Rhode Island Reading Room

History  of the state of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations: Biographical

NY: The American Historical Society, Inc. 1920

p. 236 - 237:

HENRY REMINGTON EVANS  --  The important business of Henry R. Evans & Company, Incorporated, contractors and builders, of Providence, R. I., was founded by Henry Remington Evans, about 1866, five men constituting the force employed.  It is now the oldest building contracting firm in the city, sixty men being employed in the various departments. A modern mill is an adjunct to the business, the building now occupied by the company being originally erected by Henry R. Evans, about 1878. He built up a high reputation and a good business, to which he admitted his son, Henry L., in 1889.  When the business was incorporated, April 25, 1907, Henry R. Evans was chosen its first president, and until his death, May 4, 1914, was its active, executive head of the company. During the years which have intervened since his death no successor has been elected to succeed him, the presidents' office being held sacred to the memory of the founder of the business, he the only man legally entitled to bear the title, president.

This branch of the Evans family in New England traces descent from Richard Evans, an Englishman, who with his wife Mary settled at Dorchester, Mass., in 1635, and there died in 1661.  He was succeeded by a son, Richard (2) Evans, who became the first known white settler of Killingly county. There he and a son, Richard (3) Evans, lived until 1710, when they sold out and moved to Rhode Island, settling in what has long been known as the 'Evans neighborhood', near the present town line of Smithfield and Gloucester.  By his wife, Rebecca, he had several children, this branch being traced through the son, David Evans, who married Esther Bishop, and they were the parents of David (2) Evans, who married Jemima Foster. Their son, Elisha Evans, married Mary McDonald, they the parents of Jehu Evans, who married Amy Thornton, daughter of William and Betsey (Madison) Thornton.  Jehu Evans was a farmer of Smithfield and Johnston, R. I., a man of energy but little known in public life.  He was head of a family of eleven sons and daughters, one of these, a son, Henry Remington Evans, father of Henry Lester Evans, of Providence, head of the corporation, Henry R. Evans & Sons.

Henry Remington Evans, son of Jehu and Amy (Thornton) Evans, was born in the town of Johnston, R. I., June 24, 1840, died in Providence, in May, 1914. He was educated in the public schools of Johnston and Gloucester, but his school years ended in his fifteenth year, although later he attended Schofield's Commercial College, Providence, studying architectural drawing for two terms.  In 1856 he began learning the mason's trade under the direction of his eldest brother, Elisha, with whom he served an apprenticeship of five years.  He then learned the carpenter's trade with his brother James, and until 1866 was employed as a journeyman.  In that year he began business for himself as a contractor and builder, continuing alone until 1889, when his son, Henry L. Evans, was admitted, the firm name then becoming Henry R. Evans & Son.  Dwelling houses were the special line on construction, although he built mills and business blocks when required. The firm became a corporation, and is still managed by Henry L. Evans, who has been connected with the firm and corporation since arriving at legal age.  Mr. Evans was a man of high character and business reputation, a thoroughly capable and reliable builder, and trustworthy to the highest degree.  While ever independent in his political course, Mr. Evans held the duties of citizenship sacred, and fulfilled his every duty.  He served the city of Providence as superintendent of public buildings, and held that office by appointment of Common Council from 1901 until his last years.

Henry R. Evans married, November 20, 1859, in Greenville, R. I., Anna McDermott, born September 8, 1841, daughter of John and Bessie (Leonard) McDermott.  Children:  Ann Eliza, born Oct. 2, 1860, married Henry F. Horton, of Pawtucket;  Abby, born Aug. 30, 1865, died in June, 1872;  Henry Lester, of further mention;  Fannie R., born June 28, 1872, married John C. Budlong, Jr.;  Sarah Bowen, born Jan. 19, 1875, married Frederick R. Harris; Edwin Bowen, born February 10, 1878, a graduate of Brown University, 1901, now connected with the  firm, Waite, Evans Company, manufacturing jewelers.

p. 237:

HENRY LESTER EVANS  --  The business of which Henry L. Evans is the virtual, executive head, was founded by his father, a practical builder, who early admitted his son to a close relationship therein.  A review of the ancestry of this branch of the Evans family in Rhode Island precedes this review of the life of a twentieth century representative, whose entire life has been spent in the city of his birth and whose entire business connection has been with the corporation he now manages, Henry R. Evans & Company, contractors and builders, No. 8-14 Mathewson street, Providence, R. I.

Henry Lester Evans was born in Mansfield, Conn., September 4, 1867, eldest son of Henry Remington and Anna (McDermott) Evans.  He was educated in the public schools of Pawtucket, and after completing his school years entered his father's employ.  Henry R. Evans was then conducting large contracting operations, and the young man was given every opportunity to learn every detail of the business which he now manages.  Henry L. was admitted a partner in 1889, and when the business was incorporated, he was elected secretary-treasurer and appointed manager.  Father and son were harmoniously associated during all the years until the death of Henry R. Evans, in 1914, a very large contracting and mill business rewarding their well-directed efforts.   As sole manager, Mr. Evans meets the demands of the position he holds, the many years with which he has been head of the business giving him much familiarity with its every phase and detail.  Henry L. Evans was a Mason as soon as he legally could be, at the age of twenty-one years.  He is a member of lodge, chapter, council, commandery, and shrine, a communicant of St. James Episcopal Church, a member of the Wanamoissett Country Club, and in politics a Republican.

Mr. Evans married, August 4, 1897, Florence Louisa Eaton, of Providence.

Smithfield Historical Cemetery #023 "Evans Lot"
Mrs. Cynthia Evans, wife of Mr. Edward Evans, who died Aug. 6, 1833, in the 22nd year of her age.
Edward, son of Benjamin & Naomi Evans, born Dec. 31, 1803, died May 29, 1869
Leander N., son of Edward & Dianna Evans, died April 16, 1886, in his 46th year
Sacred to the Memory of Lydia,
consort of Fanington H. Baggs,
& daughter of Gideon & Jerusha Mann Evans
she died Jan. 1, 1839, aged 22y, ?m, ?d
Diana, wife of Edward Evans, died Dec. 20, 1896 in the 86th year of her age "we shall meet again sweet mother in a brighter clime than this where the anguish of this world of ours is lost in deathless bliss"
In Memory of Sarah E.
daughter of Edward & ????   [can't read]

Smithfield Historical Cemetery #024 "Jehu Evans Lot"
Benjamin Evans, RI Mil Rev War (+ marker)
Elisha A., son of Elisha & Mary Evans d. Dec. 29, 18??, aged 16y, 6m
Richard Evans, son of Elisha & Mary Evans died Dec. 6, 1851, aged 48y, 9m, 27d 'my flesh shall slumber in the ground...'
Elisha Evans, died Jan. 13, 1852
aged 87y, 6m, 2d (vet. marker)

Mary Evans, daughter of Elisha & Mary Evans, died May 17, 1867
Polley [sic], wife of Jehu Evans,
deceased Aug. 28, 1849, in the 52nd year of her age.
Jehu Evans, deceased July 30, 1852, in the 85th year of his age
Sarah A. M. Evans, daughter of Jehu & Polly Evans born Oct. 26, 1830, died Dec. 26, 1881
Frances Evans, daughter of Jehu & Polly Evans b. Dec. 12, 1818, died Feb. 10, 1882 'The faithful are certain of their reward'
Gilbert A. Mowry, 1839 - 1921
his wife Caroline E. Evans, 1846 - 1935 (WWI marker)
In Memory of Caroline Evans daughter of John & Polly Evans who died June 13, 1827, aged 4y, 1m, 22d

GL023 - Acote's Hill Cemetery, Glocester
(front) EVANS
Jehu Evans, b. March 14, 1799, d. July 5, 1875
Amey Madison Thornton, b. July 29, 1804, d. Apr. 16, 1888
(side) Elisha O. Evans, 1825 - 1915
his wife Esther M. Hicks, 1830 - 1917 their son, John M. Evans, 1853 - 1917
(side) children of Jehu & Amey M. Evans
Evans Martin Crosby, b. Apr. 27, 1829, d. Dec. 16, 1829
Amey Frances, b. Apr. 22, 1836, d. June 16, 1837
James S. Evans, April 8, 1838 -  *  [no date]
Marietta, his wife, June 18, 1838 - march 1, 1897
James C. Evans, July 27, 1859 - March 7, 1939
Cora D., his wife, Jan. 28, 1862 - Aug. 13, 1897
Llewelyn Evans, 1882 - 1956
his wife Maude A., 1885 - *  [no date]
William F. Evans, 1879 - 1949
his wife Mary Butler Willena
Herbert E. Evans, 1882 - 1967
his wife, Lottie M. Robbins,
1886 - 1955 (front of stone)
Andrew J. Evans, 1868 - 1946
Samuel W. D. Evans
Born Oct. 8, 1842 - Died Jan. 3. 1914
His Wife Mary A.
Born May 27, 1847 - Died Jan. 10, 1913

Transcription and pictures 2001-2 by Beth Hurd

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