CONSIDERATION: Of using said 5 acreas for the
purpose of a grave yard.
ACKOWLEDGED in form before F. M. Browning, Notary
Public, Bosque County, Texas,
November 22, 1877.
5 acres of ground, more or less, of the L. M.
Armstrong Survey and
hired by me from my father Allen Anderson:
Beginning 642 vrs N 35 E from the S.E. corner
of T. W. Archibald land
or survey for the S. W. corner of this survey;
THENCE due E. 168 vrs to the
S. E. corner; THENCE due N. 168 vrs to N.W.
corner; THENCE due W. 168 vrs to
N. W. corner; THENCE due S. 168 vrs to the
This is what is known as the "Oswald Cemetery"
County Coordinator:
Gayle Triller