SCRUTCHFIELD portion of Cemetery

LEWIS section

Historical marker Ceremony
May 1999


Jo Anne Rowe at podium
Juno Rowe unveiling Scrutchfield marker
Lowry Scrutchfield granddaughter and great-granddaughter at dedication of TX

Bob Allen, Juno Rowe, Jo Anne Rowe, Scrutchfield descendants at Scrutchfield
Cemetery TX historical marker dedication May 1999

This is the close up of the older Nancy's stone. It is the original one that
was near the Nashville settlement (near present day Hearne on the Brazos
River). Our Uncle George had her body moved to Scrutchfield. He also had the
newer granite one made saying she was L. Scrutchfield's mother that will
appear in subsequent pictures. The inscription says:
the Memory
Nancy Roberts born
Dec. 27, 1800
Who departed this life
Dec. 29th 1839 aged 39 years
and 2 days

County Coordinator:  Gayle Triller
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