JUNE 1893-DECEMBER 31, 1925
 How recieved, # - Letter, O- Baptism, *Statement

Name                                    Membership Date                                            How &      When Disposed of

    Eddins, W.A.
    Eddins, W.A. Mrs.
#- Echolds, Ellen, Mrs.                    Mar.      1908
O-Eubanks, Geo.                            Dec.   4, 1909
    Easley, Gregg
    Eastman, E. Mrs
    Eckhardt, G.F., Dr.                                                                                       Letter             Jan. 12, 1919
    Eckhardt, G.F., Mrs                                                                                      Letter             Jan. 12, 1919
    Eisenleah, Alex, Mrs.
#-Ewing, Alex, Mrs.
O-Ewing, Alex                                June  2, 1915                                              Died               Apr.  1, 1919
O-Eckheardt, Charles L.                 June  2, 1915                                              Letter              Jan.  12, 1919
O-Easley, Tandy John                     June 18, 1917
O-Ewing, Elizabeth                         June        1920
O-Ellis, Georgia Fay                       May        1921


Last Update Monday, 07-May-2018 17:56:17 CDT

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