Clemence Family Graves in Rhode Island

From the RI Historical Cemeteries Database Index: GL007, Sheldon Road, Glocester

Glocester Historical Cemetery 7

CLEMENCE, ANNA M    1855c - 22 SEP 1873
CLEMENCE, DEBORAH  ([BROWN]) 1797c - 15 APR 1860
CLEMONS, (INFANT SON)  1848c -  6 NOV 1848
CLEMONS, (INFANT SON)  1828  - 29 AUG 1828
CLEMONS, ALBERT A   1852c - 24 AUG 1895
CLEMONS, ALZADA E   1840c -  5 OCT 1840
CLEMONS, ANTHONY   1797c -  2 FEB 1879
CLEMONS, LAURA R     1834c - 27 SEP 1840
CLEMONS, LEONARD S     1830c -  8 AUG 1904
CLEMONS, ROZILLA     1829c -  1 JUN 1891
CLEMONS, WARREN     1829c -  6 JUN 1851

Note: I did not find "Warren" or "Alzada E." - perhaps these were the stones I found to be 'unreadable' - they would certainly be the oldest.
There are several different spellings of the surname, even on the same stone! Several were hard to read, so "?" was used.

In memory of Laura R. Clemmons
daughter of Anthony & Deborah Clemence
who died Sept. 27, 1840
aged 6y & 2m
with low and passive sound
as through the graveyard ---- retreat
thy meditation led,
I walked with slow and cautious feet
above the sleeping dead
Three little graves ranged side by side
My close attention drew
for little sisters died and a mother ------ ---------- to you said
Anthony Clemons
died Feb. 2, 1879
in his 82nd? year
Deborah, wife of Anthony Clemcnce
died April 15, 1860
aged 53? years & 20 days
Maryann, wife of John ----
died July 20, ----
aged 20y, 4m, 12 d
Leonard S. Clemons
[couldn't read anything on this stone]
wife of Leonard Clemons
died June 1, 1891
aged 62y, 2m, 6d
gone but not forgotten
(stone at left) Anna M.
daughter of Leonard S. & Rosilla Clemence
died Sept. 22, 1873
aged 18 years, 3mos, 23 days they could only stand beside me smooth my pillar, mourn my lull but death's power would soon devide me from the dearest of them all.
There is no other grief so deep, so wild, as that which parts a mother from her child
So farewell my dearest until we meet again where we shall never part.

Albert A. Clemons
son of Leonard & Rozilla Clemons
died Aug. 2?, 1895
aged ????
R. C.   [small marker]

A. M. C.

In memory of an infant son
of Mr. Anthony Clemmon
& Deborah his wife
died May ?????
[unreadable marker]
[unreadable infant marker]
[unreadable marker]
[four infant/child markers]
[4 small field stones, unreadable]

More Clemence Graves

Images, information & transcription by Beth Hurd, 2001
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