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Hudson Ohio Business Listings 1860

From George W. Hawes' Ohio Gazeeter and Business Directory; 1860-61 Published in Indianapolis; 1860; 958 pages,

Hudson, A post town of Summit County, situated at the junction of the Clevleand and Pittsburg and Cleveland and Zanesville Railways, 24 miles south-east from Cleveland. It is the seat of the Western Reserve College, and contains a flurishing seminary. Population about 1,000.
pp. 377 - 378

1860 Hudson Ohio
Type of Business Proprietor
Proprietor of American House L. DeLong
General Store D.D. Beebe
Merchant Tailor G.J. Bliss
Marshal B. Bosworth
Barber & Saloon M. Brockway
Saddle/Harness Maker I.H. Bunnell
J.L. Chapman
Butcher F. Callow
Lecturer on Chemistry & Natural History J.L. Cassels; M.D.; LL.D
Tutor Edwin W. Childs; B.A.
Boots/Shoes T. Cooper
D.F. McGrew
J. Noona
J.A. Quay
Provision Dealer D. Croy
Professor of Rhetoric & Intellectual Philosophy Rev. Carroll Cutler ; M.A.
Ministers Rev. Cutler (Presbyterian)
Rev. Darling (Congregational)
Rev. T.B. Farichild (Episcopal)
Rev. H.B. Hasford (Congregational)
Rev. G.E. Pierce (Presbyterian)
Dentist A.L. Dake
Proprietor of Mansion House J.D. Dickinson
Flour/Feed E.B. Ellsworth
Stoves/Agricultural Implements J.N. Farrar
Wagon Makers Farwell & Holcomb
Hanson & Brother
Post Master J.K. Frost
Grammar School Principal Edwin S. Gregory
Professor of Math & Natural Philosophy Charles A.Young M.A.
Groceries H.H. Gross
J.B. Whedon (also druggist)
President of Western Reserve College & Mayor Rev. H.L Hitchcock
Attorneys H.B. Hoster
Van R. Humprey
M.C. Read
Principal Hudson Female Seminary Miss Lucy Lee
Books/Jewelry C.M. Knight
Millinery Miss R. Lane
Recorder J. Markillie
Stoves/Tinware J.B. Miller
Justice of the Peace S.H. Pitkin
H.C. Thompson
Druggist, Patent Medicine & Perfume C.L. Stoddard
Professor of Greek & Latin N.P. Seymour; M.A.
Baker H.R. Seymour
School Teacher Miss M.S. Quay

Summit County OHGenWeb Page
Established November 20, 1996

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