The Pillot family appears to have come from the small town of Chamesol, Department Doubs, in southeastern France. The first known ancestors of this family are Henri Pillot, probably born before 1740 and his wife Marianne Krehaud. Both Henri and Marianne were born in Chamesol and lived their entire lives in this area of eastern France south of Alsace Lorraine. In 2001, Gene Pillot received pictures of an old dwelling with a doorway lintel inscribed "H. Pillot 1799". The house is about to be torn down, and a distant relative of Gene's took the digital pictures and forwarded them to him. The lintel with the inscription is to be removed and made into a bench and placed in Chamesol. It is likely that this home was built by Germain Henri or the lintel moved from a previous dwelling and placed at the home when it was newly constructed. Henry and Marianne had at least one child, Germain Henri Froid Pillot, born in 1761 in Chamesol. Germain married Marie Joseph Romain and they had a family of at least three children, Xavier Henri Pillot, Pierre Desire Pillot and Josephine Pillot. Germain died November 13, 1828 at the age of 67 in Chamesol. Germain earned his living farming.

Xavier Henri Pillot was born December 12, 1795 in Chamesol, Doubs, France and possibly lived in the dwelling that his grandfather had built or nearby. Xavier married Seraphina Josephine Seguin(born 1812 in Chamesol, daughter of L. Devine Seguin) on November 21, 1833 in Chamesol. Xavier was 38 years old and Seraphine, born in 1812 was just 22. They were also farmers. They had their first child Emile Claude Alexandre Pillot a little over seven months later on June 2, 1834 in Chamesol. They had nine children that we are aware of:

Emile Claude Alexandre 1834 9/14/1895 Catherine Hufford

Jeanne 1838

Eugenia 1842 1907 Xavier Feley

Louis Adolphus Desideratus Eugene(Desire) 1842 1926 Flavia Tournoux Charles 1844

John B. 1848 Rosa First

Albert 1872 1937



Lawrence William

Mary S.

Lucy J.


Cloyde Henry

Mary Elizabeth 1851 Julian Herisey

Jane 1852

Natalia 1853 1873

Emile, according to his obituary, made the journey to America with his parents when he was six years old and the family settled in Stark County. Although there was no mention of siblings in this account, his sister Jeanne might have also made the trip with the family. The family probably traveled overland from Chamesol to LeHavre, France. Emil sailed to the United States with his parents, Xavier and wife Seraphine 26, arriving in New York on June 18, 1838 on the ship Xylon, Captain Franklin Putnam. They arrived with a "three month old boy" and a two year old girl who must have been Jeanne. They then probably traveled along the St Lawrence to the Great Lakes and then south from Lake Erie to Louisville.

The following account of a similar voyage provides information on the conditions that they may have encountered during the trip. From 'The Great Migration' by Edwin Guillet:

'The emigrant who dwelt by the sea had neither the fear of an ocean
voyages nor the difficulties of arrangement which beset the inlander
who, particularly in the days prior to railways, had no little
trouble in transporting his family and goods to the seaport.'

'Spring was the best season in which to set out, for the weather was
much better, and it was, besides, a distinct advantage to reach
America early in the summer, while there still remained several
months of good weather to facilitate settlement.'

"The typical emigrant packet, writes Basil Lubbock, was little better
than a hermetically sealed box; as deep as it was long, with clumsy
bows and stern, with ill-cut, ill-set sails.'

On the typical vessel in 1847 each adult received a pound of meal or
bread daily, children under 14 half that quantity, and those under 7,
a third.'

" many cases, in bad weather they would not go on deck; their
health suffered so much that their strength was gone, and they had
not the power to help themselves. Hence the between decks was like a
loathsome dungeon. When the hatchways were opened, under which the
people were stowed, the steam rose, and the stench was like that from
a pen of pigs."

One early immigrant's journey to the Louisville area is described in the following:

From Perrins "History of Stark County Ohio" 1881 Joseph Frantz, farmer; P.O. Louisville. "In taking notes of the history of the Frantz family, we find that it was mainly through their influence that induced the first French settlement in Stark County, Ohio. Joseph Frantz is a native of Lorraine, France, and was born Feb. 12, 1822. His parents were named respectively, Thiebaud and Frances (Menegay) Frantz. This couple were parents of twelve children, whose names are---Joseph, deceased; John P., Therese, Mary Ann, Margaret, Peter E., Loui Frances, Christina, Catherine, and Joseph, and one that died quite young. Mr. Frantz was an agent in the employ of the canal company there, and under Napoleon's last call, enlisted in the French army, where he served but a short time. Financially speaking, Mr. Frantz and many of his neighbors were very poor, Mr. Frantz finding very often hard work to feed so many mouths in his family. From 1820 to 1825, all Europe was being agitated by many of its people flocking westward across the Atlantic, where poor people had equal chances with the rich; where work was plenty and wages good; and where their sons as soon as they arrived at manhood, were not pressed into the army, to be separated from friends, and finally die on the battle-field in some distant country. In 1825, Mr. Frantz determined on sending his two daughters, Mary Ann and Margaret, to America, in order to learn if the reports were true they heard. After a long voyage they arrived in New York, and their finding work plenty and prospects bright, wrote back home, giving glowing accounts of the country and people. This letter had the effect of bringing Mr. Frantz and family and four other families to the United States. In the spring of 1826 these families started from Havre on board a sailing vessel, and after a perilous voyage of forty-two days, landed in New York. On their arrival at this point, the great cry of immigrants was Ohio; and Mr. Frantz with his companions determined to go there. Arriving in Cleveland, they left their families in a barn while they would go out in the country and select a suitable location. After considerable search, they came to Canton, where there was a small Catholic organization. Mr. Frantz made the remark after seeing the Catholic cross, that that was the first one he had seen since leaving the city of New York, and he should go no farther. They went back to Cleveland and brought their families down to Nimishillen Tp. Mr. Frantz settled on a small tract of land all woods and entirely devoid of clearing. He was an honest, enterprising citizen, and was the leading spirit of all the French in Nimishillen Tp. Mr. Frantz lived a long life of usefullness, and finally died in 1851, followed by his widow in 1869. Joseph Frantz was reared to hard labor on the old homestead. He early learned the carpenter's trade, at which he worked." Anita A. Rippel

The life story of Mrs. Frantz also places things into perspective historically.

From the Louisville Herald. Louisville, Stark County, Ohio 7 July 1905 Louisville Thirty-Six Years Ago (Condensed Correspondence of Squire Violand) December, 1869 "An old lady, Mrs. Frantz, died in this place on the 30th ult., aged ninety-five years. Hers is nearly the history of a century, and verifies the saying that "the living may get knowledge from the dead". She was born in France near the frontier of Switzerland, where she resided until she emigrated with her husband and family to America, about forty years ago. During her residence in France, the greatest events recorded in modern history occurred. She was eighteen years old when Louis XVI and his intelligent German queen, Marie Antoinette, were beheaded. She saw the bloody revolution succeeded by the empire, so prolific in victories and glory to her nation, and was about forty years old and the mother of a large family when the wild cassacks in common with combined Europe, invaded France in 1814 to dictate terms to the great Napoleon who was rather too much for them all. She was two years old when the bell of Independence Hall, on this side of the ocean, proclaimed the glad tidings that the good old colonists had determined to be a free and independent nation, and fifteen years when Washington, the father of our country, was inaugurated as first president of the United States."

Taken from History of Stark County---Perrin 1881 "JOSEPH C. MENEGAY, farmer and stock raiser; P.O., Louisville. Among the early French settlers who braved the perils of an ocean voyage from the Old to the New World, is the family of Menegay, who arrived in this country in 1828. The subject of this sketch was born in Doubs, France, June 19, 1815. He is one of a family born to Joseph and Mary (Poinssot) Menegay, who were induced by their relative, Mr. Frantz, to emigrate with Mr. Menegay's family and his father to the United States. They traveled with wagons eight days, before reaching Havre, where they embarked on a ship for New York, which port they reached after a prosperous voyage of fourty-two days. From there they went to Cleveland via Buffalo, and from there to Akron by canal. On their arrival in Nimishillen Township, Mr. Menegay purchased 320 acres of land, near where Louisville now is, and with the usual energy and vigor of those old, time- honored emigrants, set to work improving their farm."


The above passages represent the long journey and some of the issues in Europe that led to the immigrants leaving eastern France to come to the United States. Xavier and his wife probably received word from these previous immigrants about the success of their trip and the climate and amenities of northeastern Ohio. The Pillots came from the same small area of France to Ohio and lived in Louisville and probably Harrisburg early in their time in Ohio. As evidenced on several documents, Xavier had excellent handwriting as judged by his signature, and probably was able to read and to write in French if not in English.

Xavier Pillot is listed in the 1840 and 1860 censuses for Stark County, but has not been found in the 1850 census, therefore it is possible that the family lived elsewhere for a period of time, possibly Lucas County, Ohio, as noted below.

Xavier died on September 14, 1865, having written a will two days earlier. He left all of his personal property to "my beloved wife Seraphine" and land in Lucas County, Ohio, near Toledo, to "my three sons Desire, Charles and John B". No mention was made of Emile or his sisters in Xavier's will, albeit Emile would have been over thirty, but not yet married as far as we are aware. His brothers would have been 8-14 years younger.


Emile was baptized in July 1846 in Ohio. On November 24th 1874, Amiel married Catherine Hoffer, who was born in Germany in 1853 to William Hoffer and his wife Abalene Pauline. Catherine(Kate) was nineteen years younger than Emile, thus it is possible that he had married before or that he traveled to California for the Gold Rush as several other Louisville men had. It is believed that Emile drove an ox cart to California with a relative or family friend in 1849, when he would have been fifteen. (Hilda Pillot Curry, 1992) One of the Julliard family and others from Louisville are believed to have traveled west for the Gold Rush, but it could have been later than 1849.

No census record has been found for Emile as a child, but Catherine appears as a seventeen year old living with her parents in the 1870 Nimishillen Township census. She was apparently an only child, her father William Hofferd earning his living as a grocer. By 1880, William Hofferd, afflicted with palsey, is listed as a carpet weaver. His date of death is unknown. His wife Abalene(Pauline) died on Dec. 30, 1883 of apoplexy, a stroke. She was 67 years old. Emile and Catherine Hufford had thirteen children, and the following record of their births has been passed down through several separate family members.

Mr. and Mrs. Amel Pillot and Family

This is the record of our children, when they were born, so that when they get big they can see it.

Mary Frances, was born in the year 1872, in the month of October the 22nd at 3 o'clock in the afternoon on Wednesday. Frances

Charles William Pillot, was born in the year 1875, in the month of September the 8th in the forenoon at 10 o'clock on Tuesday. Will

Frank Xavier Pillot, was born in the year 1877, in the month of July the 1st on Sunday at 12 o'clock noon. Frank

Louis Amel Pillot was born in the year 1878, in the month of December the 28th on Saturday morning at 6 o'clock. Louis

John George Pillot, was born in the year 1880 in the month of June the 17th on Thursday morning at 2 o'clock. John

Emma Elizabeth Pillot, was born in the year 1882 in the month of September the 6th on Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock. Em

Mary Catherine Pillot, was born in the year 1884 in the month of August the 14th on Thursday night at 11 o'clock. Mary

Anna Frances Pillot, was born in the year 1886, in the month of April the 26th on Easter Monday night at 9 o'clock. Annie

Charles George Pillot, was born in the year 1887, in the month of December the 29th on Thursday morning at noon. Charles

Catherine Barbara Laura Pillot, was born in the year 1890, in the month of March 9th at 4 o'clock in the morning on Sunday. Kate

Mary Josephine Jenny Pillot, was born in the year 1892, in the month of February the 17th at 2 o'clock Wednesday morning. Josephine

Mary Esther Appolline Pillot, was born in the year 1893, in the month of December the 15th at half past six o'clock on the morning on Friday. Esther

Joseph Louis Howard Pillot, was born in the year 1896, in the month of March the 23rd at half past six o'clock in the morning. Joe

Papa died December 5th. On Thursday morning at 20 minutes of 8 o'clock, he was 61 years 6 months and 3 days old in the year 1895.

Mama died on Monday morning December the 27th at 4 minutes after 10 o'clock. She was 56 years 3 months and 4 days old in the year 1909.

John died Wednesday May 20th, 1925 and was buried the 23rd of May.

Frances died 1940

Emma died 1954 or 55

Kate died 1953

Josephine died April 1945

Esther died Sept 4, 1976 at 10:55 pm

Joe died 1968 or 69

In the 1880 census, Emil and Catherine are listed under the phonetic spelling of "Peo", with the first four children. They were living on the same street in Louisville as Catherine's parents. Emile and Catherine remained in Louisville all their life, raising their thirteen children. Mary Frances appears to have been born two years before Amiel and Catherine married, but either the marriage date or her birth date could be wrong.

Emile's death was reported in the Louisville paper, followed by his obituary several days later.

Death of Emile Pillot

Emile Pillot died at his residence on South Chapel street, this Thursday morning, at 8 o'clock, from valvular affection of the heart. Mr. Pillot leaves a wife and family of thirteen children. The funeral arrangements have not yet been made.

Louisville Herald 6 Dec. 1895


Emile Pillot was born, June 2nd, 1834, and died December, 5th. 1895, aged 61 years, 6 months, and 3 days. Mr Pillot was a native of France and came to America with his parents when a lad of six years old. He had been a resident of Stark County more than fifty years.

On November 24, 1874, the deceased was married to Miss Catherine Hurford. This union was blessed with twelve children who are all living. The immediate cause of Mr. Pillot's death was dropsy of the heart. His funeral was largely attended by neighbors and friends. Emile Pillot was a kindhearted, good natured man, who was ever ready to accommodate a friend. Peace to his ashes.

Louisville Herald 13 Dec. 1895


The reference to twelve children in Emile's obituary may relate to the fact that Frances was probably already married and out of the house, or it may simply have been a mistake.

The following article was also in the paper about Emile's brother John Pillot:

Mr. And Mrs. John Pillot and son Albert, of Canton, attended the funeral of Emile Pillot, which was held from St. Louis Catholic church, Saturday morning.

Louisville Herald 13 Dec. 1895

Amiel's wife Catherine Hofferd Pillot died on Monday December 27 after a two year illness. Her obituary was printed in the Louisville weekly paper on Thursday, December 30, 1909.

Death of Mrs. Kate Pillot

After an illness of about two years and much suffering, Mrs. Kate Pillot passed peacefully away at her home on High street, Monday morning at ten o'clock

Mrs. Pillot was born in Germany fifty-six years ago, but when she was a child of three years of age her parents, Mr. And Mrs. Hoffer, came to America. They located at Belfort, where she grew to womanhood and married Emile Pillot. They were the parents of thirteen children, all of whom are living. They are Mrs. Jacob Friend, of Lake Park; Miss Emma Pillot, of Alliance; Mrs. Linus Fete and Mrs. Frank Bowe, of Canton, and Louis, Frank, Charles, Joseph, John, William, Misses Katie, Josephine, and Esther Pillot of Louisville. Mr Pillot has been dead for a period of fourteen years.

Mrs. Pillot's life was spent in this vicinity. She was of a kind disposition and the members of her family are deeply grieved because of their loss. Her long sickness was caused by cancer, but at times she was comparatively well and able to be about. Nine weeks ago she became very sick and suffered constantly until she passed away.

Funeral services were held at St. Louis Catholic church, Wednesday morning, where Mrs. Pillot worshipped. The services were in charge of Rev. Father Senner. Internment was made in the Catholic cemetery.

Louisville Herald 30 Dec. 1909

The town of Belfort is located south of Louisville and east of Canton at the southern edge of Nimishillen Township. Belfort Avenue goes north from Route 172, or you can reach it by going south from Louisville on Meese Road.

Joe was born after his father died, Esther was 2, Josephine 3, Kate 5, Charles 8, Annie 9, Mary 11, Em 13, John 15, Louis 17, Frank 18, Will 20, and Frances 23. Fourteen years later, when their mother died, Esther was only 15 and Joe was 13.


Mary Frances Pillot, "Aunt Francie", was born October 22, 1872 and married Jacob Friend, who had been born in Germany. Jacob was a very handsome man, tall and thin. Frances was the eldest child and my mother recalls that she was always kind to her and her family when she was growing up. My mother helped care for her before she died, riding the bus to get to her house while she was pregnant with me. They had only one child, Marie Friend, who married Frank Banahan. Frank and Marie had two children, Ruth, who married Robert Storch and had two children, and Thomas Banahan who married a Shyrack. Jacob Friend was probably a farmer during much of his life. My mother recalls that he may have dug graves for a while as well.

Obit of Mrs. Jacob Friend

Mrs. Frances Pillot Friend, died in her home at 202 Belden ave. SE Canton, following a six month's illness. Born in Stark county, she has resided in Canton for 22 years and was a member of St. Benedicts Catholic church.

Among the survivors are a daughter, Mrs. Frank Banahan of Canton; two grandchildren; six sisters, Mrs. John Manning of Alliance, Mrs. Linus Fete, Mrs. George Wyman, Mrs Frank Bowe and Mrs. Esther Nesbitt of Canton and Mrs. Josephine Schaub of Louisville, and four brothers, Frank of Canton and William, Charles and Joseph of Louisville.

Services will be Friday at 9a.m. in St. Benedict's church with Rev. Fr, Gregory McAtee in charge. Burial in St. Louis cemetery at Louisville. The body will remain at the E. Jay Welch parlors until the hour of the service.

Obit of Jacob J. Friend

Jacob J. Friend, 73, died of a heart ailment at his home on Mill rd SW Canton Saturday. Born in Germany, Mr. Friend resided in this area the greater part of his life. He lived in Louisville 35 years and in Canton the last 35 years. He was a member of St. Mary's Catholic Church.

Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Marie Banahan of Canton; a sister Mrs Lehman Hathaway of Louisville; two grandchildren, and one great-grandchild.

Requiem High Mass was sung by Rev. Fr. Thomas R. Heimann Monday at St. Mary's Church. Burial was in St. Louis Cemetery, Louisville.

Charles William Pillot, "Will", 1875-1962 was the eldest boy and married Elizabeth Allarding 1872-1955 on November 9, 1897 in Louisville's St Louis Catholic Church by Rev. Fr. Francis Senner. Mary Elizabeth was born in Canton on June 27, 1872, the second child of Lawrence and Elizabeth(Ungastchick) Allarding. Her parents were born in France and immigrated to America. Lawrence Allarding had one known sibling in America, a younger brother John B. Allarding. By 1880, Lawrence, 46, was earning his living as a "saloon keeper" in Massillon, Ohio. His wife, ten years his junior was "keeping house" according to census information. Will and Elizabeth were the parents of Clarence John Alvin, Hilda(Curry) and Garland William Pillot. Clarence 1900-1973 married and had Lawrence, Marjorie, Delores and Eileen Pillot.(Anne Pillot has researched this side of the family and the information about Will and his family is from a document that she created) My mother remembers Will as being stern with his youngest sister Esther when her husband died in 1930, leaving her with eight children. He gave her advice on the need to move to a new residence, get work and perhaps place the children with others.

Obituary Wm. Charles Pillot

A retired farmer, Mr. Pillot of 926 E. Gorgas st, Louisville succumbed on Friday at the age of 86.

Surviving him are a daughter, Mrs. Frank Curry, and a son Clarence, both of Louisville, and another son, Garland of Youngstown; four sisters, Mrs. Mary Fete, Mrs. Anna Bowe, Mrs. Esther Prevaka(should be Przekaza), all of Canton; one brother Joseph of Findlay; 9 grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren.

Monday services were in St. Louis Catholic Church, and burial was in the church cemetery in charge of Paquelet funeral home.

Obituary Mrs William Pillot 6/18/55

After a one year illness Mrs. Pillot, aged 82, succumbed Saturday in her home on South Nickel Plate St. She had resided in Louisville about sixty years.

She is survived by her husband; two sons, Clarence of Louisville and Garland of Youngstown; one daughter, Mrs. Hilda Curry of Louisville; one sister, Mrs. Josephine Bourqin of Canton; nine grandchildren and eight great grandchildren.

Requiem High Mass was sung in St. Louis Catholic Church on Wednesday. Burial in charge of Paquelet funeral home was in the church cemetery.

Obituary Herald Oct. 16, 1997 page 6

Hilda M. Curry

Hilda M. Curry, age 96, of Louisville, passed away Sunday, October 12, 1997 in the Canterbury Villa following a recent illness. Hilda was born August 23, 1901 in Louisville, the daughter of the late William and Elizabeth (Allarding( Pillot. She was a member of St. Louis Catholic Church in Louisville.

Survivors include a daughter and son-in-law, James and Sandra Curry of Louisville; seven grandchildren and fourteen great-grandchildren.

She is preceded in death by her husband, Frank J. Curry who passed away April 26, 1964; and two brothers, Garland and Clarence.

A mass of Christian burial was celebrated Wednesday Oct. 15 at 10:00 a.m. in St. Louis Church with Msgr. Home Oliver officiating. Burial is in the church cemetery. Friends may call Tuesday evening from 7-9 at the Paquelet-Falk Funeral Home.

Frank Xavier Pillot, "Frank", 1877-1942 married Lucy Mary Frank on April 22, 1914 and they had John Wilbur Pillot 1922-1987, Dorothy Ann 1927 and Mary Ladyne Pillot 1924. Dorothy daughter Laura Rentz is also another Pillot researcher. Frank was a contractor. In the 1917 Canton City Directory, he is listed as married to Lucy M, drayman, 1103 Market S.

Obit of Frank Pillot

Frank Pillot, 63 died following an illness of eight months, Wednesday noon, at his home at 1103 Market ave., S. Canton. The deceased was a retired contractor. He was a member of S. Mary's Catholic church, the Eagles lodge and the Knights of Columbus. He had been a resident in Canton about 31 years since leaving Louisville.

Surviving are his widow, Lucy Mary Pillot, one son John, two daughters Mary Ladyne and Dorothy Ann of the home; three brothers, William and Charles of Louisville, and Joseph of Findlay; six sisters, Mrs John Manning of Alliance, Mrs. Josephine Schaub of Louisville, Mrs. Linus Fete, Mrs. Frank Bowe, Mrs. George Wyman and Mrs. Esther Nesbit(sic) of Canton.

The body will be removed from the Schirack and Williams funeral home to the residence at three o'clock Thursday, when friends may call.

Services will be Saturday morning at 10 o'clock at St. Mary's Catholic church in charge of Rev. Fr. Bager. The body will be placed in the mausoleum at Calvary cemetery.

Louis Amel Pillot, "Louis", was born in 1878 and died at age 50 on April 18, 1929. He had never married.

Obit of Louis Pillot

Louis Pillot, 50, son of the late Mr. And Mrs. Emil Pillot, died April 18 at the home of his sister, Mrs. John Manning at Alliance. The body was brought to the home of his brother, Charles Pillot on South Mill street, Louisville. Funeral services were held from Saint Louis Catholic church Saturday morning and were conducted by Rev. N.P. Weckel. Burial was made in St. Louis cemetery south of Louisville. He is survived by the following brothers and sisters: William and Charles of Louisville; Frank, of Canton; Joseph of Toledo; Mrs. Linus Fete, Mrs. Frank Bowe, Mrs. George Wyman, Mrs. David Nesbit(Nesbitt) and Mrs. Jacob Friend, all of Canton; Mrs. Wesley Schaub of Carrollton, and Mrs. Manning of Alliance.

John George Pillot, "John", 1880-1923 also never married. He died of a brain tumor. He had experienced mental problems and had been committed to Massillon State Hospital at one time.

Obit of John Pillot

John Pillot, aged 43 years, son of the late Emile and Catherine Pillot, died Wednesday evening at the home of his brother, Frank Pillot, 1107 Market Ave., S., Canton, from a brain tumor from which he had been ailing for some time. Surviving him are five brothers and seven sisters. They are William, Charles and Louis, of Louisville; Frank of Canton, at whose home he died; Joseph of Toledo; Mrs. Jacob Friend, Mrs. Linus Fete, Mrs. Frank Bowe, Mrs. George Weyman, Mrs. Wesley Shaub, Mrs. David Nesbit, of Canton; Mrs. John Maning of Alliance. He had a kind disposition which won for him many friends.

The body will be taken to the home of his brother, Charles Pillot, 315 S. Mill street, Louisville, Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock where friends may view the remains, Funeral services will be held Saturday morning at 9 o'clock in St. Louis Catholic church, Louisville, and burial will be made in St. Louis cemetery.

Emma Elizabeth Pillot, "Em", 1883-1953 went to work for John "Jack" Manning, taking care of his wife when she was sick. They married after his wife's death and lived in Alliance. They did not have any children.

Obit for Emma Pillot, Mrs. John Manning

Mrs. Emma Pillot Manning died in City Hospital, Alliance, Friday night after suffering a heart attack. She was the widow of John Manning and was born in Louisville.

Surviving are four sisters, Mrs. Mary Fete, Mrs. Anna Bowe, Mrs. Esther Przekaza and Mrs. Katherine Wyman, all of Canton and three brothers, William and Charles Pillot of Louisville and Joseph Pillot of Findlay.

Services were held Tuesday in St. Joseph Catholic Church, Alliance, and burial was in the church cemetery.


Mary Catherine Pillot, "Mary", 1884-1962 married Linus George Fete on November 24, 1904 and had Mary Lucille 1905-1927, Marvin Linus 1906-1958, Aurelia Mary 1913-1914, Edna Mary Arline 1915-1983, Cecelia Gertrude Mary Agnes 1916-1989, Linus George 1920-1997, and Lawrence George 1921. Lawrence Fete is researching the Fete family.

Obit of Mrs. Linus Fete

A native of Louisville, Mrs. Fete of Canton passed away on Sunday, concluding a year of illness. She was a member of St. Mary's Church, and the Rosary Alter Society.

Surviving in addition to her husband are two sons, Linus Jr. and Lawrence, both of Canton, three daughters, Mrs. Arline Kubel, and Mrs. Gertrude Singhaus, both of Canton, and Mrs. Corinne Salewsky of San Jose, Calif.; three sisters, Mrs. Anna Bowe, Mrs. Catherine Wyman and Mrs John Przekaza, all of Canton; one brother, Joseph Pillot of Findlay, Ohio; 9 grandchildren and 5 great grandchildren. Burial was in Calvary Cemetery.

Anna Frances Pillot, "Annie", 1886-1965 married Frank Bowe and had Arthur, Howard and Bernice.



Charles George Pillot, "Charles", married Laura Estella Malcuit and had Lillian, Bernice Rose, Sister Mary Kathryn and Carolyn Pillot.

Catherine Barbara Laura Pillot, "Kate", 1890-1965 married George "Joby" Wyman, who was a meat cutter with Schneider Foods. They had one son Charles Wyman.

Obit of Mrs. George Wyman

Mrs Wyman of Canton succumbed on Saturday after suffering a heart attack. She was a native of Louisville, aged 73. She was a member of St. Joseph's Catholic Church from which place Requiem High Mass was sung on Tuesday. Internment was in Westlawn Cemetery.

Survivors include a son Charles of Akron; one grandson; two sisters, Mrs. John Przekaza and Mrs. Anna Bowe, both of Canton; and one brother, Joseph Pillot of Findlay, Ohio.

Mary Josephine Jenny Pillot, "Josephine", 1892-1945 married Wesley Schaub and they had eleven children.

Obit of Mrs. Josephine M. Schaub

Mrs. Josephine M. Schaub, 53, of R.D. 1, Louisville, the widow of Wesley Schaub, died last Thursday morning in the home following a heart attack.

Survivors are six daughters, Mrs. Allen Stanley of Garfield, Mrs. Marvin Stermer of Middlebranch, Mrs. Paul Hoover of Louisville, Catherine, Emma and Mary of the home; five sons, Hohn and Joseph of Louisville, Corp. Donald and Corp. Thomas Schaub in France and Sgt Paul Schaub, who was a prisoner in Germany but recently was liberated and was here for the funeral; five sisters, Mrs. George Wyman, Mrs. Linus Fete, Mrs. Frank Bowe and Mrs. Esther Nesbit of Canton and Mrs. John Manning of Alliance; thre brothers, Joseph Pillot of Findlay, Charles and William Pillot of Louisville; one step-daughter Miss Thelma Schaub; one step-son Theodore Schaub of Louisville, and seven grandchildren.

Services were held at Sacred Heart of Mary Church in Harrisburg on Monday morning with burial in Union cemetery in Louisville.

Mary Esther Appoline Pillot, "Esther", 1893-1976 was orphaned before she was 16. At the urging of her older brother, she went to Canton to obtain work. In 1917, there are two Esther M. Pillots listed, one rooming at 431 Rex Ave. SE and one clerking at EC Miller and residing at Waynesburg Rd. SE. Esther worked for Rose and John Sommers's Restaurant and Bar. The family lived upstairs from the business and she worked both in the house and the restaurant/bar. My mother believes that she also lived there and probably took care of the children. Years later, when my mother was a teenager, she used to go and stay with Rose Sommers and visit for the day or longer. Esther met David McCollum Nesbitt 1882-1930, who had been previously married, at the restaurant, and eventually married him. David was originally from Richmond and had married Patterson. They had two children, one of whom died in infancy.

Mary Esther was very fond of her Aunt Mary, who was probably Mary Elizabeth Pillot Herisey. Aunt Mary lived near the homestead in Louisville. My mother often has wondered why Aunt Mary did not take Esther in when her mother died.

Esther and David had eight children before David died of tuberculosis at Molly Stark Sanitarium in 1930. The circumstances could not have been worse, since the Great Depression had already started and the family had little money or resources. At his death the eight children ranged in age from 1 to 13. Esther and David never owned their own house. My mother thinks that the rent was $10 a month when they lived on McKinley Avenue and then $15 a month when Esther moved the family to 8th Street in the 30's. The children were:

Kathryn Merle/Myrl (Kate) 1917

Robert James (Bobbie)

Richard Earl (Ritchie)

David McCollum

Dorothy Lucille (Dort)

Geraldine Louise (Gerry)

Wilbur Frank (Bill)

Russell Carl (Russ) 1930

After David died, Esther went to work for the Works Progress Administration, sewing in the old Deuber-Hamden building which had been a watch factory early in Canton's history. The old buildings were located along the creek that ran through the park near Tuscarawas Avenue, old Route 30. She did sewing, but my mother does not recall what types of items they made. She said that her mother never brought anything home and that the bosses were very tough. Later, Esther was a cook at Esmont's tavern on Market Avenue, south of the train station, and at Perks at 5 Points and the Eagles Club. Esmonts was the type of bar that served food and had pickled pigs feet and pickled eggs on the counter. It had a shuffleboard table and a bowling machine. It was a great place for me to go as a child, plenty to eat and lots of games to play.

Esther met her second husband, John Przekaza at Esmont's, where he was the bartender. They married around 1946. John and Esther lived on 8th Street for several years before moving to a second floor apartment above a grocery store on 6th? Street NW. This apartment consisted of one bedroom, a living room, dining room and kitchen and was up the longest flight of stairs that I can remember. The house on 8th Street was on the corner and was a two-story. The downstairs had a large entry area with a hall tree and mirror, a living room, dining room and a large kitchen. Upstairs there were three normal bedrooms, one closet that was used for a bedroom and a bath. There was a nice porch outside and a place to by ice cream down at the other end of the block. The street was tree lined and seemed nice in the 40's. More recently, it is very run-down and most of the houses are in general disrepair.

Joseph Louis Howard Pillot, Joe, was born march 23, 1896. Joe was an excellent machinist, but had a tendency to work until he had received a paycheck. He lived in Louisville for many years and then moved to Findlay and Toledo. He died in the poorhouse in Hancock Co., Ohio. Joe was married to Mame, who had a child Rosemary, perhaps from a previous marriage.

Other Children of Xavier and Seraphine(Seguin)Pillot:

Desideratus Eugene Pillot

Desideratus Eugene Pillot "Desire" and John B. Pillot are the only other siblings of Amiel Pillot that there is considerable information about the family. Desire was born in 1842 and died in 1926. He served in the Civil War and was nicknamed "Daisy' during the war. He may have also been called "Desire" based on the story below, but this name was also applied to his grandson John Desire. Desideratus married Flavia Octavia Mary Tournoux 1841-1907 on November 21, 1865, after he returned from the war and they had the following children:

Mary Eugenia October 14,1866

Louisa April 16, 1868

Mary Rose May 1, 1870

Mary Elizabeth March 25, 1872

Mary Clare Alice July 8, 1877

Mary Valerie(Anna) November 16, 1879 been

Amelia Augustina September 30, 1882

Louis Adolphus 1874-1956 married Katherine Agnes Willig 1877-1955

John Desire 1904-1983 married Vera Rizzo 1907-1992

Margaret Katherine 1905

Mary Elizabeth 1915-1916

Paul Francis Anthony 1910-1936

Raymond Augustus X.1909-1909

Roy Marion Joseph 1913

Flavia Alice Estella 1908

Helen Mary Elizabeth 1907-1916

The following is an article that appeared in the Louisville Herald, December 4, 1902.
(Courtesy of Janet Metzger)

"The Story of Nicholas and Desire"

Nicholas Grosjean and Desire Pillot are two original French
characters about town. It so happens that they have their abode in
the same house over in the west end. Nicholas had a stove which refused
to conduct itself properly and he and Desire held a consultation as to
the cause. They could not agree. Desire held to the opinion that the
stove was at fault while Nicholas said it was the chimney. Each man
then wagered $2 that he was right and placed their money in safe
hands. They had the stove examined and the apparatus was placed at
fault. Then Desire was happy but Nicholas was not content and after
extracting some of the rheumatic kinks from his joints climbed on the
roof and found two bricks inside the chimney which cut off the draft.
He then claimed the money but Desire had not seen him remove the
bricks and then their troubles began. They wanted Mayor Vinez to hear
the testimony in the case but he was busy. Jimmie Cholley was
counseled about the matter and Alphonse Cheveraux had some part in
the drama. The quartet adjourned to a nearby retreat and after taking
several smiles Nicholas and Desire forgot their troubles.

Obit of Louis Adolphus Desideratus Pillot

Louisville Herald, Courtesy of Laura Rentz

Desire Pillot born 8/21/1874 died 1/12 1956

Mr. Pillot of Canton and former resident of Louisville succumbed because of pneumonia at the age of 81 on Saturday.

Two sons surviving are John of the home and Roy of Canton; two daughters are Miss Margaret of Denver Colorado and Mrs. Flavia Lombard of Louisville; also 5 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Buried St. Louis Church Cemetery.

Mary Eugenia Pillot

Louisville Herald Thursday November 7, 1907


Cruel Fate of Miss Jennie Pillot Wednesday Morning

Miss Jennie Pillot met with an awful death at the rear of the Schilling block, Wednesday. Miss Pillot had several rooms in the building and went, from the court on the second floor to the porch where she was engaged in some kind of work. The porch was surrounded by a railing and evidently the unfortunate woman put too much of her weight against the rail and it gave way. She fell from a height of about fifteen feet into an open air cellar way; striking upon an iron rail. The body then slid down the cellar steps. Daniel W. Krabill and an agent, Charles Winner, saw Miss Pillot fall and immediately carried her from the cellar way. Doctors were called but the patient was beyond human aid. The right temporal bone was crushed and it was seen at once that death would result. The accident happened at about 10:30 o'clock and death followed nearly a half hour later.


Jennie Pillot was born on a farm east of Louisville and was aged about forty years. Her parents were Mr. and Mrs. Desire Pillot. The father is yet living but the mother died a few months ago. Desire Pillot, of Louisville, is a brother, and several sisters are living in Canton, two in California and one in New Jersey. The greater part of Miss Pillot's life was spent in and near Louisville and she was most highly esteemed by all with whom she came in contact. Notwithstanding the fact that much of her life was spent in toil and that many troubles came upon her she maintained a pleasant nature and was always willing and ready to extend help when it was needed. She was a faithful member of St. Louis Catholic church and a regular attendant upon its services.

Funeral services will be held at St. Louis church Friday morning at nine o'clock and will be conducted by Rev. Father Senner. It is expected that members of the L.C.B.A. of Canton will attend in a body. Burial will be made in the Catholic cemetery.


Gene Merrill Pillot, a son of John Desire Pillot has additional information and pictures of Desideratus and his descendants. Gene has also been the individual who has ferreted out the French information on the family in Salt Lake City and through visiting Chamesol, France.

Louis Adolphus Desideratus Katherine Agnes Willig

John Desire

Gene Merrill

Patricia Joan

Margaret Katherine

Mary Elizabeth

Paul Francis Anthony

Raymond Augustus X.

Roy Marion Joseph

Flavia Alice Estella

Helen Mary Elizabeth

Mary Eugina 1866-1907 see newspaper article below

Louisa 1868- Menzer

Mary Clare Alice 1877 Naegli

Mary Valerie(Anna) 1879- Weaver

Mary Elizabeth 1872-1907 Willig

Amelia Augustina 1882 McFarland

Mary Rose 1870 Crump


Obituary of Desire Pillot

Mr. Pillot of Canton and former resident of Louisville succumbed because of pneumonia at the age of 81 Saturday.

Two sons surviving are John of the home and Roy of Canton; two daughters are Miss Margaret of Denver Colorado, and Mrs. Flavia Lombard of Louisville; also five grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.

Requiem High Mass was sungTuesday in St. John's Catholic Church, Canton and internment was in St. Louis Church Cemetery.

John B. Pillot

John B. Pillot 1848- married Rosa First 1851- had the following children:

Albert 1872



Albert F.

Martha 1874

Lawrence William 1875

Lucy J. 1878

George 1880

Cloyde Henry 1883-1967 Marguerite

Thelma David A. Nesbitt

Mary(step-daughter) Erbie Osborne

Alphonse(Samuel?) 1885

John is listed in the 1909-10 Canton City Directory, married to Rose A. Also listed are Clyde and Eva S., Lawrence and Samuel D. In 1917, there are listings for Esther M.(2), Frank(Lucille M.), Helen C. (student), Laurence baggageman at W&LE rooms 405 E. Tusc, and Samuel D.(Martha B.) clerk at the News Exchange 411 Bedford Ave. SW.

Obit of John B. Pillot Thursday Nov. 28, 1912 paper?Louisville

John Pillot died at his home in Canton, Sunday morning, aged 64 years. Mr. Pillot was born and raised in Louisville and followed railroading practically all of his life. For a number of years he was employed on the old gravel train at Louisville and afterwards he was transferred to the place of watchman at the Tuscarawas street crossing at Canton. He held this situation for 27 years. The cause of his death was dropsy of the heart, He leaves a widow, five sons and two daughters, Albert, George, Cloyd, Lawrence and Samuel Pillot, Mrs. Martha Behmer and Mrs. Lucy Thorley. Funeral services were held, Wednesday afternoon, and internment was made in the Roland cemetery.


Albert Pillot

Obit for Albert Pillot Repository Tuesday September 7, 1937

Funeral services for Albert Pillot, who died Saturday (September 4th) at his homne, 1000 Waynesburg rd SE, will be conducted Wednesday in the home and at 2 in Simpson Methodist church. Rev. D. M. Scott will be in charge and burial will be in Northlawn cemetery. Mr. Pillot, 65, was active in the affairs of the I.O.O.F. lodge and members will meet in the home tonight at 7 to conduct services. Beside his widow, he leaves a son, two daughters, four brothers and two sisters.


Obit (paper?) Monday Sept 6, 1937

Albert Pillot

Services for Albert Pillot, 65, who died Saturday at his home, 1000 Waynesburg rd SE, will be Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. at the residence and at 2 in Simpson M.E. church. Rev. David E. Scott will officiate. I.O.O.F. lodge will conduct services Tuesday at 7 p.m. Burial will be in Westlawn cemetery.

Mr. Pillot leaves his widow, Ada; a son Albert Jr. of Steubenville; two daughters, Mrs. E. B. McFarland of Detroit and Helen Pillot of the home; six grandchildren; four brothers, Clyde and Samuel of Canton, George of Akron and Laurence of Youngstown, and two sisters, Mrs. Martha Beamer of Canton and Mrs. Lucy Mercer of Brewster.

Obituary of Cloyd Henry Pillot

Cloyd Henry (POP), 84, suffered a heart attack Saturday morning in the residence and was pronounced dead on arrival at Mercy Hospital. Born in Louisville, Ohio, he had lived his entire life in Stark County. In 1956 he retired from the Berger Division of Republic Steel Corp. At the time of his retirement he was Chief Inspector. For the past 50 years he held membership in Canton Council #55 Jr. O.U.A.M. and the pride of Canton Council D. of A. He was a member of Stark County Foreman's Club. Survivors include his wife, Marguerite Pillot of the home; a daughter, Mrs David A. (Thelma) Nesbitt, and a step-daughter, Mrs. Erbie (Mary) Osborne, both of Canton; six grandchildren. Services will be conducted Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. in the Reed Funeral Home with the Rev. David Brady officiating. Burial will be in North Lawn Cemetery. Calling hours at the funeral home Monday 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. D. of A. will hold services Monday evening (tonight) 7 p.m.


In a check of the name Pillot in the French telephone listing, I found that there were 1480 Pillots listed in the French telephone book. The name was pronounced "Peo" by Esther, so spelling variations in the census and other early documents may range from Pillot to Pilot, Pio, Peo, Pilo, etc. Other family researchers include Gene Pillot, son of John Desire( Louis Adolphus, Desideratus, Xavier Henri, Germain Henri Froid, Henri) Laura Lee Phillips Rentz, daughter of Dorothy Ann Pillot (Frank Xavier Pillot, Emil, Xavier, Xavier Henri, Germain Henri Froid, Henry); Ann Marie Pillot, daughter of Lawrence Pillot (Clarence Pillot, Will Pillot, Emile, Xavier Henri, Germain Henry Froid, Henri ); Glenn Kinser, son of Kathryn Nesbitt (Esther Pillot,Emile, Xavier Henri, Germain Henri Froid, Henri). Much of the information contained herein is the result of the hard work of Gene, Laura and Anne.
























Glenn Kinser

P.O. Box 814

Shepherdstown, WV 25443