hooker
10  John C Williams			47  Lorenzo Jarvis
11  Thos T Higbie			48   ?           Jones
12  Peter Edget			49  John Wilson
13  David Hicox			50  Thos Russell
14  Jacob Hardie			51  Edward Lewis
15  John B  Northrup		52  J. M. Whipple
16. Warren Nichols			53  Peter Van Valkenburgh
17  Harrison Underwood		54  Charles Bailey
18  Col. Potter			55  Daniel Carpenter
19  W. S. Wray crossed out, Isaac Stocker added  56  John Wiley
20  Benjamin Thompson		57  Hiram Barton
21  Jacob Wiley			58  Amon Taylor
22  Dennis Clarke			59  James Kinney
23  Ashel Benjamin			60  Olney Andrus
24  Hiram Newell			61  Samuel Pashley
25  Stephen Eddy			62  William B Adams
26  John C  Wiley
27  Harvey Stowell			       From the Minutes
28  William Doubleday			Geo Jarvis
29  Daniel Babbit				Clerk
30  Levi Peirce				Harvy Perkins,     Justice
31  Hezekiah Warner			Hiram Babcock          Do
32  John Williams				Hezekiah B. Sprague, Do	
33  Lester Taylor
34  Andrew B  Lisk
35  Patrick Langdon				No  of Persons Assessed  674
36  William Shaw				No  of days Assessed    2081
37  Peter King
At a Special Town Meeting of the inhabitants of the Town of Otsego held in
	pursuance of an Act “Relating to Excise and to license retailers of intoxicating
	liquors” passed May 14, 1845 and also an Act [amending?]  Said Act passed 1846
	altering the day of Town Meeting until the 19th day of May.  Met at the House of
	William Lewis in Cooperstown on the said 19th day of May 1846
							Hezekiah B  Sprague )
							Harvey Perkins          )
							Hiram Babcock          )     Justices
							Wm P Johnson           )

	         That the Town proceed to ballot on the question of  License  or  No License
	The whole number of Votes Cast for licence or No License was Seven hundred
	and eighty nine  (789)  of which Votes there were four hundred and fifty five
	against  License                          				  ( 455
	and three hundred and thirty four for License                          (  334
						Harvey  Perkins      Justice
						William P  Johnson  Justice
						Hezekiah B  Sprague     Justice
						Hiram  Babcock            Justice
	From the Minutes		George Jarvis   Town Clerk
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