Rhode Island Reading Room

Newport, RI War Memorials

Located in front of Newport City Hall, Broadway
Whole Monument
WWII monument on the far side.
A tribute to those men of Newport who gave their lives
during the world war, 1917 - 1918
This monument is erected and their name inscribed
thereon by their comrades of Newport Post No. 7
American Legion, Nov. 11, 1923
"They have left as priceless heritage
a token that honor lives forever with the dead."
In memoriam
Henry Angle
George A. Bailey
Joseph C. Barlow
W. Clarke Barrett
John T. Brammall
Harold T. Brierly
Bernardo Cardines
Patrick R. Casey, Jr.
Waldorf J. Clarke
Gerald Conheeney
Richard S. Convover
Samuel M. Cottrell
Frank M. Cross
Daniel Crowley
Sidney Dawson
William Donovan
Daniel H. Drouley
Frank H. Dwyer
James A. Ebbitt
Joseph S. Ewart
John H. Feltham, Jr.
T. W. Fitzgerald
Richard D. Fitzhugh
Anthony Gallagher
Evanda B. Garnett
Albert E. Gerard
John W. Gillingham
George Hindmarsh
Lester K. Holman
Patrick Johnson
Dennis I. Keefe
Richard Kluce
John H. Kinzel
Charles W. Leary
William J. Letch
Thomas B. Lord
(hard to read, worn)
Alexander McElkeran
Thomas Maguire
Fred C. Mayer
George Mayhew
Peter .....
Andrew  Mowatt
John F. Murphy
Michael Murphy
William D. Nagle
Guy Norman
Thomas O'Rourke
Angelo Palmer
Albert Paulus
John E. Pederson
Sidney D. Reynolds
Lucius H. Rice
Caldwell Robinson
Harold B. Rubenstein
Christos Papathanasopoulas
Oscar Rudback
George A. Ross
William J. Sharkey
Timothy M. Shea
Joseph V. Silvia
Morris Slup
Julia E. Smith
Hyman Sonkin
William D. T. Stewart
James Sullivan
James C. Sullivan
Matthew L. Sullivan
Clifford E. Tabor
Archie Paul Vassos
Benjamin P. Wheaton
James W. Wilson, Jr.
Robert Lloyd Wood

Located in front of Newport City Hall:
Andrews, Robert
Barclay, Alfred
Barrett, John
Behan, Austin C.
Bell, Robert J.
Benton, Theron Taft
Bigalke, Theodore J.
Birckhead, Hugh, Jr.
Bliven, Walter L., Jr.
Bodlack, John W.
Bouchard, William L.
Boylan, Edward F.
Bradley, George
Bradley, William
Brockelbank, Walter
Brown, Frederick A., Jr.
Brown, John R.
Brown, Wallace
Bulha, James M.
Burke, John P.
Burke, Michael
Carney, Francis J.
Cayton, John
Cliff, Eldon L.
Cobb, Richard E.
Connell, James T.
Connelly, John G.
Cote, George N.
Cowan, Alva R.
Cudworth, Elmer L., Jr.
Cummings, Boyd T.
Curran, Henry V.
Daley, Michael A.
Dalton, John F.
Damas, Waldemar N.
Delaney, John L.
DeSantis, John A.
Doherty, James A.
Dracopoulos, James
Duggan, Jerome
Edwards, Heywood L.
Erbe, Douglas G.
Fay, Charles L.
Fiafis, George A.
Flaherty, Peter T., Jr.
Foley, James E.
Franklin, Edwin J., Jr.
Gammans, George H.
Gillis, John F.
Ginstrom, Arthur W.
Gorski, Alexander A. R.
Grady, Norman F.
Grady, Thomas E.
Grevette, Delbert W.
Grimes, William E., Jr.
Grinnell, Forrest S.
Grove, Alfred E.
Haggerty, Fred J.
Hallock, Duncan F.
Harrington, George H.
Henderson, Andrew
Hitt, George E.
Hogan, Harry G.
Hopkins, Stephen P.
Hoyer, Harry P.
Hunter, William D.
Jackson, Edmund P.
James, Thomas F.
Johanson, Harry E.
Kalen, John J.
Kane, John G.
Keegan, John C.
Kelgan, Ambrose H.
Kenney, John B.
Kirwin, John J.
Knapp, Walter V.
Knowe, Kenneth R.
Kopstead, Arthur J.
Kreider, Henry H.
Lammers, Howard M.
Lathrop, Charles
Lee, Robert P.
Lenas, Arthur C.
Leroux, Roger
Levin, James E.
Lewis, Charles H.
World War II
These Honored Dead Newport Honors
Click image to enlarge. For an even larger size, click here.
Lieber, George L.
Litman, Philip
Lundgren, Oscar
Mahan, Dennis F.
Main, James
Marchington, William E.
Marden, Richard
Marren, Robert J.
Martin, Harry T.
Martins, Frederick I.
Masterson, David P.
Maxwell, Henry T.
McCormick, Edward
McGee, Bernard H.
McLeish, Kenneth E.
McLellan, Alexander
McMahon, James E.
McSparren, James L.
Medas, Joseph
Mello, Manuel
Miller, Cleveland P.
Mirman, Alex
Mitchell, Wilfred W.
Montgomery, William H.
Moore, Raymond W.
Motta, William J.
Murphy, Thomas J., Jr.
Murray, Reuben E., Jr.
Neville, Joseph P.
New, Bruce P.
Newell, Gale P.
O'Neill, Peter G.
Ouellette, Arthur J.
Pacheco, Manuel
Parris, Ralph C.
Peckham, Charles H., Jr.
Peckham, James R.
Philip, George Jr.
Pond, Edward M.
Poole, Claire Cornwell
Pratt, Roy C.
Ravin, John C.
Reddy, Stephen B.
Reynolds, Jack A.
Riley, Chester C., Jr.
Robinson, Jesse H.
Rohr, David W.
Ruff, Paul R.
Sanderson, David
Schwarting, Herbert C.
Segerson, John F.
Shaw, Prescott
Shuser, Nathan
Simard, Alphonse J.
Simmons, Donald J.
Sims, Richard L.
Smith, Herbert L.
Smith, James H.
Sorensen, Karl E.
Souza, Alfred
Spaulding, Frederick
Spooner, William E.
Springett, William L.
Stanley, Joseph H.
Stratton, Donald E.
Sullivan, Thomas
Swanson, Harry T.
Sweet, William H.
Sylvester, Walter C.
Tenorio, Luiz N.
Thornton, Francis E., Jr.
Tuttle, Raymond H.
Tyson, Robert S.
Walker, Robert A.
Walter, Robert P.
Weinstein, Max
Whitehouse, George B.
Williams, Gilmer W.
Woods, Robert L.
Wortham, Dominic L.
Wright, Charles E.
Wright, Vernon A.
Young, George L.
Zornow, Otto M.

From a monument in front of city hall, Newport, RI
The Korean Crisis, 1950 - 1953
Newport Mourns these honored dead:

Joseph N. Allen
Edouard  H. Caron, Jr.
Charles H. Francis
Robert E. Kelley
Frank M. Lopes
Robert J. Manuel
Alexander J. Marchese
Eugene K. Marx
Irving Munroe
Gloria J. Southern
Thomas J. Tiernan
Manuel J. Viveiros
George W. Wilson, Jr.

From a monument in front of city hall, Newport, RI
The Vietnam Crisis
August 5, 1964 to May 7, 1975
These honored dead answered their country's call:

Joseph Rene Dupere
Blanchard Ward Cochrane
Robert Lloyd Mosher
Richard Edward Greene
George A. Didaskalou
John Paul Braga, Jr.
Joseph Tommy Vandevender
Jeremiah John Saulnier
Christopher R. Hartley
Alfred N. Potter
John Glover

These documents are made available free to the public for non-commercial purposes by the Rhode Island USGenWeb Project.
Transcription and images 2004 by Beth Hurd, Images by Beth Hurd 2004