p. 64 - 65:
ALFRED BYRON ARNOLD -- This branch of the ancient Arnold family of New England, England and Wales, traces, according to a pedigree recorded in the College of Arms, to Ynir, King of Gwentland, who reigned in Wales about the middle of the twelfth century. Ynir was the second son of Cadwalader, King of the Britons, and from this source sprang Roger Arnold of the twelfth generation, the first to adopt the surname Arnold. From Roger in direct descent came Thomas and William Arnold, who came to New England, and were the progenitors of the distinguished Arnold family of Rhode Island. Alfred Byron Arnold is a descendant along both paternal and maternal lines, he being of the branch of William Arnold who sailed from Dartmouth, England, with his family, May 1, 1635, and was first at Hingham, Massachusetts, arriving at Providence, Rhode Island, in the spring of 1636, and two years later moving to Pawtucket. Sons of both William and Thomas Arnold became prominent in public life, Benedict, a son of William, being commissioner and assistant president of the four towns then established, and governor for about ten years. Stephen, a brother of Governor Benedict Arnold, was many times deputy and assistant, his homestead lying near Providence. The line of descent from William Arnold, the American ancestor, is through the son Stephen Arnold, who was the father of Stephen Arnold (2), a farmer and land owner of the Pawtuxet Valley. Philip Arnold, son of Stephen Arnold, was a land owner in the town of Warwick, near Natick, where he resided until death. He married, June 10, 1714, Susanna Greene, daughter of Captain Benjamin Greene, and among their children was a son, Philip (2) Arnold, born June 9, 1726.
Philip (2) and Phoebe Arnold were the parents of Philip (3) Arnold, a farmer of the town of Warwick, Rhode Island, and great-grandfather of Alfred Byron Arnold. Eben Arnold, son of Philip (3), was a farmer in the town of Warwick. He was born near Natick on the old homestead of Philip Arnold, in 1790, and died in 1855. He served as a member of the General Assembly of Rhode Island. He married Lydia Harris. Their son, Ray G. Arnold, was born on the old homestead of his grandfather, near Natick. He married Caroline Matilda Arnold, also born in the town of Coventry, who died at the homestead, May 1, 1894, aged seventy-seven years, a descendant of Peleg Arnold, and a relative. After his married he moved to the town of Coventry, and there followed the life of a farmer all his active life. He died January 26, 1894, at the age of seventy-seven years. Ray and Caroline M. (Arnold) Arnold were the parents of one child, Alfred Byron Arnold.
Alfred Byron Arnold, son of Ray and Caroline Matilda (Arnold) Arnold, was born on his grandfather's homestead in the town of Warwick, Kent county, Rhode Island, October 2, 1842, and began his education in the nearby district school. Seventy-six years have since intervened, and for the past quarter of a century he has lived in the house which has been the home of his father for eighteen years previous to his death. His education, commenced in the district school, was continued in the schools of the village of Coventry; Pierce Academy, Middleboro, Massachusetts; Providence Conference Seminary of East Greenwich, Rhode Island; Rhode Island State Normal School, at Bristol; and Bryant and Stratton Business College. There were periods of teaching between these advanced courses; from the year 1861, when he began teaching in the Colvintown School, until 1982, he was an educator well known and very highly regarded. His schools in the Pawtucket [sic] Valley, beginning with Colvintown, were The Plains and the Potowomut schools, his course at State Normal School following his service in the last named. The years following the Normal School work he was teacher in schools at Slatersville, Hope, Coventry Center, Washington, Anthony, Quidnick, Centerville, Chepachet, Middletown, Bristol and Warren, Rhode Island, and Canton, Massachusetts. After two years at Canton, he spent one winter as an instructor in Bryant and Stratton's Business College, Providence, going thence to Marlboro, Massachusetts, as a principal of the Washington Street School, where he served for three years. He then returned to the Pawtuxet Valley and the home farm, but continued teaching in Coventry, Phenix, and school in old Warwick. He continued as a teacher until June, 1892, then retired, after thirty-one years of active service. Two years later, in 1894, his parents died, and upon his shoulders the care of the estate then devolved.
For one year Mr. Arnold was a member of Coventry Town Council, and since 1907 has been a director of the Centerville National Bank. Since 1880 he has been a member of the Phenix Baptist Church, and in 1918 was elected clerk of the church for the thirty-eighth time. Since 1908 he has been a deacon of the church.
Mr. Arnold is living practically retired, but conducts a truck garden in order to occupy his leisure time. Politically he is a Republican, and an advocate of prohibition. He married, August 16, 1866, Susan I. Johnson, of Warwick, Rhode Island, and a daughter of Palmer T. and Isabel (Remington) Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold are the parents of a son and daughter: Alfred Ray, born August 1, 1873, died August 16, 1873; Bel Arnold, born May 11, 1875, married, September 22, 1898, Herbert Allen Matteson, of Coventry, Rhode Island; they are the parents of one son, Raymond Arnold, born September 15, 1914.
The foregoing record shows Mr. Arnold as a man who has devoted the years of his youthful and matured manhood to the furtherance of the cause of education. Although, as with all who labor for the public good, results are hard to tabulate or even estimate, it is certain that his work was performed in a spirit of devotion, and to the thousands of youths who sat under his instruction he has imparted some of his own spirit of loyalty, progressiveness and ambition to excel in any task undertaken.
p. 65 - 66:GEORGE BOYD WATERHOUSE -- Three generations of this family have been associated with woolen manufacturing in Centerville, Rhode Island -- Richard Waterhouse, an English weaver of woolen fabrics; his son, Benjamin F. Waterhouse, founder of the Kent Manufacturing Company, of Centerville, Rhode Island; and the latter's son, George B. Waterhouse, treasurer and director of the Kent Manufacturing Company, president of the Centerville National Bank. The Kent Manufacturing Company, founded by Benjamin F. Waterhouse in 1872, later became his sole property, and its development and management became his great work. That company is an incorporated enterprise, operating under the laws of the State of Rhode Island, capitalized at $100,000, and offered entirely by the sons of the founder, who also comprise the board of directors.
Richard Waterhouse, the founder of this branch of the family in Rhode Island, was a son of Thomas Waterhouse, a Yorkshire, England, weaver of woolen cloth. He had children: Samuel, Richard, James, who came to Rhode Island and became a woolen manufacturer; Matthew, Mary, Ruth and Martha. Richard Waterhouse, the second son, was born in Meltham, England, there learned the weaver's art, and lived until 1846, when he came to the United States, locating in Centerville, Rhode Island, where he quickly found work at his trade. He resided in Centerville the remainder of this life, and was one of the highly-expert weavers of his day. He married Mary Hurst, daughter of John Hurst, of Meltham, England, and they were the parents of children: Maria, Benjamin F., of further mention; Walker, Richard, Martha, Mary, Hannah, John, Sarah, Margaret, and Emma.
Benjamin F. Waterhouse, eldest son of Richard and Mary (Hurst) Waterhouse, was born in Meltham, England, September 15, 1839, and there lived until 1846, when he accompanied his parents to Rhode Island. He had been a mill worker from the age of nine years, beginning as a bobbin winder, and from the age of twelve had operated a hand loom making woolen cloth. On reaching Centerville, Rhode Island, in 1846, he secured employment in the woolen mill with his father, and there continued until he had mastered all the operations involved in the making of woolen cloth. He then became foreman of the weaving department of the Ezra Pollard Mill at East Greenwich, Rhode Island, there remaining until 1857. The next six years were spent in a woolen mill at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and the following six years he was superintendent of a mill in East Greenwich, owned by his uncle, James Waterhouse. He was then similarly engaged at a mill in Burrillville, Rhode Island, until 1872, when he returned to Centerville, ever afterward his home. The same year he organized with others the Kent Woolen Company, and began the manufacture of fancy cassimeres, worsted and meltons, Mr. Waterhouse owning one-quarter of the stock and holding the position of manager. In July, 1888, he bought the mill in which he first worked in this country, and in 1897 incorporated the Kent Manufacturing Company, he having acquired sole ownership. He was the first president of the company which has always been known for the high quality of the goods produced. His son, George B. Waterhouse, was treasurer of the company from 1889, and so continues under the corporation; Richard E., a superintendent, later succeeding his father as president. Another son, Charles L. Waterhouse, a vice-president of the company; Henry A. Waterhouse serving as director.
Mr. Waterhouse, Sr., belonged to that old school of manufacturers, thorough masters of their business, active and energetic themselves and demanding the highest quality for any goods bearing their own or the corporate name. Sturdy, upright, and honorable himself, he insisted upon his goods possessing the same quality. He only surrendered the management of the Kent Manufacturing Company when the years became too heavy a burden, then turned the mills over to the capable sons, all of whom save Henry A. had been associated with him in the business. He was a devoted churchman, and for many years was senior warden of St. Philip's Episcopal Church at Crompton.
Benjamin F. Waterhouse married, November 3, 1853, Margaret Liddle, daughter of Joseph and Mary Liddle. Mrs. Waterhouse died in 1907. Mr. and Mrs. Waterhouse were the parents of five sons and two daughters: Benjamin W.; Henry A., a long-time superintendent of the Sayles Mill at Pascoag, Rhode Island, and a present director of the Kent Manufacturing Company; Richard Edgar, a mill worker from youth, associated with his father, and his successor as president of the Kent Manufacturing Company. He married Dora Arnold, who died in 1897, leaving a daughter, Iola, and a son, Richard Edgar Waterhouse, Jr.; George Boyd, of further mention; Fannie F., deceased; Margaret M., the wife of Rev. E. N. Curry, of Sharon, Connecticut; and Charles L., vice-president and director of the Kent Manufacturing Company.
George Boyd Waterhouse, fourth son of Benjamin and Margaret (Liddle) Waterhouse, was born September 29, 1863. He was educated in the public schools of Centerville, and East Greenwich Academy, finishing his studies with graduation from the Academy in 1885. He then began his business career by entering his father's employ, acting as bookkeeper for three years, and in 1889 was elected treasurer. He has held the office of treasurer of the company from that time until the present, and since incorporation in 1897 has been a member of the board of directors. He has acquired other important interests, being president of Centerville National Bank of Warwick, Rhode Island, a position of honor and trust which he has held since 1894 when he succeeded Enos Lapham in the presidency. The bank is the largest in Kent county, and ranks among the strong financial institutions of the State. He is vice-president and trustee of the Centerville Savings Bank of Arctic, and a director of the Puritan Life Insurance Company of Providence. Although a man of marked ability, Mr. Waterhouse takes no active part in politics but exerts his influence for the good of his community as a private citizen. He is a vestryman and treasurer of St. Philip's Episcopal Church of Crompton, Rhode Island.
Mr. Waterhouse married, October 12, 1912, Margaret Dougherty, of Centerville, daughter of Daniel S. Dougherty.
p. 66:WILLIAM CHARLES HUGO BRAND -- Since the year 1905, Mr. Brand has practiced his profession in Providence, Rhode Island, his preliminary practice in the office of Thomas A. Jenckes, and his training at Harvard Law School, having fitted him for the career he began in the year mentioned. He is a son of William and Minnie Breul Brand, both now residing in Providence.
William Charles Hugo Brand was born in Providence, Rhode Island, September 16, 1879, and obtained his preparatory education in the graded and high school of the city. He entered the college department of Brown University, and was graduated A. B., class of 1901. Having selected a profession, he prepared at Harvard Law School, there completing his course and receiving his degree, L.L. B., class of 1904. Returning to Providence, he spent six months in the law offices of Thomas A. Jenckes, was admitted to the Rhode Island bar in 1905, began practice the same year, and is now well established professionally in his offices at No. 87 Weybosset street. He specializes in the law of real estate, but conducts a general practice. Mr. Brand is an independent in his political action, and in religious faith an Episcopalian. He is a past chancellor commander of the Knights of Pythias, and a deputy grand chancellor, holds the degrees of Lodge, Chapter, Council and Commandery of the Masonic order, and is noble of the Mystic Shrine.
Mr. Brand married, in Providence, June 28, 1906, Emelyn B. Bradford, a descendant of the early Colonial family founded by Governor William Bradford. Mr. and Mrs. Brand are the parents of two daughters: Barbara Bradford, born May 12, 1908; and Charlotte Elizabeth, born May 29, 1912.
p. 66 - 67:CHARLES FREMONT ANGELL --- In 1874, at the age of eighteen, Mr. Angell, now president-treasurer of the Providence Steel & Iron Company, came to the city of Providence, and during the forty-four years which have since intervened has risen from lowly to high and honorable position in the business world. He has kept pace socially with his business rise, and in the church, Mason order and club life is highly-esteemed and popular.
(I) Mr. Angell is a descendant in the eighth generation of one of the oldest families in the State, tracing his ancestry to Thomas Angell, who came to America with Roger Williams in the ship 'Lion' in 1631, he then being thirteen years of age and an apprentice to Williams. A more complete record of Thomas Angell is included in another part of this work.
(II) John Angell, son of Thomas Angell, was born in Providence, and there died July 27, 1720. He married Ruth Field, and their children were: Thomas, John, Daniel, Hope and James.
(III) Thomas (2) Angell, son of John Angell, was born in Providence, March 25, 1672, resided there until 1710, when he built a tavern in Scituate which was occupied as a public house for several successive generations of the family. He died in Scituate in 1714. His wife was Sarah (Brown) Angell, and their children were: Martha, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Jonathan, Sarah, Nehemiah and Thomas.
(IV) Nehemiah Angell, son of Thomas (2) Angell, was a farmer and resided in Scituate one-half mile north of the Angell Tavern and there died. He married Mary, sister of Elder Reuben Hopkins, and their children were: Pardon, Nehemiah, Abraham, Zilpha, Martha, Mercy and Mercy (2).
(V) Pardon Angell, son of Nehemiah Angell, was born in 1750, and resided in Scituate where he was a farmer, a Revolutionary soldier, drew a pension, and died in 1838. He married (first) Anna Angell, born 1759, died December 24, 1806. He married (second) Susannah Wells, born August 7, 1780, died August 14, 1857. The children were all of the first marriage, namely, Nehemiah, born 1780; Solomon, born 1781; Lucy, born 1784; Mehitable, born 1785; Emor, born 1788; Mary, born 1789; Pardon, born 1792; John, born 1794; and Nancy, born 1796.
(VI) Emor Angell, son of Pardon Angell, was a farmer in Scituate, and there died in 1871. He married (first) Rachel Salisbury, born December 24, 1790, died October 9, 1839. He married (second), Celia Codding. The children were all of the first marriage, namely: Eliza, born November 25, 1811, became the third wife of Judge Eli Aylesworth, of Providence; Harley Pardon, born May 30, 1815; Ostrando, born April 21, 1822, died October 17, 1839; Amy Ann, born June 11, 1826, married Abner Angell.
(VII) Harley Pardon Angell, son of Emor Angell, born May 30, 1815, in Scituate, was reared on a farm. After his marriage he removed to Danielson, Connecticut, where he remained a short time. He succeeded his father in the ownership of the home farm after the latter's death in 1871. He moved to Providence in 1874, there continuing until his death, April 22, 1893. From 1874 until his death he was in mercantile business in Providence. On March 6, 1845, he married Waity C. Smith, daughter of William Smith. She died May 31, 1907, at Providence. Their children were: Ostrander, born April 3, 1848, died September 22, 1849; Newton E., born January 9, 1840, married Jane Knight, was in the hardware business in Providence, and died March 4, 1902; William H., born January 25, 1853, married Charlotte Wilbur; Charles Fremont, of this sketch; Walter B., born April 19, 1862, married Bessie Child; Clarence S., born August 31, 1867, married Ida Curran, is in the wholesale hardware business in Boston. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Pardon Angell were active in the Congregational church.
(VIII) Charles Fremont Angell, son of Harley Pardon Angell, was born at the home farm in Scituate, October 21, 1856, and there in public school and in Lapham Institute of North Scituate he obtained his education. In 1874 the family moved to Providence, Charles F. obtaining a position in the city sewer department as engineer's assistant. In 1876 he entered the employ of the Builders' Iron Foundry as general office clerk, and there found his true sphere. He became skilled in the manufacturing of structural iron and won his way from post to post during the years which followed, each change a rise in position until his energy, application and loyal devotion to the company's interest brought him the position of manager of the structural iron department. While filling that post he built, in 1902, the plant which was operated as a branch shop of the Builders' Iron foundry for three years, but which later became the plant of the Providence Steel & Iron Company. The branch plant was detached from the parent company in 1905, and became the foundation upon which arose a separate corporation, the Providence Steel & Iron Company, then capitalized at $25,000, with Charles F. Angell, president and treasurer; Frank L. Toof, vice-president; Harry P. Wilson, secretary; Charles C. Luther, assistant-treasurer. The company are specialists in the manufacture of structural and ornamental iron and have prospered abundantly, winning their secure position in the trade through excellence of product and efficiency in management. In 1917 the capital stock of the company was increased to $100,000, the value of the product produced for that year reaching half a million dollars. This great expansion of business demands greater mill facilities, and sixty thousand square feet of land adjoining the present plant has been purchased upon which a modern plant will in time appear.
Mr. Angell, while essentially the alert, capable man of business, has the happy faculty of laying his problems aside after business hours, and holds many social and fraternal memberships. He is a member of What Cheer Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons; Providence Chapter, Royal Arch Masons; Providence Council, Royal and Select Masters; Calvary Commandery, Knights Templar; and Palestine Temple, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. His club is the Providence Central, of which he is an ex-president. He is an Independent in his political action, and in religious faith a member of Beneficent Congregational Church, of Providence.
Transcription and pictures 2001-2 by Beth Hurd