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but I have never got to see him yet. He told me when Mary Jane first died that
if he knowed that you would take the children and be guardian for them he would
drop everything and take them to you but I haven't seen him since I have made
inquiry whether you could be administrator or not. You can, by giving cause in
County and Jim I think that the sooner you do something with it the better it
be for the children. I think the stock is in bad hands. Mary Jane had about
twenty fine head of nice cattle and about thirty head of
horses and one wagon and
one yoke of oxen and when Mary Jane went to move on the
brazos, she asked
John Pearson to notice her cattle till she could get them
a way to move. She is
dead, he has taken possession of the cattle and wont let
Neddy do anything with
them. He has went through with two
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stocks and now wants to go through with another one. Pink
Burch was at my house
a gathering and he has found two of his cows with young
calves and drove them to
my son's and tole my son Art's wife if she would milk them
and save the bags
she might have them to milk all the summer. She cleaned
out the bags and worked
with them til the milk was (?) (?). Pearson came and took
them away and said
that Pink had nothing to do with them. I believe that is
about all that I can say
without I could see you. If I could see you I could tell
you a heap, Jim. Write to
me as often as you can. Tell your children and all the
connection to write. Cit and
Ben send their love to
you all. So good by
W. B. Richards
County Coordinator:
Gayle Triller