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Cuyahoga Falls Business Listings 1860

From George W. Hawes' Ohio Gazeeter and Business Directory;
1860-61 Published in Indianapolis; 1860; 958 pages

p. 293

Cuyahoga Falls

An important post village and township of Summit county, situated on Cuyahoga river, and on the Clevland, Zanesville and Cincinnati railway, 4 miles from Akron, and 125 miles north-east from Columbus. It contains fifteen stores and ten manufactories of various kinds: Population, 1300.

p. 294

Type Of Business Proprietor
Constable John Addie
D.N. Loury
Justice of the peace W. Lawson
P.G. Somers
[also Physician]
Ministers Rev. T. Chezbrow [Methodist]
Rev. T. Clark [Congregational]
Rev. N. Hayner [Methodist]
Rev. L. L. Holden [E. P. Church]
General Stores Comstock & Brother
H. C. Lockwood
S. Pease
Grocery Stores O. B. Beebe
I. Lewis
E. S. Rockwell
C. Smith
Merchant & PostMaster J. L'Hommedieu
Merchant Tailor E. Adams
N. Head
Dentist C. P. Bailey
Physician C. W. Rice
P.G. Somers
[and Justice of the Peace]
Druggists F. S. Heath & Co.,
American House H. Dowd, Prop'r
Stoves and Tinware H. N. Gillett

D. Parks & Bro.

Millner Miss Ellen McGrath
Boot and Shoe Maker H. Plum
S. Wills
Painter P. J. Lee
Saloon and Confectionery A. J. Konkel
Ambrotype Gallery A. W. Green
Harness Maker C. S. Starr
High School Supt. H. K. Taylor
Manufacturers of Smut Mills Parks, Turner & Co.

Summit County OHGenWeb Page
Established November 20, 1996

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