- Scarlatina - Scarlet fever
- Scarlet Fever - A disease characterized
by red rash
- Sciatica - Rheumatism in the hips
- Scrofula - Tuberculosis of neck lymph
glands. Progresses slowly with abscesses and pistulas develop. Young
person's disease.
- Scurvy - Lack of vitamin C. Symptoms of
weakness, spongy gums and hemorrhages under skin
- Septicemia - Blood poisoning
- Shakes - Delirium tremers
- Shingles - Viral disease with skin
- Siriasis- - Inflammation of the brain due
to sun exposure
- Small Pox - Contagious disease with fever
and blisters
- Spanish Influenza - Epidemic influenza
- Spasms - Sudden involuntary contraction
of muscle or group of muscles, like a convulsion
- Spina Bifida - Deformity of spine
- Spotted Fever - Either typhus or
- Sprue - Tropical disease characterized by
intestinal disorders and sore throat
- St Anthony's - Also erysipelas, but named
so because of affected skin areas are bright red in appearance
- St Vitas Dance - Ceaseless occurrence of
rapid complex jerking movements performed involuntary
- Stomatitis - Inflammation of the mouth
- Stranger's Fever - Yellow fever
- Summer Complaint - Diarrhea, usually in
infants caused by spoiled milk
- Sunstroke - Uncontrolled elevation of
body temperature due to environment heat. Lack of sodium in the body
is a predisposing cause
- Swamp Sickness - Could be malaria,
typhoid or encephalitis
- Sweating Sickness - Infectious and fatal
disease common to UK in 15th century
- Syphilis - A contagious venereal disease