Admitted by:
#-Letter, O-Baptism, X-Resotred

    J.W. Perry             Treasurer- 1878                                              Dismissed by letter                          Feb.  2, 1879

#-Mrs Lou Perry                                                                               Dismissed by letter                          Feb.  2, 1879

#-S.D. King                                                                                         Letter                                          Aug. 10, 1882

#-Mrs. T.A. King                                                                                Letter                                           Aug. 10, 1882

#-Mrs F.J. Hundley                                                                             Letter
#-Miss Kate Hundley                                                                          Letter to Giddings                          Oct. 15, 1905
#-Mrs. M.V. Alexander       April 1875          Baptised-April 26, 1885
#-G.W. Baines, Jr.               April 1875                                               Letter
    B.B. Hunt
    Charles H. Gee                                                                               Excluded for non attendance      Nov. 22, 1891
    Miss Suzzie Hudson                                                                        Excluded
O-Miss Sallie J. Carroll        July 25, 1875                                          Letter
     A.F. Carroll                                                                                   Letter               Died                         1881
     Mrs. Alice Carroll                                                                          Died                                                 1881
     R.E. McArthur
     Rev Mat M. Hitchcock    Died May 1906         Liscened-Dec 20, 1880  Letter to Chappel Hill     Jan. 11, 1885
     W.T. Parks                                                                                   Excluded
      C.C. Mahomey                                                                             Died                                               1879
       J.S. Chance                                                                                 Excluded
#-Mrs. Hattie C. Jackson
    Jessee Harris Jr.
#-Mrs. Jane Wallin                                                                             Died                                     Nov.      1882
    Thomas F. Hudson                                                                         Excluded                             Oct. 26, 1879
    Anna Farr                                                                                       Letter                                   Feb. 26, 1888
    Miss Nina Parkill  (now McMillan
    J.J. Mc Millan                                                                                Excluded                               Apr. 12, 1879
    Mrs. Ella Walton                                                                            Letter                                    Sep. 28,1890
    J.E. Fletcher                                                                                  Excluded                                Apr. 25, 1880
#-Mrs. Cornelia Bains                            Oct. 24, 1875                     Letter              Died
#-Mrs. M. Houston                                Oct. 24, 1875     from Virginia
#-Mrs. S.J. Williams
#-A.G. Jenkins                                        Nov. 14, 1875                  Excluded                                Nov. 27, 1881
#-E.B. Bell                                              Jan. 9, 1876     Trustee-Jan. 1., 1891
#-Kate E. Bell                                         Jan. 9, 1876
#-Mrs Lucy Mecom                                           1876                     Letter
#-???Mecom                                                      1876                    Letter
#-Rosa Mecom                                                  1876                     Died                                       Feb. 2, 1876
#-Wm. F. Grant                                                 1876
#-Sam E. Woody                                               1876                    Letter
    Edna A. Hunt                                                                             Excluded                                    Jan. 23, 1881
    A.C. Mecom                                                                              Excluded                                    Jan 28, 1877
    Harry Mecom                                                                             Excluded                                    Jan 28, 1877
    Mrs. R.E. McArthur
    Miss Lula Fielder  (now Darr)                                                    Letter                                            July 2, 1905
    Henry Autry                                                                               Letter                                           Aug. 2, 1896
    Alonzo Davenport
    R.W. Haddox                                                                           Excluded                                        Dec.  1880
    Mrs. S.J. Nixon
    Miss Mattie Frazier  (now Brooks)
    Miss Orphelia Frazier  (Now Kerigen)
    Mrs Patra Jenkins
    Miss Fannie Reeves  (now Carrington)
    Miss Nannie Bell                                                                       Died                                               Jan.      1877
    Miss Joe Simpson  (now Smith)
    Miss Fannie Shephard                                                               Lettered to join Liberty Church       Sept. 21, 1879
    L.L. Stuart
    W.H. Owens                                                                             Excluded for joining Campbellites
    Mrs. Sallie E. Broaddus                                                              Died
    Mrs. Francis Mason
    Joseph L. Hill                                                                             Letter                                           Sept. 22, 1889
    Joseph Collins                                                                            Excluded                                                  1899
    Thomas F. Hudson, Jr.                                                               Excluded                                       Jan. 23, 1881
    Eli S. Parkill
    Harry Kerrigan                                                                           Letter to Providence                    June 12, 1881
    William H. Hundley                                                                     Letter to Join cottonwood            Aug. 9, 1879
    Geo. Parkill                                                                                Died                                             Dec.    1882
    Andrew Sullivan                                                                         Excluded for non attendance         Nov.22,1891
    Leland Broaddus                                                                        Letter                                           Aug. 2, 1896
    Wm. Gee
    Joseph Lipscomb                                                                       Died                                              Aug.   1882
    Mrs. Maggie Broaddus
    Mrs. A. C. Murray
    Mrs Emma Jackson  (now Drinkard)
    Mrs. Anna Mahoney
    Miss. Lula Broaddus (now Jackson)
    Miss Lizzie Oliver      (now Womble)                                        Letter                                               Mar. 27, 1881
    Miss Matilda Hill
    Miss Georgia Harris  (now Bledsoe)                                         Letter                                                July 23, 1885
#-A.W. Leedom                                                                          Excluded                                           Oct.       1877
#-W.J. Merideth
X-J.J. McMillan                                                                          Excluded
X-Ed W. Hudson                                                                        Excluded                                            Oct.   1877
X-H.H. Mecom                                                                          Letter
X-Mrs. Jane Houston  (now Porter)
X-Mrs Alice Nelson
X-Mrs Fannie McArthur
    Geo Allbritton
    S. Morris                                                                               Excluded                                                        1884
    Mrs. Belle King                                                                      Letter                                                             1879
    Miss Nannie Chace
    A.F. Gee                                                                               Died                                                     Apr. 1884
    Evans Wood                                                                          Letter                                                   Feb. 2,1879
    W.E. Hood                                                                            Letter to join Cottonwood                    Sept. 21 1879

Last Update Monday, 07-May-2018 17:56:17 CDT

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