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OHGenWeb Project

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Roll of Company D, 164th Regt,
Ohio National Guard Infantry, Civil War

Made up of members of Co. C 54th Battalion Ohio National Guard and Co. A 83rd Battalion Ohio National Guard

Captain - Norman S. Keller
1st Lt. -Francis H. Wright
2nd Lt - Thomas E. Strong
1st Sgt. J. Sprague Upton
Sgts - Alonzo A. Hine, Dennis Treat, Sylvester E. Barnes, John D. Strong
Corporals - William H. Ashmun, Jonathan Sprague, Robert Ellis,William Bell,
George F. Lyman, Samuel Harris, Serno P. Fenn, Byron M. Allison

Ashmun, Louis H. Billman, Peter
Barnes, Clark E. Barnes, Francis N.
Baldwin, Bruce Bronson, William H.
Bowser, James Camp, Henry M.
Camp, Leroy N. Clark, Robert W.
Clark, Franklin A. Cockran, Henry C.
Cramer, Upton F. Cropley, A. Dallas
Calaghan, Christopher Drake, James
Denmead, William Davis, Thomas
Derr, John Derr, William
Evans, James Evans, David
Engler, William Fenn, Lornzo F.
Fenn , Frederick Fritz, Uriah D.
Guingrich, Joseph Gillinger, Robert M.
Harris, Henry Hitchcock, George E.
Hope, Edward Haun , Charles D.
Hart, Henry Jordan, Josiah
Lyman, Charles A. Limber, Jefferson
Means, Andrew F. McNeal, John
Miller, William H. Owen, William T.
Owen, John Ogle, Atkin
Pittinger, Robert M. Pierce, Lawrence B.
Palmer, John Peck, Leonard B.
Pettibone, Sherman B. Rice, George W.
Ripley, William Rickard, Levi
Rondibush, John Rowinsky, John
Sprague, Oliver Skinner, Bradford W.
Sackett, Clark A. Stouffer, Franklin L.
Strohl, Benjamin Sperry, Francis W.
Shoemaker, Edward Shenkenberger, Frederic C.
Stone, Lyman S. Treat, Orange S.
Treat, John C. Thomas, William L.
Upson, Daniel H. Upson, Henry C.
Upson, Joseph E. Upson , Norton L.
Umstead, Jesse R. Vogt, Daniel
Westover, Harry Wedmore, Williard W.
Young, George  

Summit County OHGenWeb Page
Established November 20, 1996

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