George PERRY To Bartholomew PHILLIPS

Know all men by these Presents that I George PERRY of Richmond in the County of Washington in the State of Rhode Island & Providence Plantations yeoman for and in Consideration of the Sum of two Hundred forty Dollars to me in hand before the Sealing hereof Paid by Bartholomew PHILLIPS of Said Richmond yeoman the Receipt Whereof is hereby acknowledged have Remised Released and forever Quit Claimed unto the Said Bartholomew PHILLIPS his Heirs and Assigns forever in his Quiet and Peaceable Possession one Certain Tract of Parcel of Land   With a Dwelling House Barn and other Buildings thereon Containing by Estimation one Hundred and thirty Acres be the Same More or Less Bounded Easterly & Southerly by Highways Westerly by Land of Hezekiah TEFFT & Northerly by Land Late Benjamin CARDs Deceased __ being the Same Lands that was __ Mortgaged by the Said Bartholomew PHILLIPS to Joseph CARD    To have and to hold the Preceding Demised Premises with the Previleges (sic) & appurtenances to the Said Bartholomew Phillips his Heirs and assigns to his and their only Proper use Benefit and behoof for ever so that Neither the Said George PERRY my Heirs Executors Administrators or assigns nor any other Person or Persons Claiming by or under him shall challenge Claim or Demand any Right Title or Interest in the Preceding granted Premises but from Every such Claim Challenge or Demand they & Every of them shall be forever Excluded and Barred by these Presents    In Witness Whereof I Have unto Set my hand & Seal this Sixth Day of January AD 1812

Signed Sealed & Delivered
In the Presence of                                                                                  Geo PERRY
Thomas TEFFT
Joshua POTTER    

Washington ss At Richmond the Date aforesaid The Subscriber George   
PERRY acknowledged the Preceding Instrument to be his free act and Deed   
Before T TEFFT J ye Peace   

Transcribed by Susan Nahas, July 2008

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