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Will of Thomas Whitaker
Know ye, that at Cooperstown in the County of Otsego on the twenty fifth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, before Ambrose L. Jordan, Esquire, Surrogate of our said County, the Last Will and Testament of Thomas Whitaker, deceased (a copy whereof is hereunto annexed) was proved, and is now approved and allowed of by us; and the said deceased, having whilst he lived and at the time of his death, Goods, Chattels, or Credits within this State, by means whereof the proving and registering the said Will, and the granting administration of all and singular the said Goods, Chattels, and Credits, and also the auditing, allowing and final discharging the account thereof, doth belong unto us; the administration of all and singular the Goods, Chattels, and Credits of the said deceased, and any way concerning his Will, is granted unto John R. Whitaker, James Whitaker, and James S. Campbell, Executors in the said Will named, they being first duly sworn well and faithfully to administer the same, and to make and exhibit a true and perfect inventory of all and singular the said Goods, Chattels and Credits, and also to render a just and true account thereof when thereunto required. In testimony whereof, we have caused the seal of office of our said Surrogate to be hereunto affixed. Witness Ambrose L. Jordan, Esquire, Surrogate of the said County, at Cooperstown aforesaid, the Twenty Fifth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and Eighteen and of our Independence, the forty second. (signed) A.L. Jordan, surrogate The last will and testament of Thomas Whitaker of the Town of Cherry Valley and County of Otsego. I Thomas Whitaker considering the uncertainty of the mortal life and being sound mind and memory / blessed be the Almighty God for the same do make and publish this my last will and testament in manner following that is to say First I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Sarah Whitaker all of my Real Estate and also all of my personal estate for her sole use benefit and behoof during her natural life both real and personal estate the said Sarah is to be absolute master of during her life such is my intention, she may dispose by selling or otherwise of my personal estate as the said Sarah sees fit or convenient, but of the real estate the said Sarah is only to have the use during her natural life and not the right to sell or ________ the same, second Item I give and bequeath unto my son John Rely Whitaker after the decease of my wife Sarah all of that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the town of Cherry Valley, in the county of Otsego, bounded as follows, being a part of allotment No. thirty seven in the old patent of Randolf Cary Levingston (?) and others, the said land which I mean to give unto my son John R. as ________ is that portion of the said lot of which he is now in possession and occupying except three acres of what he now possesses to be taken off of the south part, the corner of the said three acres so excepted is to commerce on what is called Flints line between the said Flints and that of which my son John R. is now possessed of beginning at the old orchard brush fence running twenty paces down north on the division fence between me and the beforementioned Flints then to make a square corner and run a due east course for the distance of forty paces bounded on the other side of the said piece so excepted by a division fence which now runs between the lands occupied between my son John R. and my son James and if this boundary does not contain three acres then the said line beforementioned as running due east shall be so varied to the north as to make the three acres And my said John R. is to pay the sum of seven hundred dollars unto my daughter Catharine Rich in the manner following that is to pay one hundred dollars shall be paid by my son John R. in one year from the date of this will and testament fifty dollars shall be paid by the said John R. annually thereafter without interest until the whole of the said sum of seven hundred dollars shall be paid unto my said daughter Catharine Rich and for the payment of the beforementioned sum of seven hundred dollars I hereby make the said seven hundred dollars a charge and encumbrance on the said Real Estate which I have given unto my son John R. and which said land before given to the said John R. shall never be discharged from this legacy until the said legacy shall be paid up in the manner beforementioned. -- Item I give unto my daughter Catharine Rich that portion of the beforementioned to No. thirty seven situate as aforesaid hundred as follows beginning at the north corner of my orchard on Flints line I mean 20 wds north of the bush fence here to make a square corner and then run an easterly course forty wds and there make a square corner again from thence a parallel line is to be drawn to Flints line and said parallel line is to run to the top of Lady's Hill and the said parallel line if it does not now include fifty acres between the line of Flint and my lands the said line shall extend upon my land until the full and complete number of fifty acres is made up to my said daughter Catharine Rich the apples in the orchard hereby given to my daughter Catharine are to be divided every year equally between my three children to with John R., James and Catharine. This is my meaning and intention as it regards the lands given to my daughter Catharine she is to have the said lands after the decease of my wife Sarah to hold and forever enjoy the said land to herself and the heirs of her body forever with this_________ _________ that the executors whom I shall appoint by this will (Page Three) shall have the right to manage and the Real Estate to have is (next line) same for (rent?) either to her or any other persons always paying the profits of the said Real Estate into the hands of my said daughter Catharine until the death of her Husband Royal Rich, after which she is to be (have) the exclusive management of the said Estate Item I give and bequeath as to my son James all of the rest of my real estate after the decease of my wife Sarah to my son James and the heirs of his body hereby meaning which I have not out and already given to my daughter Catharine and my son John R. provided that my son James shall die without any children then, then the said Real Estate which I have given in the manner aforesaid shall revert unto my son John R. and Catharine my daughter and the heirs of their bodies --- I hereby ordain and appoint that my son James shall pay unto my daughter Catharine Rich the sun of three hundred dollars, fifty dollars of the said three hundred to be paid by my son James one year from the date of this last Will and Testament and fifty dollars annually thereafter until the whole sum shall be paid without interest and I hereby charge this sum of three hundred dollars on the real estate which I have given to my son James, from which said encumbrance the said Real Estate hereby given shall never be exonerated or discharged until the last mentioned legacy shall be fully paid --- Item the two liveries which I have ordered to be paid by my son John R. and James to my daughter Catharine Rich, provided my daughter Catharine should die before the said legacies become payable to her by this Will or provided she should die any time before all of the installment in the said legacies mentioned become due then in either of those cases my Will is that said legacies on so much of them are unpaid shall be given and paid by my said beforementioned sons to the heirs of the body of my daughter Catharine --- Item I hereby order that this as it legacies my Real Estate shall be considered a part of my Will to will my three children John R. James and Catharine shall have a right in common to cut and make use of so much wood upon the beforementioned lot number thirty seven as shall be necessary for the first of their respective families such wood always to be old timber and such as may be any way defective or have fallen down and they shall have a right in common to cut so much timber as shall be necessary for their repairs of their respective houses and houses or barns or for the building of same they shall have three interests and rights onto the said premises for the beforementioned but under no right or pretense shall they have a right to (coast?) or sell any of said timber or wood ing their natural lives Lastly I hereby appoint my sons John R. and James and James L. Campbell the executors of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking all former Wills by me made in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal on this twenty fifth day of October, one thousand eight hundred and seventeen. Thomas Whitaker L.L. signed sealed published and declared by the above named Thomas Whitaker be his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who have herewith subscribed as witnesses in the presence of the Testator (Elisha Richardson John Woulton (another name) State of New York, Otsego County, ss Be it remembered, that on the twenty fifth day of March --- in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred eighteen personally appeared before me, Ambrose L. Jordan, Esquire, Surrogate of the said County of Otsego, John Walton of the subscribing witnesses to the Will of Thomas Whitaker, late of the town of Cherry Valley in the said County, deceased; who being duly sworn declared, that he did see the said Thomas Whitaker seal and execute the written Instrument, (of which the annexed is a copy), purporting to be the last Will and Testament of the said Thomas Whitaker, the said Will bearing date the twenty fifth of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventeen and heard him publish and declare the same as, and for, his last Will and Testament; that at the time thereof, he the said Thomas Whitaker was of sound disposing mind and memory, to the best of the knowledge and belief of the said John Walton who together with Alvan Stewart and Elishu Rickerson, the Witnesses to the said Will, severally subscribed their hand and name to said Will, as Witnesses thereto, in the presence Testat and of each other. A.L. Jordan, Surrogate, Otsego County, ss. And be it also remembered that on the twenty fifth day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, John R. Whitaker, James Whitaker, and James L. Campbell, Executors named in the Last Will and Testament of the said Thomas Whitaker late of the town of Cherry Valley in said county, deceased, likewise appeared before me the said Surrogate, and were duly qualified to the true execution and performance of the said Will, by then taking the Oath of Executor, as by law appointed. (signed) A.L. Jordan, Surrogate ----- March 28, 1818