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Submitted by Edward L. Williams |
To Mr. M. E. Jones, who has won the respect and
admiration of the entire student body in two years, by sincere and
faithful service as teacher and coach. His quiet and clean manner in
the school room and on athletic field has influenced greatly the
molding of our characters, which are now in their making. His ever
willingness to work with the boys on the athletic field no matter
how dark prospects might be, has kept Clifton High School above the
average school of her class, and developed a finer spirit among the
boys under him. This volume of the Old Mill we do respectfully
dedicate to Mr. M. E. Jones.
Robert Baldridge, Jr. - Editor-in-Chief
Dorothy Rea - Assistant Editor
Frances Billert - Assistant Editor
Business Manager - Earl Schow
Assistant Business Manager - Joseph Cowen
Athletic Editor - Floyd Moffatt
Assistant Athletic Editor - Reginald Gaston
Girls' Athletics - L. A. Jenson
Assistant Girls' Athletics - Evelyn Orbeck
Activities - Wilma Parks
Humor - Ruth Mooney
Art - Grace McSpadden
Board of Education
Tom C. Parks - President
A. G. Gilliam - Vice President
John Cowen - Secretary
O. C. Orbeck
R. L. Baldridge
G. C. Lane
W. D. Raley - Superintendent; Latin and Chemistry
M. E. Jones - Principal; Coach; Science
Mrs. Ora Lee Bettis - Mathematics; Faculty Adviser for Annual
J. A. Dowdle - History and Social Science; Girls' Athletic Coach
Miss Gabie Sue Carpenter - English
Miss Lillian Burleson - Home Economics
Miss Margaret Grammer - Public School Music, English and Latin
Senior Class
Class Colors: Silver and Old Rose
Class Flower: Sweet Pea
Class Motto: "No Price Without A Struggle"
President - Robert Baldridge
Vice-President - Joseph Cowen
Secretary - Dorothy Rea
Reporter - Ralph Gray
Class Favorites
Prettiest Girl - Wilma Parks
Most Popular Girl - Dorothy Rea
Most Popular Boy - Joseph Cowen
Best All-Around Boy - Robert Baldridge
Dorothy Rea - "Doppy"
Robert Baldridge - "Bobbie"
Frances Billert - "Fran"
John Hugh Janes - "John"
Wilma Parks - "Bill"
Ruby Schow
Earl Schow - "Root Beer"
Florene Stanhisher - "Peru"
Joseph Cowen - "Joe Bug"
Ruth Townley - "Jew"
Vivian Cruce - "Vi"
Lloyd Lane - "Pussyfoot"
L. A. Jenson - "Law"
Elton J. Fort
Hilma Parks
Elma Wiederaenders - "Smiles"
Ralph Gray - "Doc"
Elizabeth White - "Betty"
Farris Martin - "Peewee"
Erma Lee Dowdle - "Lee" |
Georgie Mooney
Floyd Moffatt
Oleta Schultz
Reginald Gaston - "Short"
Othelia Schultz
Lester Hutcherson - "Dashing Bob"
Gladys Jorgenson
Lydia Ruth Harris
Jim Robertson
Aubrey Palmer
Olivia Conrad
Mamie Kilgore
Blanche Tergerson
Nelda Mueller
Olga Knudson
Lucille Ragsdale
Clara BillmanIn Memoriam: Jurdiss Colwick
Junior Class
Class Colors: Blue and Gold
Class Flower: Yellow Rose
Class Motto: "Attempt not, or accomplish"
President - Ruth Mooney
Vice President - Alfred Jenson
Secretary - Ralph Coston
Reporter - Wilce Griffin
Sponsor - Mr. Dowdle
Class Favorites:
Prettiest Girl - Isla Ruth Ford
Most Popular Girl - Georgie Lee Griffin
Most Popular Boy - Clifford Jenson
Best All-round Boy - William Duke
Jenson |
Patterson |
Vickrey |
Sophomore Class
Class Colors: Pink and Green
Class Flower: Pink Carnation
Class Motto: "We can do more by being good than in any other way"
President - Charles Schulze
Vice-President - Mary Coston
Secretary- Oscar Pederson
Reporter - Evelyn Orbeck
Sponsor - Miss Carpenter
Class Favorites:
Prettiest Girl - Daisy Wakefield
Most Popular Girl - Mollie Nelson
Most Popular Boy - Joe Reese
Best All-round Boy - Willis Windham
Anderson, Mardell
Biffle, Nora Belle
Buck, D. M. Jr.
Coston, Mary
Dahl, Clarinda
Evans, Lillie Belle
Findley, Sibyl
Harris, Baley
Helton, Velma
Janes, Mildred |
Jenson, Erma
Landgraf, Olga
Lane, Ralph
Manske, Velma
McFadden, Ruby
McFadden, Andrew
Nelson, Mollie
Orbeck, Evelyn
Petterson, Albert
Pederson, Oscar |
Reese, Harry
Reese, Joe
Schulze, Charles
Sonntag, Elvira
Schoenrock, Emmett
Seljos, Rudolph
Waldrop, Chester
Windham, Willis
Wakefield, Daisy |
Freshman Class
Class Colors: Silver and Rose
Class Flower: Sweet Pea
Class Motto: "Excelsior"
President - Grace McSpadden
Vice-President - Curtis Pederson
Secretary - Martha Louise Swenson
Reporter - Donald Prather
Sponsor - Miss Grammer
Class Favorites:
Prettiest Girl - Travis nelson
Most Popular Girl - Mary Westgaard
Most Popular Boy - Alvin Canuteson
Best All-round Boy - Raymond Pederson
Aars, Carrie
Alfie, Hester
Anderson, loraine
Bekken, Gladys
Biffle, Edna
Boe, Mathilde
Brewer, Irene
Bronstad, Oliver
Canuteson, Alvin
Colwick, Marguerite
Cooper, Rosalie
Dahl, Peder
Erickson, Alma
Finstad, Lola
Golden, Etta Lou
Grimland, David
Harris, Ada Belle
Harris, George M.
Helton, Edgar
Hurst, Flora |
Huse, Alma
Hutcherson, Viola
Jenkins, Harold
Jenkins, Philip
Jenson, H. P.
Johnson, Carroll
Jorgenson, Simon
Kelly, Oca Belle
Kunkel, Ruth
Lambert, Clarice
Lange, Laura
Lund, Jewel
McCoy, Wilson
McFadden, Julian
McSpadden, Grace
Mooney, Dudley
Mooney, Hattie
Murphree, Viono
Nelson, Travis
Oswald, Franklin |
Patterson, Ellon
Pederson, Curtis
Pederson, Raymond
Petterson, Ole
Psoton, Creola
Poston, Marie
Prather, Donald
Ryan, George
Schoenrock, Herbert
Solberg, Alton
Storie, Sadie
Swenson, Martha Louise
Swenson, Mary Ellen
Tennison, Elmore
Thurmond, Etta Belle
Townley, Alyet
Wiederaenders, Erwin
Westgaard, Mary |