The members below were received at a Camp Meeting at Gee Spring Aug. 21, 1874
#- Letter, O-Bapatism, X-Restored,


X- T.J. Haddox                  Sept. 1, 1874                             Excluded                                    Dec.      1880
X- Mary L. Haddox           Sept. 1, 1874                              Died                                          Jan. 27, 1877
X-M.J. Haddox                  Sept. 1, 1874
Ed W. Hudson                    Sept. 1, 1874                              Excluded
X-Warren Sullivan              Sept. 1, 1874                               Excluded for joining Campbleite Curch
X-Lucy Sulivan                   Sept. 1, 1874   (now Owens)       Excluded
X-Archebald McIver           Sept. 1, 1874                              Letter to Mt. Calvery                   Aug. 10, 1882
X-Emma McIver                 Sept. 1, 1874    Baptised April 26, 1885             Letter                   June       1885
X-Wm. Reeves                   Sept. 1, 1874     Clerk-Dec 1, 1878                    Excluded             April 26, 1885
X-Bettie G. Broaddus          Sept. 1, 1874    (now McArthur)
X-Mrs. Anna Bell                Sept. 1, 1874
X-Miss Josephine Houston   Sept. 1, 1874    (now Hill)                                    Letter                  Sept. 22, 1889
X-M.J. Houston                    Sept. 1, 1874                                                      Letter                  Sept. 22, 1889
#-Mrs Elizabeth Houston       Sept. 1, 1874
X-Wm. Flynn                        Sept. 1, 1874                                                      Excluded
X-Rhoda F. Oliver                Sept. 1, 1874   (Hundley)
X-Alma Farmer                     Sept. 1, 1874   (Jones)
X-J.M. Powell                       Sept. 1, 1874
#-Miss Mary Harris               Sept. 1, 1874
#-Mary A. Powell                  Sept. 1, 1874
X-Miss Eleanor Stamps         Sept. 1, 1874
X-Jeff D. Autrey                    Sept. 1, 1874                                                       Letter                  Aug. 2, 1896
O-S. Bryson Murray                                    Sept. 1, 1874                                Dismissed
O-Isaac N. Jackson                                     Sept. 1, 1874
O-Miss alma Houston (now Farmer)            Sept. 1, 1874
O-Ora Belle Wyatt                                      Sept. 1, 1874                               Excluded
O-Estelle Wyatt                                           Sept. 1, 1874                Lettered to 2nd Creek Church         June 2, 1901

Last Update Monday, 07-May-2018 17:56:17 CDT

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