Bowen Family Graves in Warren, Rhode Island

Warren Historical Cemetery #001
In Memory of Capt. Jonathan Bowen, who departed this life March 17, 1800,
in the 40th year of  his age.
In Memory of Capt. Hail Bowen who departed this life Sept. 7, 1799
in the 37th year of his age
Father I give my spirit up
and trust in thy right hand
.. lying flesh will rest in hope
... at thy command.
(military marker)
Sacred to the Memory of Mr. Jonathan Bowen
who on the first day of Aug., 1817
in the 24th year of his age,
at Mantanzes, W.I., by lightning
was struck instantly dead!
From the first dawn of his life
to the fatal period of it
he had justly acquired universal respect
He was steady in his habits, enterprising in his genius,
and promising in his prospects;
but Death!  Swift death!
has withered a most hopeful member of society.
His only surviving brother erects
this Monument to perpetuate the
remembrance of his departed friend.
Capt. Pardon Bowen
[BOWEN, PARDON, CAPT 1764c - 23 AUG 1797]
(military marker)

 Images, information & transcription by Beth Hurd, 2004

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