Residents, &Their "Place" in Bosque County
AALEXANDER, J.H.--Physician
ALLEN, James--Store Clerk (Iredell)
ARNOLD, Joseph Richard--Married Mary Ellen; Father of Franklin B.
BBARNES, R. Sam--Indian
Fighter, came to Steele Creek region 1851-52
BARTON, Albert--Meridian attorney that settled near Steele Creek
about 1849; established ferry on Brazos near old Ft. Graham
BRASHEAR, W.H.--Operated a furniture store (Iredell)
BURDETTE, Benjamin A.--Farmer & lived on Live Oak St 1880-1921
BURDETTE, Millie E.--Housewife & member of the Bapt. Church to 1929
BURSON, Archie--established the first newspaper in Iredell in 1898
CCABLER, Charles D.--Undertaker
CAMPBELL, J.M.--Physician 1899
CARTER, Francis W.--A miller (Iredell)
CONLEY, F.M.--Operated a dry goods store (Iredell)
CONLEY, J.W.--State & County Assessor 1926
COOKE, H.C.--County Judge 1899
COX, B.F.--Operated the Palace Drug Store, Iredell
COX, William--freighter (Iredell)
CRABTREE, J.H.--Oned a cotton gin (Iredell)
DDEAN, L.W.--Licensed
to preach in NOV 1889
DEATHERAGE, E.L.--Owned a drug store (Iredell)
DOWNING, Andrew--One of the first store owners in Iredell
EELLIS, Sue Griffith--Member
of Meridian Bapt. Church 1923
EVERETT, Ewell--Meridian attorney that settled on the Bosque River
about 1849
FFRANCIS, Isaac--Undertaker
FRAZIER, James C.--Settled on/near Steele Creek about 1849
FROST, William H.--Shoemaker/Cobbler (Iredell)
GGAINER, James--Blacksmith
in Iredell
GANDY, C.M.--County Clerk 1926
GANDY, Charles--Farmer
GANDY, Francis Marion--Farmer, lived in Bosque Co 1853-1903
GANDY, Frank C.--Farmer 1900
GANDY, Herbert Leonard--Farmer & Musician
GANDY, James D.--Farmer to 1873
GANDY, John W.--Farmer 1900
GANDY, Joseph--Farmer 1900
GANDY, Lina--Homemaker & member of Meridian Bapt. Church 1923
GANDY, Marcellas--Farmer 1900
GANDY, Robert--Farm Laborer 1900
GANDY, Robert Lumpkin "Lum"--Farmer
GANDY, S.E.--Farmer 1900
GANDY, Thomas Melton--Farmer 1900
GANDY, Tom G.--Farmer 1922
GANDY, W.M.--Farmer 1900
GARY, Isaac C.--Saddler; First Tax Assessor; organized a school for
children in the lower Bosque River Valley, & was one of the 1st teachers
GARY, William--1852-built cabin on the West bank of the Bosque, a
short distance above the mouth of Neils Creek; claimed the distinction
of being "the upper settler on the Bosque".
GEORGE, Ella--Member of Meridian Bapt. Church 1923
GORDON, Chalres A.--Owned a hotel
GRIMLAUST, Y.--County Commissioner (Pr. No. 4) 1903
HHACKNEY, Frank--had
a barber shop on high stilt
HANNA, Herman Carl--Farmer
HARRIS, J.E.--County Commissioner (Pr. No. 1) 1903
HERRING, Benjamine D.--in charge of the school & recognized as
a gifted school teacher -lived in Iredell; Baptist deacon
HUNTER, Robert--lived near Spring Creek 1921
JJOHNSON, John Henry--1st
Baptist pastor of Baptist Church--Iredell
JOHNSTON, Melvin B.--School teacher--lived in Iredell
JORDAN, Addison--Farmer 1910
JORDAN, Alvin--Farmer 1910
JORDAN, Charles W. --Farmer 1910
JORDAN, Elizabeth "Bettie"--School Teacher
JORDAN, Eugene D.--Laborer 1910
JORDAN, Homer--Farmer 1910
JORDAN, John P.--Farmer 1910
JORDAN, Vivian--Member of Meridian Bapt. Church 1923
JUSTICE, Appleton--Justice of Peace (Iredell)
KKEELER, Ward--Founder
of Iredell, TX; First surveyor of Bosque Co.
KEELER, William G.--Postmaster (Iredell) in 1871
KEMP, Allen--a tinner (Iredell)
LASSITER, L.B.--Made the 1880 census in Iredell on June 17th & 18th
LOADER, Thomas Turl--Postmaster (Iredell) in 1872(served for 17
Credited with the 1st store in Iredell; Migrated from England, 1850;
District Clerk, 1868; County Tax Assessor, 1869; Administrator for the
estate of Ward Keeler, founder of Iredell.
LOCKETT, F.M.--County Commissioner (Pr. No. 3) 1903
LOCKETT, T.F.--a Baptist Reverend (Iredell)
MMABRAY, James N.--Settled
on the East bank of the Bosque River,
below Neils Creek about 1852
MARSHALL, Samuel--Store Clerk in Iredell
MCCULLOUGH, J.W.--1st(1 of 2)deacon for the Baptist church-Iredell
MCCURRY, William--Built the first courthouse, settled on Neils Creek,
several miles West of the bosque settlements.
MCDONALD, Thomas--Carpenter (Iredell)
MCKISSICK, John--settled in Bosque County about 1847
MCNEIL, Nora--Member of Meridian Bapt. Church 1923
MCPHAIL, Marques C.--Saloon Keeper in Iredell
MIZE, Saphronia--Supervised the hotel owned by brother-in-law, Charles
MONTGOMERY, James E.--Farmer 1910
MOORE, James A.--Painter (Iredell)
MYERS, Ada--Homemaker & member of Women's Missionary Society of Bapt.
NNELSON, Allison--Prominent
citizen of Bosque County
OODLE, Mollie--Homemaker
& member of Meridian Bapt. Church 1923
PPARKS, J.B.--ran
a livery stable (Iredell)
PAUL, George William--Bought retail store from J.W. Locker 6/9/1868,
but later sold it to J.P. Poole on 10/20/1873. He settled on 160 acres
of FM 219 just beyond Womack and raised horses and mules using the
"76" Brand. He also was appointed Precinct 4 Bosque County Constable
on 5/30/1871. His sons did most of the ranch work including breaking
and rounding up the horses. His livestock were recorded grazing in
Bosque, Erath, and Johnson Counties. His wife, Mary B. Paul was a
homemaker, and cared for their 11 children. Oldest son William Albert
Paul was given some of the 160 acre land patent in which he was listed
a farmer/rancher. The remainder of their land was sold to the Bennett
family in about 1885, and they moved back to Dallas, TX.
PEARCE, A.C.--Merchant and Tavern keeper (Meridian)
PHILLIPS, J.C.--Ran a Livery Stable (Iredell)
PHILLIPS, Thadies--School teacher--lived in Iredell
RROBERTSON, James M.--Farmer
ROBINSON, Elijah Rector--Pioneer physician at Kimball in the late
1800s and early 1900s. Elijah, his family and brother, Charles Wesley,
along Thomas J. Robinson and other relatives, are buried in Kimball
ROGERS, D.A.--Baptist Minister 1921
in Nacogdoches in 1824 to Fleming and Nancy Pool
Scrutchfield, Lowry H. Scrutchfield moved to Nashville on the Brazos
with his widowed
mother about 1834. In 1845 he met George B. Erath, who taught him land
surveying and
introduced him to local Indian tribes. Scrutchfield assisted Erath and
John McLennan in
surveying Waco Village in 1849. He married Nancy Proffit in 1851.
Scrutchfield emerged
as leader of the small band of pioneers who settled and organized Bosque
County. He was
elected the new county's first chief justice (county judge) in 1854.
SELLERS, A. Frank--First church clerk for the Baptist church in
SELLERS, Abraham F.--Druggist (Iredell)
SELLERS, James--Druggist (Iredell)
SELLERS, Jim--Operated a cotton gin (Iredell)
SELLERS, John L.--Physician (Iredell)
STRINGER, Daniel T.--Blacksmith (Iredell)
TIDWELL, Tom--erected a new cotton gin in 1899 (Iredell)
TRIMBLE, Elisha--Known as "Father" Trimble; instrumental in
establishing the first Methodist Church in Iredell community
TURNER, Mary--Member of Meridian Bapt. Church 1923
WWALKER, Dixon--Referred
to as Manse; First settler of Iredell, &Walker
Creek perpetuates his name; Commanded the Bosque County Rangers
WALKER, Thomas J.--Farmer 1923
WARD, M.H.--Owned a livery stable
WARE, Caroline, Mrs.--Ran a boarding house (Iredell)
WEAVER, John--Druggist (Iredell)
WHITWORTH, B.H.--County Commissioner (Pr. No. 2) 1903
WORD, B.J.--County Judge 1903
WYSONG, J.H.--Physician (Iredell)
YYORK, W.A.--County
Judge 1921
YOUNTS, Lois Griffith--Homemaker & member of Women's Missionary
Society of Bapt.
Last Update