Otsego Town Minutes 
Resolved that the Supervisor be instructed to raise and pay the Sum necessary to liquidate the 
Balance of the bonds now outstanding against the Town for War purposes.

						B. F. Murdock   Clerk

						Ezra W. Badger )
						Lewis Hinds      )   Justices
						H. Kinne           )

Resolved  That the supervisor be & is hereby authorized to appropriate any surplus moneys not otherwise 
appropriated which may be in his hands to the Discharge of any outstanding indebtedness of The Commissioners 
of Highways & The Overseer of the Poor  Taking Vouchers Therefor which shall be audited the same as other 
money authorized to be paid out by him.
Feb 5  1867
						Ezra W. Badger )
						Lewis Hinds      )
						H. Kinne           )
						B. F. Murdock   Town Clerk

The Commissioners of the town of Otsego hereby  Order all that portion of Highway in dist  No. 41 commencing 
at Hiram Dows House and extending to Parley Johnsons House be and hereby is annexed to dist No. 16 in Said town.
dated January 29, 1867
				B. F. Murdock   Town Clerk

At an annual town meeting held at the Inn of W. C. Keyes on the third Tuesday of 
Feb. /67			Present
					B. F. Murdock		Town Clerk
					Hiram Kinney )
					E. W. Badger   )	Justices
					John W. Young )  
					Lewis Hinds     )

The following persons were duly elected to the Several offices of the town of Otsego  Viz-       
	John K. Leaning	      		Supervisor

	Charles R. Burch	     		 Town Clerk

	Hiram Kinney		     	 Justice full term
	John W. Young	        		  "      Vacancy

	Charles Hinds		     	  Assessor

	Walter Van Horn	      		 Com  Highways

	Thomas Higby       )           		Overseer Poor
	Orsemus Reynolds )	             		  "         "

	D  Jefferson Mc Gown        		Collector	

	Eli Hyde              )
	Stephen H, Moore) 	
	Oliver Walradt     )			Constables
	Byran J. Potter     )
	Leander Welden  )

	Samuel W. Bingham)		Inspector Election
	Fenimore Whipple   )		  1st Dist
	Samuel A. Bowen    )
	George C. Lindsey   )		Inspector Election
	Fay E. Taylor            )		   2d Dist
	Sylvester Ayelsworth )

	Wm. E. Cory 			Town Sealer
					B. F. Murdock    Town Clerk

At a Meeting of the Commissioners of the Highways of the town of Otsego at the Hotel of W. C. Keyes  Feby. 
19th  1867  the following Overseers of Highways were appointed

				Walter Van Horne )
				John W. Augus      )  Justices
				Rufus Preston       )

Ward					      Ward
1    Thos. Whitwell				31  F. C. Whipple
2    Wm. Lake				32  Martin H. Cole
3    Albert Kellogg 				33  Lester Taylor
4    Jas. Allen				34  Oliver Freeman
5    John Tarpenning				35  Adolphus Wilsey
6    Harvey Williams				36  Norman Babcock
7    Lester Coleman				37  Damon H. Delong
8    Orlo Underwood			38  Truman  Eldrid
9    John Peasley				39  Henry Wilsey
10  Chester Taylor  2d			40  Everett  Palmer
11  Henry Bliss				41  Asa Kelsey
12  Erastus Smith				42  Thos. Taylor  Jun
13  Col. A. Cheney				43  Wm. A. Doubleday
14  Abram C. Van Horne			44  Ephraim F. Kinney
15  Theodore Marvin			45  Eli Hyde
16  John S. Byard				46  Geo. G. Lindsley
17  Edward Coleman			47  Wm. Peck
18  Lewis Young				48  
19  Jas. M. Whipple				49  Wm. Northrup
20  John Goodwin				50  Richard  Russell
21  Jas. Fern				51  Theodore Lewis
22  Jas. B. Smith				52  Truman Webster
23  Alfred Barton				53  Menzo House
24  Willard Shepherd			54  Elisha C. Gibbs
25  Alonzo House				55  Chester Babbitt
26  Francis  Hecox				56  Sherman Bristol
27  Sheldon Brainard			57
28  Joseph Warner				58  Francis Taylor
29  Chas. Babbitt				59  Lewis Chapman
30  Geo. D. Scribner			60         Jarvis
					61  J. H. Pashley
					63  Beecher Higby
At a Meeting of the town Board of town Auditors of the town of Otsego held at the office of Hiram Kinne		
						J. K. Leaning	    Supervisor
						C. R. Burch	     Town Clerk
						Hiram Kinne    )
						Lewis Hinds     )
						Ezra Badger      )   Justices
						John W. Young )

The following accounts were allowed & audited
			           Title of Office or
No    Name			Nature of Claim or Service 	Claimed	Allowed	
1    F. C. Whipple		Inspector of Election		12.00		12.00
2    Geo. G. Lindsley		      "         "       "		12.00		12.00
3    Z. G. Garlick		Clerk of Election		  3.00		  3.00
4    Chas. R. Burch		Town Clerk		41.75		41.75
5    E. D. Preston		Clerk of Election		  7.50		  7.50
6    Chas. Hinds		Assessor			30.65		30.65
7    S. H. Moore		Constable			  5.35		  5.35
8    F. E. Taylor		Inspector of Election		12.00		12.00
9    E.  Marcellus		Constable			  5.00		  1.65
10  E. A. Olendorf		Town House		25.00		25.00
11  B. F. Murdock		Town Clerk		  5.00		  5.00
12  Thos. Higby		Poor Master		25.00		25.00
13  Wash Wilson		Clerk of Election &c		15.00		15.00
14  S. A. Bowen		Inspector of Election		15.00		15.00
15  S. M. Shaw		Publishing  &c		12.95		12.95
16  J. L. Mc Namee		Assessor			54.00		54.00
17  Chas. Childs		    "			36.50		34.50
18  Rufus Preston		Com. Highways		33.00		33.00
19  S. W. Bingham		Election Inspector		18.00		18.00
20  O. Reynolds		Overseer of Poor		96.50		96.50
21  N. L. Hyde			Constable		  4.40		  4.40
22  Walter Van Horne		Highway Com.	30.00		30.00
21  Geo. Jarvis		Inspector Election		15.00		15.00
24  W. C. Keyes		Town House		21.00		18.00
25  J. W. Auger		Highway Com		57.00		57.00
26  Mrs. A. Carr		Town House		30.00		30.00
					          622.60	           614.25		

27  E. W. Badger		Justice			  9.00		  9.00
28  J. K. Leaning		Supervisor		83.50		83.50
29  Lewis Hinds		Justice			10.80		10.80
30  J. C. Sill			R. R. Com	61.00		61.00
31  J. Hendryx			Publisher		19.20		19.20
32  Orvill Vibbard		Poor Chg.			50.00		25.00
33  J. W. Young		Justice			26.32		26.32
34  H. Kinnie			    "		52.25		52.25
35  D. C. Badger		Clerk of Election		  3.00		  3.00
36  W. H. Ruggles		Bookseller		  2.90		  2.90
37  Thos. Bourn		Dept. Sheriff		  6.75		  6.75
38  Philip Roof		Justice			  3.15		  3.15
39  German Snyder		Constable			  8.00		  8.00	
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