1812 War Pension ![]() Larry Way Robert A. Baldwin |
WAR OF 1812
--------x-------- ACT OF FEB. 14, 1871 --------x-------- Department of the Interior, PENSION OFFICE, Aug. 7, 1872 Sir: You are respectfully requrested to furnish official evidence of the enrollment, muster, service, and duty of Larry Way, who ____________ at _____________, on the _________ day of __________, 18 , in Captain Luther Hoadley & Lt. Way Company _________ Regiment Conn. Mil, and who was discharged at _____________ on the _______ day of ___________, 18 , in Captain _________________________ Company _______________ Regiment _____________________, and was discharged therefrom at _______________, on the _______ day of _______________, 18 . The following are related as the principal incidents of the War of 1812 in which he participated. In his B.L. Claim, he claims service in Cap Luther Hoadley Co. Conn Mil as substitute for Elisha Burdick fr July 7 to Oct 11/12 under Lt Edward Way as substitute for Elisha R. Hale, for 3 mos. Col Halsted 3 And March 3 State of New York ss: County of Otsego On this 22d day of January A.D. 1874 personally appeared befor me Larry Way of Westford N.Y. and after being by me duly sworn & says that he is the applicant for penson no. 18809 under Act of Feby 14, 1871. That deponent cannot remember the name of the Captain or Colonel under which he served as substitute for Elisha R. Hale during the War of 1812. That deponent served in said war from about Sept 1, 1812 to November 1 (or about)1812 as a substitute for Elisha R. Hale in the Connecticut State Guard which consisted of two Companies of about forty men each, which body was stationed at New London Connecticut during the whole time. That said Guards were drilled every morning and afternoon for a period of at least two months, part of the time by Lieut Edward Way and a part of the time by a United States military officer where name deponent cannot remember. That said State Guards were disbanded by an order of Brig. Gen. Williams under where deponent served. Deponent also remember that said State Guards drilled with another Regiment stationed at New London aforsaid in general military parade every Friday afternoon while deponent served as aforesaid. Deponent further says that he did not serve in the name of Elisha R. Hale but in his own name, Larway Way. Deponent further says that Jesse Hodge & Pitkens Pond, were with deponent during the time he served as aforesaid, but deponent does not know where they now are or if living. Deponent further says that he cannot possibly produce final evidence by witnesses having personal knowledge of his second service for the reason that he does not know of any of such witnesses now living. Philip Gano (sig) his Andrew Bresee (sig) Larry X Way witnesses mark On this 22d day of July 1874 also personally Philip Gano of Middlefield Otsego Co. N.Y and and after being duly sworn Each for himself says that he has known the said Larway Way for upwards of twenty five years that he is the identical person he represents himself to be, that said Larway Way sign the said declaration in their presence after being read over to him carefully, and that they have no interest in said application for pension. Philip Gano (sig) Andrew Bresee (sig) Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22nd day of January 1874, that said statement was read over to said Larry Way after being read over and explained to him. Walter H. Binnt, Clerk of the County of Otsego and also Clerk of all Courts of Record directed by ( ) To be held within. Additional Evidence in Application of Larry Way, War of 1812 for Pension. --------X-------- CLAIM OF SOLDIER FOR SERVICE PENSION. (Under the provisions of Sections 4736 to 4740, inclusive, Revised Statutes, and the Act of March 9, 1878) ----------------x---------------- and from the best information possessed, or obtainable, by the applicant. County of Otsego On this Tenth day of June, A.D. on thousand eight hundred and Seventy Eight, personally appeared before me, The Clerk of Otsego Co Court, the same being a court of record within and for the county and Stait aforesaid, (1) Larry Way aged 98 years, a resident of Westford, in the county of Otsego in the State of New York, who, being duly sworn according to law, declares that he is the identical (2) Larry Way, who served under the name of (3) Larry Way as a (4) Private, in the company commanded by Captain Luther Hoadley in the (cannot give no) regiment of Infantry commanded by (cannot give name of Col), in the war of 1812; that he (5) Enlisted at Litchfield Connecticut on or about the 9th day of July, A.D. 1812, for the term of 6 Weeks, and continued in actual service in said war for the term of (6) Six Weeks, and was honorably discharged at New London, Ct on or about 1st day of September, A.D. 1812 That since his discharge from said service he has resided as follows, viz: (7) for two years after War at Hartford Connt. from that date to about 1835 at Washington Dutchess Co. NY Since that time in Town of Middlefield & Westford Otsego County, N.Y. The following was his description at the time of his enlistment, viz: (8) age 32. occupation Farmer birthplace.Dover, Dutchess Co. N.Y. (Cannot state any further particulars from memory) Applicant Entered the Service as a Substitute for Elisha Burdick of town of Burlington, Conn. He makes this declaration for the purpose of obtaining the pension of which he may be entitled under sections 4736 to 4740, inclusive, Revised Statutes, and the act approved March 9, 1878, and hereby appoints his lawful attorn to prosecute his claim. He also declares that he has heretofore made application for (9) Bounty land and receive a Certificate therefore cannot give any particulars. Deed Certificate shortly after passage of act allowing bounty land and that his residence is (town) of Westford, county of Otsego, and State of New York, and that his post-office address is Westville Otsego county, New York. his Larry X Way mark ATTEST: Nelson J. Bates (sig) George A. Becker (sig) ALSO personally appear Nelson J. Bates, aged 39 years, residing at Westford, in Otsego county, and George A. Becker aged 45 years, residing at Westford, in Otsego county persons whom I certify to be respectable and entitled to credit, and who, being by me duly sworn, say that they ahve known the said Larry Way for 30 years and 30 years, respectively; that they were present and saw him sign his name (or make his mark) to the foregoing declaration; that they have every reason to believe, from the appearance of said claimant and their acquaintance with him, that he is the identical person he represents himself to be; and they further say that they are able to identify him as the identical person who rendered the service alleged in the above application (in the company of Captain Hoadley, in the war of 1812 only) by the following named facts and circumstances, viz: (10) By their personal acquaintance with applicant and statements made by him many years ago as Such Since and fact that former residence in Dutchess County and alleged Enlistment were facts known to members of their families of deponents and generally understood and that they have no interest in the prosecution of this claim. Nelson J. Bates (sig) George A. Becker (sig) Sworn to and subscribed before me this 10th day of June A.D. 1878; and I hereby certify that the contents of the above declaration, &c., were fully made known and explained to the applicant and witnesses before swearing, including the words, erased, and the words, added; and that I have no interest, direct or indirect, in the prosecution of this claim and that all ensure herein were made before signing. Walter H. Bunn (sig) County Clerk of Otsego Co & Clerk of Otsego Co Court |