My dear child:
I received your letter Tuesday and am so glad you are satisfied and
along so well. I hope you won't faint again, for you never fainted before in
life. There is a good deal of sickness here now. Your brother and Brown
Brown McKisick was called "Brown" by her mother and siblings] are sick.
Brown has another spell with her throat and brest and brother has fever and a
bad cold. Your Aunt Puss [most likely Sarah Anne McKisick Claybrook, whom
some called "Pushion"] came over the first of the week to your Aunt Carie's
[Carolyn Bonham McKisick Ogden]. She did not come up. Pug [?] has been
down there all the week. She was up here yesterday a few minutes. She
to get your saddle, so her and Miss Flora could take a ride. They were to
a ride last Sunday, and Flora was riding Billie's horse Denis, and he got
and they had to take him home and he died that night with the blind staggers.
Mary, your horse has got all right. I have rode him once since you left. I
have time to ride much. Mary, your brother[Jules Edward McKisick] gave me
a bale of cotton and your sister and I are going to Hillsboro when Mr. ? gets
time to take us. I hope he can go when the show will be there on Brown's
account. Pauline [Jessie Thomas's oldest girl] is beginning to talk and she
jabbers all the time. Tell Sister Superior to get your shoes and cloak and
send the bill to us and also to get you some glasses. I want her to get your
cloak a good warm one. Well, Mary I will have to close for it is time to get
dinner. All send love. Be good.
Your mother, Lily McKisick
Fowler, Bosque County, Texas
County Coordinator:
Gayle Triller