JUNE 1893-DECEMBER 31, 1925
 How recieved, # - Letter, O- Baptism, *Statement, + Restoration

           Name                                    Membership Date                                            How &      When Disposed of

    Gregg, Mrs. Lannie
    Gregg, Miss. Bessie-  Mrs Charley Moore at Pitts Bridge
    Gregg, Rowena-         Mrs. Rowena Moore at Gause, TX.
    Gray, Mrs. Nellie
    Gram, Charles & wife                                                                                                Letter             Oct.  12,  1910
    Gee, Mrs. Melissa
O-Glasscock, Miss. S.B.                     Dec. 31, 1893
O-Graham, Miss Dana                        Dec. 27, 1900
    Gram, Miss Irene                                                                                                       Letter              Oct.  12, 1910
O-Gray, Lenna                                                    1908
O-Gray, J.W. Jr.                                                  1908
    Garrett, Jesse                             License to Preach   Jan. 15, 1922                             Letter               Feb  26, 1922
    Gregg, Mrs. Fammie                                                                                                   Died                Jan.  26, 1916
    Gray, Ruby
    Gray, Mrs. Emma
    Gray, Mrs. Gus
    Gray, Miss Rosa
    Garrett, Mrs. Jesse                                                                                                      Letter              Aug.  27, 1922
+-Goodson, Maud                              Nov.  6, 1910
    Gerland, Mrs. A. B.
    Gerland, A. B.
    Gerland, Miss Annie                                                                                                    Letter              Nov.   1, 1916
    Godby, Mrs. Enoch                                                                                                     Letter              June   17, 1925
    Godby, Enoch                                                                                                             Letter              June    17, 1925
    Gunn, Mrs. E.N.                                                                                                         Letter               Aug.   22, 1915
    Gunn, E.N.                                                                                                                  Letter              Aug.   22, 1915
O-Gray, Fritz
    Gray, Miller
O-Gray, Mrs. Alex
#-Grizzard, Mrs. Emma
O-Grizzard, Irene
#-Granburg, Sue A.                            Feb. 7, 1897                                                       Letter                 July    26, 1903
#-Granburg, M.J.  (Jennie)                  Feb. 7, 1897                                                       Letter                 July    26, 1903
#-Gregg, Sister Henry                         Dec  1, 1918
#-Gregg, Henry                                   Dec. 1, 1918
*-Gerdes, Mrs. Charles                       Apr. 27, 1919
O-Gerdes, Leona                                June       1920

Last Update Monday, 07-May-2018 17:56:17 CDT

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