Otsego Town Minutes 

At the Annual Town Meeting of the Electors of the town of Otsego held at the 
house of Webster B. Keyes in said town on Tuesday  Feb..11, 1863
				Present	Seth Doubleday   ).	
					Wm  Wendell      )
					Zebulen  Garlock )    Justices
					Lewis Hinds      ) 
					L. M. Bolles  T.C.
The following officers were elected   to wit

	Horace M. Hooker		Supervisor

	John E. Brown			Town Clerk

	H    Kinne			Justice of the Peace

	Orville Plumb			Assessor

	John W. Auger		Commissioner of Highways

	Orsemus Reynolds)		Overseer of the Poor
	Daniel Coon        )		Overseer of the Poor

	Stephen L. Williams		Collector

	Stephen L. Williams		Constable
	German Potter			      "
	Smith Bailey			      "
	Daniel Peck			      "

	Frederick H. Goff)		Inspectors of Elections  1st Dist
	Ellery P. Cory      )
	George Jarvis      )

	Robert  Quaif, Jr.)		Inspectors of Elections  2nd Dist
	Fay Taylor          )
	William Cheney )

		List of Path Masters for 1863
1    Stephen Reynolds		32  Walter Van Horne
2    Johnson Colburn			33  Andrew Williams
3    Erastus Warren			34  Elisha Gardner
4    James Manzer 			35  Jacob C. Allen
5    A. T. Van Horne			36.  Andrew Jarvis    
6    John Potts			37  Peter King
7    Buckingham Fitch		38  George Baldwin
8    Orlow Underwood		39  Hiram Olmstead
9    John Shumway			40  Levi Russell
10  Lewis Davidson			41  Hiram Doan
11  Col  A  Potter			42  Isaac Pier
12  Chester Tuttle			43  Joel Squires
13  J. A. Cheney			44
14  Abram C. Van Horne		45  Lewis Hinds
15  J. B. Northrop			46  Horace Taylor
16  Hugh Seaton			47  
17  Edward Coleman		48  George Armstrong
18  Pomeroy Judd			49  William Northrop
19  J. D. Tunnicliff			50  Aren  Cross
20  Benjamin Thompson		51  Reuben Babbatt
21  James Fern			52  A. W. Thayer
22  John Stevens			53  S     House
23  J    Irish			54  Spencer Irish
24  Hiram Newell			55  Lewis Carpenter
25  Hiram Chamberlain		56  Horace Bristol
26  Francis Hecock			57
27  Homer Coonrod			58  Fayette Hines
28  W  R. Warren			59  Abram Deck
29  Schuyler O Brien		60  Thomas Irons
30  Abbot Pearce			61  John Pashley
31  Lester Coleman			62
  				63  Beecher Higby

   (Recorded Feb.11th 1863) 
   (L.M. Bolles  Town Clerk)

At the Annual town meeting of the Electors of the town of Otsego, held at the 
house of Webster C. Keyes in said town on Wednesday  Feb 11th 1863
			Present  	Seth Doubleday )
					Wm Wendell     )
					Zebulon Garlick )  Justices
					L. M. Bolles     Town Clerk

	The commissioners of Highways of the [town] having given public notice 
according to Law of their intention of applying to the Electors of Otsego to 
raise the sum of Five hundred  ($500) Dollars for the improvement of roads and Bridges, 
it was Resolved  That the sum of five hundred dollars in addition to the amount 
allowed by law, be levied upon and raised in the Town of Otsego, the ensuing year - in  
pursuance of said notice for the purpose therein mentioned

(Recorded Feb 11th  1863)
(L. M. Bolles Town clerk) 

Note - the following pages, listed as 1863 + and  1864 +, appear in the bound volume after  
the report of the 1865 annual town meeting, after  2 pages recording a special meeting in 
July 1865; which are followed by 2 pages recording a special meeting in April 1865 which are 
followed by 1 page recording the adoption of the Seal of the Town of Otsego in  February 1865.    

					1863 +

	At a special Town meeting held at the Court House in the Village of Cooperstown in and 
for the town of Otsego in pursuance of previous notice duly given and posted as required by law.  
Rev. Martin Marvin was elected Chairman and Samuel A. Bowen was duly chosen Secretary of said meeting
	The following resolutions were on Motion duly adopted by Said town meeting and duly passed.
	Resolved  that the sum of Six Hundred dollars Shall be paid to any and every person who shall 
hereafter volunteer as a Soldier in the army of the United States from the town of Otsego to be allowed 
on the quota of said town under the recent call for volunteers by the president of the United States  
the same to be paid whenever such volunteer shall be accepted and mustered into the national service.
	Resolved  That said bounty money be raised by assessment and taxation on the taxable property 
of said town of Otsego in the same manner that the town taxes are levied and collected by law.  
The following were appointed a committee to superintend the raising and paying out the money.  
Horace M. Hooker,  Dr Horace Lathrop,  Edwin Countryman,  Fayette Hinds,  John B. Hooker.  
The meeting then adjourned until the 4th day of January 1864.
						John E. Brown  Town Clerk.